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I excused Jungwoo as I walked outside following Mina. I huffed as I waited for her to explain her ruckus.

"So, I took a test and it's positive.." She trembled handing me a pink test showing 2 faint lines, positive.

I gave her the test back and looked at her figure seeing she was still as skinny as when we met. Mina put the test in her bag smiling at me.

"Mina, I'm glad your pregnant, but I know for a fact it isn't mine. If it was you'd be like six months pregnant and huge, and by the looks of it you aren't. Also I didn't sleep with recently at all. So I'm glad you fount a hookup who wouldn't take it." I said serious and agitated as I knew she had to be lying. Last time I saw her I didn't even touch her.

'Please don't mess Jimin and I up anymore then I need!!'

I internally prayed as I watched Mina roll her eyes and crossing her eyes in a bratty manner. By her attitude I knew something was up.

"Jungkook, you don't know!" She yelled at me slightly causing my head to ache at the nonsense.

"Mina I do now leave!" I shouted just as loud back. She let out a gasp and bit her lip causing a few tears to well up.

"J-jungkookie..." She mumbled softly and sympathetic. I could tell it was an act. I knew I didn't like her, and I made sure.

"Mina, now! I don't want to hear it. If you wanna put on an act Im not a casting company!" I shouted as Mina huffed nodding and turning to leave.

"But Jungkook, What if it is yours?" She said stopping as I was at the steps now.

"No buts or what ifs it isn't!" I shouted again as I stormed inside boiling. In the kitchen Jungwoo and Jimin sat talking. Jimins perfectly sculpted body was amazing. I lowkey wished we did more than kiss, but he doesn't even like me.

I walked over to them and sat down and meeting Jimins eyes caused my tongue to tie. My words were tripping but wouldn't fall. The words wouldn't form as I felt extremely awkward eyeing the younger after that.

"Uhh.. Sorry.." I said breaking the ice conquering my crybaby fit.

"Don't be! So is she pregnant?" Jungwoo smiled foolishly as I chuckled. I looked at Jimin who had no interest in the topic.

"Obviously not. Last time we met was the other day, and I didn't even touch her. And the last time I slept with her was around six months ago so.." I said pursing my lips letting a sizzle sound escape.

"Ahh I see." Jungwoo spoke, but I didn't look at him. I was staring at the disgusted look on Jimins face, as if it was disgusting I'd slept with a girl.

"W-what?" I said looking at Jimin who had grimly raised his expressions in a mortified manner.

"Nothing. How long did you two date?" Jimin said shaking his head and giving me an evil eye.

'Please, why is it every time we make up I always screw up.'

"A year and a half I believe." I said slightly grossed out thinking about it. Jimin nodded and grabbed the orange juice in front of me. He took a sip of the straw and Jungwoo coughed awkwardly.

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