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I sat in my room after bickering with Jungkook. I sulked as I pouted staring at the wall.

'To be honest, I don't know why I'm mad.'

'Wait, Jungkook cheated, lied, left me out of no where.'

I pouted once more as I quit thinking with the small knock on my door. I didn't look up as I expected it to be Jungkook, and it was.

I looked at him and gave him a hateful glare as he avoided my eyes and sat down at my desk. I looked over at Jungkook who was toying with the pencils on my desk. His chubby cheeks were in a natural pouty face making my heart skip a beat.

I gave a concerned look at myself who had just felt my heart flutter for that stupid. Jungkook mirrored my face as he watched me argue with myself internally.

"Um.. so Jimin?" Jungkook said slowly looking me up and down. I stared into Jungkooks eyes as I wanted him to continue, or I wasn't going to deal with it.

"Hmm?" I said agitated.

"So Jungwoo told me to apologize, and I'm not good at these things. But, I want to be friends again. I wanna be close.." Jungkook said stopping as if he had more to say.

"Ahhh.." I hummed as I understood him slightly.

"I wanna talk to you. I miss everything. I miss that moment when we were hugging. I miss you a lot. I just got confused, but I figured it out." Jungkook assured me. His smile sugar coated everything. I sat in awe watching the younger fiddle trying to find words.

"I miss you too.." I let in speaking the truth because I actually took a liking to the latter.

Jungkook jumped up and ran towards me engulfing me into his arms. His scent surrounded me as I missed it from our last hug.

"Jimin..?" Jungkook whispered softly causing my breath to hitch. I hummed as he took a hint and continued.

"Never mind." He said laughing slightly as his body towered over mine. I felt my breath become finicky. I couldn't sit still as he breathed onto my neck causing me to feel heated.

"Jungkook, please." I whined slowly as my voice was deep from keeping me from doing anything. I felt hot and lustful from the younger on top of me.

'Why am I feeling this I don't like guys!'

'Jimin! Snap out of it!'

"I don't wanna!" Jungkook whined jokingly as he lifted from the hug. He now sat with his butt on my crotch. I bit my cheek keeping an innocent look. At this moment I knew wether I liked him, or I didn't I wanted him. I've never slept with a guy. I've never thought to, but the lust took over me.

"Jungkook, your getting your self into something you can't get out of." I said deeply trying to push the younger off me. His face held a pout as he was just joking around not knowing of any such because, who would expect it. I was mad like twenty minutes ago now I want him on top of me.

For some reason I wanted Jungkook to top me, even though I've always been top. Just to admire his majestically sculpted chest.

Before I could hold it any longer I pulled Jungkook down by his collar. Jungkook laid on top of me stunned as our lips were about an inch away from another.

"J-Jim-" I cut off the younger as I connected our lips barely able to hold myself together. I could feel my boner rising as I was unsure of why I wanted a guy right now.

Jungkook followed along after a minute or so of being shocked. He deepened it dominating my mouth. After the heated kiss I pulled away to catch my breath before Jungkook lustfully pulled me in. He bit my lip causing a small moan to open my mouth. He sheepishly let his tongue in exploring the cavern of my mouth. I liked the warm feeling inside my mouth, but I knew all to well it was to soon to do this with him at especially since he's a guy.

"J-Jungkook, we cant do this Jungwoos home." I said in between the steamy kiss we exchanged which will probably make things awkward. But I knew we couldn't continue he probably wouldn't even like me.

"Y-yeah your right..." Jungkook mumbled rubbing the back of his neck out of habit. Jungkook laid himself next to me and huffed loudly.

"J-Jimin?" Jungkook mumbled catching his breath as did I. I turned on my side facing the younger who's highlighted hair was flipped up.

"What Jeon?" I said completely oblivious as to why I was mad earlier. Jungkook looked so cute laying beside me, although he was bigger then me.

"I-I think I like you..." Jungkook said inaudibly so I was unable to hear him. I hummed as to say I didn't hear the boy. And Jungkook bit his pouted lip.

"Well, I- never mind!" Jungkook said ruffling his brown messy hair. He wiped off his lips and laid still unable to move.

"Oh okay.." I smiled softly back at the younger before looking up at the ceiling.

"Do you think Jungwoo heard us..?" Jungkook giggled slightly.

"I hope not." I said embarrassed feeling my face grow red.

"Ahh!" I hit Jungkook as I heard a knock on the door.

"Shh." Jungkook said covering my mouth with his slender hands. I giggled muffled, but audible.

"Um, excuse me?" Jungwoos head peered in causing me and Jungkook to turn facing the elder.

"Yes?" Jungkook said slightly awkward.

"S-someone's here for you Jungkook?" Jungwoo said eyeing me and him.

"Oh okay!" Jungkook said slightly raising himself from beside me.

I followed a bit behind to see who was waiting for the younger. As they reached the door and I peaked from the steps.

Once the door opened a girl sat outside it. She was pretty with brown hair and was dressed in a cute coat.

'Maybe it's his sister or something..'

I tried to believe it wasn't anyone till the girl spoke loudly, "I'm pregnant.." Jungkook gasped as did I.

Tears filled the corners of my eyes.

'She had to be lying she can't be can she?'

a bit of smooch cuz idk. and idk where to lead we jus need conflict cuz ik readers love when things happen to interfere •3•

and jk almost confessing twice 😳

and thanks for 3k literally last chapter i was thanking you all for 2k wow! 🥺❤️❤️

Please continue to support my book <3

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