Ep. 12

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I laid down on my bed, rubbing my jaw. That bitch punched hard.

I groaned into my pillow. "fucking bitch!"

Bam hasn't woken up and it's been two days. Tomorrow is the day of the test and he doesn't wake up he'll miss it!

"(y/n)?" came a knock on the door. I hummed as a response.

The person on the other side took it as permission to enter and he opened the door. "Khun? What's up?" he sat down across me, leg crossed.

He stared at me, intensity might I add. "um... Khu-" he lunged out to grab my cheeks with both hands. Squeezing it tight. "have you not taken a bath yet? It's 5 in the evening! Your hair looks like a mess!"


"what!? I already took a bath! Stop being a nag! Did you go all the way here to nag me?! You grandpa!" I pushed his hand off my face.

We stayed in silence after that.

"did you hear what that reptile was yelling earlier?" I broke the quietness. He looked at me with a questioning look. "she was complaining about how the black March doesn't want to listen to her or shibisu." I snickered. "hah! Bitch."

"I guess it only listens to Bam. He mentioned the black March helped him once."

He looked at the window. "it's getting dark. I'm heading back." he jumped off my bed with ease. "hey khun." he hummed. "thanks. Y'know. For everything."

He stopped by the door frame and sent me a small smile before closing it.


"Khun!" I ran up to him, waving my hand. He only looked at me in response. "is Bam not awake yet?" he sadly shook his head with a sigh. "oh no..."

As time went past, more regulars entered the yellow lit room. Lero Ro finally showed up after some time. "hello regulars! How was your break!"

Lero Ro proceeded to explain to us about the position test.

"do you think I got wave controller? Because I'm a Daeyangs y'know."

Khun shrugged his shoulders. "you can control shinsu?"
"hm? I thought you knew. Kids are thought the basics and how to make bangs to cover their... Magic... Oh I fucked up. Hard." why didn't I make a contract with the administrator!? I'm so stupid!

I could've avoided exposing myself!

"here are your positions!" Lero Ro brought his lighthouse in front.
"hey Khun, you got light bearer!" I pointed at the yellow lighthouse with his name. "what's best seed?" asked a horned guy. "those are the titles given to students who did well on the last test." he explained.

"Khun, you got best seed lol." I punched him in the shoulders jokingly. He shrugged it off, looked around some more.

I traced my finger across the lighthouse and stopped at my name. "fisherman..? I'm... The fourth fisherman in my family... After my mom..." I mumbled to myself.

Make sense. I did just sprayed a girl with blue, sparkling, water. That appeared from my hand. Haha. I'm so stupid. God.

"hey, cheer up. It's not that bad." Khun put a hand on my shoulder. "yeah, probably going to get disowned for the second time. Haha." I chuckled depressingly.


It has been two days since the position test. We were hanging around in Bam's room. Rak was casually eating his banana as usual.

"never thought the four of us would make a good team, y'know. But we all just need a scout to complete the team." I joked. "we can just drag shibisu to our team." Khun gave me a smile. "don't mate in front of me turtles. Disgusting." a blush crept itself on my face, as well as Khun's but less noticeable.

"you're funny, crocodile."
"I wasn't joking, blue turtle."

"Rachel...don't go..."
"Bam?" I turned my head towards the sleeping boy.

"you would make a good stand up comedian."
"you would make a good meal."

"uh guys..?"

"yeah? People eat crocodiles too sometimes."
"you turtles are stupid."

"don't go..."

"Bam??? Are you awake!?"

I let out a loud groan. "why didn't you tell me sooner!?" Khun said, rushing to Bam's side.

I let out another groan.

"Mr. Khun? Where am I?"
"we're still on the test floor." I got closer to Bam's side. "morning sunshine."

He gave a small smile, wincing a bit, "hi Ms. (y/n)." I looked at him worriedly. "you okay? I mean, of course you're not."

"how long have I been asleep?" Bam asked. Khun lets out a sigh. "you were out for 5 days."

"what!?" he asked in shock. "what about the test!? Did I fail!?"

"about that..." Khun stopped, adding in the dramatic affects. "to tell you the truth..."

A vein popped in my head. "you-"

"you didn't fail yet." Rak cut my words. I nodded after him. Khun looked at Rak with a disappointed gaze.

"eh-what happened!? How did I not fail the test?" he leaned his body, gripping the sheet that covered him. "you were... Lucky."

"yeah. The wave controller's teacher had a bit of a problem and wasn't going to come in until tomorrow. Lucky right?" I explained, grinning slightly. "other positions have already had two classes. If you missed that, you would've lost a lot of points." Khun said, crossing his arm.

I let out a loud huff. "hmph. Endorsi and Anaak keeps making problems in the classes. It's so annoying! I get points still, but ugh!" I crossed my arm in a pouting manner. "um... What about Rachel?" Bam timidly asked. "Rachel..? Do you mean the girl you saved?"

"oh haha!" he laughed awkwardly. That doesn't usually happen. "she... she's fine! The wound wasn't deep at all!" Khun stuttered out. That is definitely not normal.

I glanced at him suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. He only looked back at me with an awkward smile. "thank God! Rachel..."

"HAHA! Yeah! That girl!" that laugh was to loud to be genuine. "but Bam, that girl... I don't think she's the girl you're looking for."

Bam eyes him suspiciously, confusion also mixed in his eyes. "what?"
"I asked her and she said she's never seen you before!"

Bam's grip on the bed sheet tightened until his hand shook. "it can't be..."

"you're just confused Bam! It happens sometimes!" he let out one more awkward laugh before he eyes Bam sharply, his smile dropping.

Looks like they both forgot my existence, because I eyed them both suspiciously. Khun is hiding something and Bam is clearly suspicious.

" okay, okay, let's go back to our rooms! It's getting dark!" I smacked Khun's back roughly, launching him forward. "hey!"

I dragged my feet outside.

The sky was dark, pitch black. I leaned against the railing, a sigh passed my lips. "why do I suddenly feel left out?"

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