Ep. 41

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A fox.
It's sad because I love foxes.
Now I have to fight it?

But anyway, the cute looking fox only stared down at us after eating waste man whole.

The plan was to gather all the shinsu in this room and transfer it into Khun's lighthouse. That way, the fox will have no choice but to get in his lighthouse, which means we're safe from upcoming death!

After we left the room, we asked a couple of reguars if they'd seen Alphine, but what'd you know it. She's just casually walking. "hey, aren't you too relaxed?"

"you - how did you get here!" her body snapped at us. "what about the shadow fox?!"

"that cute thing? It's in Khun's lighthouse." the fox hissed. Hissed?

How is it hissing-

We told her how we got out the cage etc. Etc.

She's might be a bit impressed.

But she pulled a needle against her throat, being stopped by Bam. "I didn't expect you to tell us right away, but we don't have the time to gather all the ten bosses name."

Bam placed a hand on her back. The count down stopped after ten.


We followed the lighthouse towards the escalator. But as soon as we got there...

"hey guys. Good work so far." isu greeted. In his hand, he holds...is that a shinsu bomb?!

"isu, what's that in your hand!?"
"this? It's a pokeball."
"no! It's a shinsu bomb! A bomb! Why do you have a Bomb!?" he kept smiling though. "ah... I cant believe we're fighting over something like this~" he flicks his hand, and the shinsu bomb goes exploding behind him.

"what the fuck dude! Not cool!"


We made a grand entrance of blowing a window behind Kaiser because I said so.

"if we keep doing this, we might one day die." Khun commented. "I know that." I mused, "but it's dramatic! Anyways, shh now isn't the time."

~~~(y/n) doesn't really do anything when Bam was battling Kaiser so... I'm going to give you a bunch of moments that I thought of between their battle~~~


Khun's lighthouse went off, it read "I saved the alligator. Tell him to make sure to keep his promise." what's up with people and their promises. I've rarely made any promises in my life.
Anyways, in the bottom, it read, the annoying redhead.

After Khun tells Bam about this, I turned to him." does she call you the annoying blue head? Because that's some relationship goals right there."

"(y/n), you are literally my girlfriend."


"oh my God, look at that armed inventory. I'd kill for all those swords and needles." my eyes widened in awe, "you go girl!"

"we're not supposed to cheer her on!" a whack on my head was felt after.

"girls are supposed to stick together Khun."

"I swear to God."


"dude I really love her dress. Look at those shoes too. Like damn." my hand did a fanning motion towards my face, "I'd go gay for her."

"remind me why you're my girlfriend?" I lifted his hand up to my face and pressed the back against my lips. "because you love me." he took one good look at my sly face and looked away.


A wolf jumped at Bam, biting his arm. "oh shit!" I winced, looking at his bleeding arm. Bam told us to stay put. I wasn't planning to jump down there anyways. Not when I can attack from up here.

But I'm not going to do that. I ain't a stupid biss.

The wolf stood guard near Kaiser. "but can we just talk about how cute that thing is?"

Khun looks done with my shit.

~~~end of that Montage~~~

"hey... Khun?" Bam settled his gaze at Khun. He was forced to rest on Khun's lighthouse after the fight. "I can walk on my own..."

"whatever. Just lie there." sometimes I grow jealous at how caring Khun is for Bam. It's how much he cares about me but triple that. He turns his head at the horned guy, "but are you sure you're okay with ending things like this?"

He explained how he felt bad about Kaiser's past and gets why she did what she did, basically.
But as he was talking, God damned Endorsi decided to pop out of nowhere and step on Bam, who is clearly tired and needs rest!

"hey you! I said I will see you tomorrow night!" Bam quickly rolls over. Trying to avoid another one of Endorsi's punch. "h-hold on Endorsi! Let's talk!!"

Khun kept shouting 'hey' over and over again. This is quite the scene.

Bam explained that she won't lose her position as a Jahad princess because of that promise they both made earlier.

"honestly, I wasn't crazy about this..." he let out an exasperated sigh, "since we got help from Fug..."

"yeah, it's a lot of money too." I let out a dramatic sigh, "like, what kind of family? If I owe money to my family, it won't even reach twenty dollars."

They both looked at me weirded out. That's normal.

Hwaryun did say it's like pennies to a slayer candidate, but still. Depending on Fug? Not on my agenda.

"and Khun, there seems to be a problem with the princesses." of course there is. Because nothing in life is peaceful. "there are two princesses here." the twin princesses. "but I heard them being cahoots with Khun Mascheny Jahad."

A Khun princess? Not just that, a high ranker! Not only that, a friend of Leonet Daeyang Jahad. And I wondered if she's in on whatever is going on here too.

"Mascheny Jahad!? That woman's a high ranker!"
"that's what bothered me too. Maybe Mascheny Jahad is trying to interfere directly in this factional strife."

"and... I don't know about this, but there seems to be two more princess working with them. Her name is, Maria and the other is Leonet."

Oh shit

Double Oh shiiit.



A girl comes out to the auction stage. "there she is!"

Oh my lord she's beautiful.

The Kaiser had long, flowing beautiful raven hair. Her eyes were sharp along with her face structure. She's just beyond perfect.

Makes me self conscious now that you think about it.

"haaah, She's so pretty." I fanned my face.
Khun turned to face me, "you're more beautiful."

I stared back at him. "I'm saying I'd date her. Not jealous."

He shakes his head.

The girl Elaine did amazing on the stage. Really talented. 10/10

I feel like (y/n) can do so SO much more if she's an official character. But I'M scared to make One FALSE MOVE and end up messing thE WHOLE FUCKING PLOT. HCJJE I JUST-

She can do so much shit with her powers but I also can't write everything because I'm paranoid that the plot will just all crash together.

I think for the next one, I might make (y/n) contribute and be more useful. Lmao

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