
11K 404 285


"Here." Jungkook said handing me some ice cream and medicine. I opened the bag and smiled warmly at him.

"Thanks!" I said as I took a pill out of the packet. He nodded and left.

'Why is he being nice?'

'Is he pitying me?'

I sighed as I ate the ice cream and got up. I sat down at my desk and pulled my diary out of the desk.

November 15, 2019
Dear diary,
Today was.... not good?
I got so mad my dad was being a literal baby. He is so inconsiderate and then I got all cry baby and started crying. Jungkook tried to help me? I don't know why.

He is really nice when we aren't being literal nuisance to one another. Lol, I am eating ice cream from jk.

Also he walked in on me in my boxers, and his little face got all red he was so flustered. Lolol Anyways gnnnn<3

- xxx jimin

I laid the book back where it came from and finished off the ice cream. As I walked down stairs to throw away the container it was silent.

No one was up and the squeaks coming from the floor were so loud. I tip toed towards the trash before throwing it in causing a 'swish' really loud. I stepped back really quickly so it wouldn't be heard over my step.

But with my luck I tripped over the carpet and fell. I made the loudest sound I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard it.

"Is everything all right?" A soft but sleepy voice sounded from the top of the steps. Jungkooks sleepy voice. I woke him up.

"Uhm. Yeah I just fell sorry. Did I wake you?" I spoke softly because Jungwoo slept near the kitchen. The figure tip toed
down the stair. The moon light opened up and it was Jungkook.

His messy hair, puffy eyes, and mouth open slightly. He stepped closer to me. The darkness caused him to trip and fall. And of course he fell on top of me. I just sat there underneath a embarrassed, reddened Jungkook.

"I- um- I- I..." Words couldn't form as my tongue was tied. I felt so embarrassed I could feel my cheeks turning pink.

"Uh- umm...." Jungkook froze as our eyes met. I quickly looked away from him. His hot breath was heavy on my neck.

"I'm sorry.." He said apologetically before getting up after what felt like hours. All I could do was cover my reddened face and laugh. My giggle caused Jungkook to laugh.

"I don't know why I didn't move." He said slowly playing with his string on his pants. Only now did I realize he was shirtless. I smiled slightly before standing up and walking toward the steps.

"It's okay. It was just an accident!" I smiled as I bowed and walked upstairs towards the bathroom. As I walked in I looked in the mirror and my face was bright pink.

I splashed cold water on my face to cool it down. When I finished I wiped my face and walked back downstairs. Jungkook stood at the fridge looking for something.

"Hey can you give me a yogurt?" I asked Jungkook and he nodded before bending down, and grabbing a small yogurt.

"Here!" He smiled before continuing his search for whatever he wanted. I put a straw in the lid before sipping on it.

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