Ep. 49

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Khun Edahn stared up at Jahad, as splashes of electricity occurred around him.
"I'm surprised to see you here, fake." he... Partially greeted with the tiniest amount of enthusiasm. "fake?" Jahad tilts his head to the side slightly, "you keep calling me that."

Khun edahn's body visibly tensed and his Jaws tighten. "of course, because you're a fake." he spat, "you're not the Jahad that I know. The Jahad I know is an adventurer. Not a king."

The yellow haired king said silently clearly, "I guess you don't know me well." he started, "I was born with the seeds of a king."

Edahn scoffed at his words, "there you go again with That bullshit."

It's absurd. Too weird for (y/n)'s tiny head. To many things to take in. She could only stare with confusion.

As more rocks crumbled to the ground, her ears picked up a scrunching sound from beside her. "Lord Edahn!" Hansung Yu, the data version called out.

The long blue haired man casted his glance, only slightly, at him. "is it you coffee addict?"
Hansung Yu bowed down low at the ground, "thank you for remembering the promise!" Khun Edahn, his head now fully turned towards him asked, "which one's the kid you promised?"

Jahad kicks into the conversation, "you don't mean the black haired boy over there, do you?"

Instinctively, (y/n) puts a hand over Bam's chest. Not only to defend, but also as a warning.

Jahad, who barely casted a glance at (y/n) earlier, now had his eyes fully on her.
It sent chills down her spine.
Not because of fear, but because something inside her was trying to claw itself out.

Despite his cold stare, (y/n) stared back, with gritted teeth and harsh, angry eyes.
If looks could kill, it would have been a full battle of survival.

But (y/n) was keeping the king distracted.
He hadn't noticed his 'friend' had contacted someone.
But it didn't take long for him to notice.

"Khun, let's get outta here." the (h/c) haired girl tugs at her boyfriends arm, trying to pull him with her outside, where it would at least be one percent safer.
She'd take any chance she gets.

But as soon as they start running, the ceiling had dropped blue large crystal shards and blocked their path to the outside.

Like a confused deer, (y/n) looked left and right to find a way out. A gap.
But none to be seen by her mix colored eyes.

As she was distracted, in a panicked state, not for herself, but for the man beside her, she hadn't taken any notice that more knife sharp shards were dropped from above their heads, intended to kill in one shot.

It was Khun's embrace that had her mind back in reality.
Though luckily none of them had gotten hurt during that as Khun Edahn shot the crystals into Tiny pieces.

In the midst of this chaos, (y/n) had an idea pop out inside that mind of hers.

To melt these shards away as if they were blocks of ice.
As she had heard, the Yeon flame can easily melt and burn away anything.
Risky, but worth the shot.

She let the feeling of her chest release it and it went out of her hands and into the crystals like caged tigers.

(y/n) was to busy trying to inject that fire within the crystal to notice the fighting had resolved itself. Only a tap on the shoulder from Khun had knocked her back.

"and I'll be taking that girl." Jahad jerked his chin towards (y/n)'s kneeling body, a confused look stretched on her face.
And then it clicked like a seat belt.

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