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The wedding was long, too long. It was unexpected. A boy? Seriously dad? I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact my dad let me marry a guy.

I sighed putting the stuff in my desk drawer into a box. Atleast the house was big enough where we'll only cross in the kitchen, maybe?

"Son!" My dad yelled from on the other side of my brown wooden door.

"What?" I groaned as I slammed the taped box down.

"Be done by 9pm we will be moving your stuff tonight. Be ready to move in tomorrow." My dad spoke harsh and stern.

I sighed as I packed up the last bit of my winter clothes, and laid my body down abruptly.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat and waited for my dads assistant to collect my things.

"Master." A knock sounded, which Im guessing was Jin.

"Hmm." I said as the door opened revealing just who I thought.

"Done packing?" He smiled sluggishly as I nodded looking at my empty room. All that was left was a mattress.

"Get his things." Jin smiled to the men who stood behind him, moving men.

Soon enough it was the next morning and I was on my way to the new house.

"Excited?" Jin asked trying to comfort me and my annoyance.

I shrugged before slouching down staring out the window. The house is supposed to be big.

When we arrived the house a car was already parked outside, my "husband".

I got out the car to see my moving truck already here unloading our things.

Jin bowed me off with a following up hug , "I love you, goodluck!" Jin smiled before leaving.

I widened my eyes as he walked off quickly. I sat there with my phone and a small bag in my hand.

A frail man walked up to me , "Want me to take your things and show you your room."

I shrugged as I gave him my things and walked behind the male. The walk was short since my bedroom was ground level.

"Here sir!" The man pointed into a room sitting another man with black hair. I arched my brow as the man looked up.

"Jungkook?!" He shouted jumping up. I widened my eyes as my mouth dropped Jimin, was in MY room.

"Why are you in my room?" I said concerned with a hateful attitude. Jimins eyes widened as big as mine.

"Your room? The man said it was mine!" Jimin said with a uncomfortable tone.

"Same!" I yelled pulling the strands in my head. I growled as I grabbed my things and stormed out.

I went to a room upstairs a whole floor from that monster.

"Young sir!" A guy walked in and bowed. I cocked my neck and turned to the boy.

"Who are you?" I said annoyed at the scene from earlier. He laughed awkwardly before introducing himself.

"I'm Jungwoo! I'll be your assistant as well as your husb-" Jungwoo spoke before I cut him off with a growl at the last word.

The boy smiled a foolish smile and shook his blonde bowl cut outside his face.

I rolled my eyes as the man walked out and waved me off. I started to unpack and unload all my stuff. As well as decorate and rearrange all the misplaced things.

I walked downstairs afterwards to get a snack and as I walked down Jimin sat cooking.

"What are you making?" I said annoyed peaking over his petite shoulder.

"Nothing for you." He growled back as I rolled my eyes and reached into the cabinet next to him. I pushed him a little as I grabbed a small chocolate filled cracker bag.

"Move what the-" Jimin pushed me causing me to fall and hit my wrist hard.

"Sir!" Jungwoo yelled entering and assisting me to get up.

"Jimin!" Jungwoo yelled at the boy. Jimin just shrugged and continued cooking. I bit the inside of my cheek wanting to punch him so bad.

I kept my distance and grabbed my snack before walking upstairs.

**A while later**

Jimin stood in the living room as I walked downstairs. He was watching some stupid show. I wanted to hurt him so bad for earlier.

I walked into the living room and sat down. I waited till Jimin left and poked out my foot just enough to cause the raven haired boy to trip and hit his head on the back of the couch.

"You little!" He screamed before jumping on me and started to choke me as I hit him in the stomach.

I pushed him off of me as I took over and started to choke him back as I caught my breath.

"Masters!" Jungwoo yelled once again as he was walking by. We both looked up as are hair was astray and me on top of the boy.

"Am I disturbing you?" He said smirking slightly as I hit Jimins shoulder motioning for him to get up. I awkwardly rubbed my neck as I ran into my room.

November 10, 2019
Today was AWFUL Jimin is so annoying and literally pushed me in the floor. And Jungwoo our assistant literally told us to share a room basically. Andddd he walked in on me choking Jimin because he hit me. That little pervert took it the wrong way! >;(

- Jjk

ewwwwe i haven't updated if anyone even reads this. i have been on break and didn't wanna write over break i wanted to reLaX. bUt please expect a bit more updates-
the next few chapters will b fillers because it'll take a while for a plot to get better.

i hope y'all still like it lol i'm trying.

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