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The morning before the wedding

The day was fast, breakfast going by quickly. My dad and assistant chatted about work as I sat toying with the bananas laid on my plate.

"Son, the wedding is tomorrow." My dad spoke voice low, and his eyes didn't even lift up from the phone in his hand.

I let out hum in response as he sighed in frustration. I didn't care though because honestly he was annoying and I knew it was tomorrow.

"Sir, please today is wedding cake testing." Yoongi spoke with a unsteady voice.

I looked towards the male before nodding slowly as I looked at the clock on the wall.

"Aish. When?" I groaned as I took a sip of the tea in front of me.

"In about an hour." Yoongi smiled a gummy smile, trying to comfort me more.

"Seriously." I rolled my eyes before getting up and walking upstairs to my quiet bedroom.

"Moody.." I heard my dad mutter to Yoongi as I reached my door.

I walked in and peered in my closet as I thought of the wedding.

I grabbed out a grey hoodie, ripped skinny jeans, converse, and a black mask to go with the rest.

Dressing didn't take long so the rest of the time I sat in my room doing nothing important.

I tidied the desk my journal laid upon. As I cleaned it out I saw my diary and decided to leave it out to write later.

"Jimin!" Yoongi shouted from downstairs making his voice muffled.

I shuffled downstairs ready to leave and Yoongi followed to the black car outside.

The drive was quiet and sickening. The motion distorted my stomach as I wanted to leave so badly.

As soon as we arrived I hopped out and gulped in the fresh and cold breeze. Yoongi laughed as he motioned for me to remove my mask, but I shook my head.

When we walked in a boy and a older man stood at the counter looking ready to leave.

"Do you by any chance have motion sickness medicine?" I asked as I took slow and steady breaths.

Everyone shook their heads no, but the brown haired boy who looked about my age pulled out a small packet.

"Here!" He smiled handing a small pill over to me. He bowed and had a small bunny smile plastered on his face.

"Thanks so much. I tend to get motion sick so I should probably invest in some." I laughed at the boy as I swallowed the pill dry.

"It's fine; however, I get it as well. Have a good day, testing wedding cakes." He smiled as I bowed at the boy.

"And to you too." I smiled as the boy and the man behind him left.

"Hello, we are here for the afternoon cake testing." I smiled softly at the man behind the register.

"Oh yes, right this way." We followed him into a room with a table and chairs. Around it had multiple displays of cakes.

"I'm Taehyung, I'll be helping you today!" A man entered as the register man left.

"Hello Taehyung, I'm Jimin." I smiled as me and Yoongi sat down and Taehyung began to talk.

"So what kind of cake do we want Mr." Taehyung spoke as he walked peering into each display.

"The wedding theme is black and white. So maybe marble or something." Yoongi spoke as Taehyung nodded.

"Perfect." Taehyung smiled as he laid a few plates down about 15 minutes later.

Me and Yoongi both grabbed a small piece of layered chocolate cake.

"Too sweet." I spoke reaching for another cake. As Yoongi agreed and grabbed the same.

"Ahh, this one is blueberry and strawberry." Taehyung smiled as me and Yoongi began to eat.

"I actually don't really like blueberries.." I smiled reassuring Taehyung with a soft look.

"That's fine. Here try this." Taehyung smiled back giving me and Yoongi a marbled cake.

"Good!" I spoke eating the whole piece as Yoongi laughed. "I agree!" The assistant added in before Taehyung smiled.

"Interesting." Taehyung mumbled. I quickly gave him a confused look before he chuckled.

"Oh the young man before you had the same cake and wedding idea." Taehyung chuckled once again as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Wow that's cool." I spoke uninterested because no one asked for the man from befores information.

"Sorry. I'll make this cake and have it ready by tomorrow. Me and Jin nodded before heading out.

"So anymore plans for the wedding before tomorrow.." I sighed as I dreaded the day.

"Umm your dad and Mr. Jeon bought a house if you want to pack when you get home. Or sometime soon because, you can't live with us forever." Yoongi spoke talking slowly to let it sink in.

"Ohh, how big is it?" I asked toying with the whole in my ripped jeans.

"12 or 10 rooms I can't recall." Yoongi smiled before the car came.

As we arrived home I went straight to my room and began to write in my diary.

November 7, 2019
Dear Diary,
Today was hectic. I ran into the same guy twice? I don't know why I keep seeing him every where.

But I tried cake and we decided on a marble one. I have to move soon which I don't mind. But it's with a COMPLETE stranger so I hope it's big enough we don't cross paths.

Anyways I should go pack

xxx Jimin

I shut the yellow book before throwing it in my drawer out of sight.

I hope u guys like this book because i kinda have been wanting to write a forced marriage bOoK. <3

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