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I sat on the floor smiling like a lunatic after Jimin kissed my head. I couldn't contain myself and covered my face as I cheesed.


I pushed my self up from the floor and ruffled my hair. I walked into my room and jumped for joy.

'Why did he forgive me so easily?'

'It doesn't matter because he forgave me..'

I wiped the smile off my face when my phone started buzzing.

"Hello!" I said as I picked up the phone.

"Hi~" Jimin spoke.

"Hmm?" I said as I was unsure why the elder didn't come talk to me.

"I miss you.." Jimin said in a honey tone.

"I- I miss you too." I said confused.

"What?" Jimin said obviously pouting.

"Why are you being nice now?" I mumbled.

"Because, I don't mind you. Your perfect~" Jimin said lightly.

"U-Uh.. thank you." I said blushing.

"Come here!" Jimin said as I hung up. I walked downstairs towards his room and knocked lightly.

"Come in!" Jimin said happily.

"What did you want?" I smiled.

"Oh, uhh.. wanna go out?" Jimin said looking towards my legs.

"Out as in to town or?" I said slightly wanting the latter option.

"Um, I- town I guess.." Jimin said as I nodded.

"Okay~ I gotta go change!" I said cheerily before leaving his room. I climbed up the stairs and ran into my room.

'I need to look nice!'

I opened my dresser observing every item of clothing.

"Ugh!" I sighed in frustration as nothing looked good enough to impress the elder.
I scattered and scooted more clothes around before deciding on a white shirt paired with black pants.

"Nothing to flashy." I said reassuring my self. I changed into the basic clothing that suited me well. I ruffled up my hair and brushed my fingers through it. I patted the top straightening any stray hairs.

I walked towards the shoe rack  and pondered on which to wear. I chose a basic black pair of boots to tie the outfit off.

I grabbed a black mask and held it by the strings on my hand. I made sure to take my phone incase anything happens at home.

I spritzed a bit of cologne on before rushing downstairs into the elders room. Jimin was shirtless and looked fine.

"Wow.." I muttered as any other words were incapable of describing the naive elder.

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