Ep. 8

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Only the sound of our shoes clicking were heard as we walked down the long hallway, towards the bathroom.

We didn't realize how close we were walking up until I accidentally hit his elbow with mine.

"so.. You're the Khun that got kicked out, huh?"

"yes, how'd you know?"

"we... Well, my family talked about you for a long time.."

"as expected."

Then silence..

He turned his head towards me. "you planning to tell anyone else, you're the mysterious Daeyang?"

"I- well, I maybe Bam-"

My head was suddenly slammed against the wall. "wha-"

I opened my eyes, and saw his face close to mine, nose almost touching. His hands were placed beside my head, trapping me.

"you trust him enough to tell him that huh?" his blue eyes stared at my lagoon-(e/c) mixed eyes. "what- I.. He's a good guy!"

Is he angry? He doesn't look angry. But what-

A blush crept through my face.

"why- why do you care anyways?" I huffed, looking away. He let out a groan. "do whatever." he said and continued walking towards the bathroom.



What just-

Is he jealous? No that can't be it? Why would he be jealous about me sharing a secret about myself that only a few Close people should know. Right? Hahaha.. Haha.. Ha..

I let out a strained laugh as I walked back to meet Bam and the others. "ha.. Haha... Those Khuns sure are unpredictable huh?"

"hey (y/n), just in time." Khun walked up to me, like nothing happened. But then again, Bam would get suspicious if we acted more awkward.


"I came here with a very good news!" I turned around to see Lero Ro again. "I talked with the supervisor before I came here. She told us to give you a bonus game!" he said excited, contrary to our sour mood.

"sorry, but I don't think it's good for us to take another test." the jumpsuit guy said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but the bonus game has nothing to do with the test. It is up to each team whether they want to play or not. There is no penalty if you want to play or not."

He smirked, "but the winner of the bonus game gets to the final test of this floor. The get to go right to the next floor."

His words certainly grabbed all of our attention. Onto the next floor? After like, immediately? Who wouldn't take that chance.

"that game is called the crown game."


"so basically, we just have to sit on the throne with the crown?" I repeated. I may or may not have dozed off while Lero Ro was explaining. "yes, and you are not allowed to leave the throne if you have the crown." Khun continued. "okay, got it. Thanks, Khun." he just simply nodded.

How weird. One second, he's all friendly, the next second he's suddenly super jealous or whatever, and now we're buddy buddy again?

What is wrong with this guy. Is he emotionally unstable? Or is he actually just jealous? No way right?

"starting now, I will count for the first round participants!"

"let's just stay back for this first round." Khun ordered. We nodded after.



I sat crossed leg behind Khun, who's sitting down, balancing himself with his arms placed behind him.

My hand instinctively went to touch his hair. It's... Soft!? "what kind of fucking shampoo do you use!?" I mumbled silently. His hair was so smooth and untangled. So neat and soft. My gods how can a man's hair be this soft!?

I ended up just playing with his hair absent mindedly. Probably due to the nervousness. Yeah, that. Not the fact that his hair has an addicting sweet scent and how soft and smooth it is.

"C-Can you stop that..?" Khun asked, not looking at me. "oh! Sorry!" I released his hair and it falls neatly to its place.


I'm jealous.

I couldn't even focus on the match because of his hair. Damn it!

"DAMN YOU ANAAK!" I heard the jumpsuit guy yell.

Khun slumped back against the wall, releasing a sigh. "what a relief."

"I don't know why but that monstrous lizard decided to sit on the chair." Bam looked at him with a confused look. "is that good for us?" he asked innocently.

"of course! At least the one sitting can't move freely."

I nodded understandingly. Looks like we have a chance to win after all.


"that lauroe guy sure have guts!" I giggled. "and not to mention, he's kinda cute-" I felt a cold glare behind my back. "ignition!" the lizard woman yelled. An ignition weapon!? But I thought I-

"I'll kill all of you!" she giggled. Talk about being a murderess psycho.

While laughing to myself, I felt something shaking behind me all of the sudden. "Bam..?"

love in between -Khun x reader- Tower of god-Where stories live. Discover now