Ep. 37

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(y/n) looked around the rusty pipe. She calls it rusty only because she's sulking. The interiors are great otherwise.

Her sour mood can turn fresh milk bad.

She stalks the long pipes alone, her (f/c) needle out in the open, hanging between her fingers.

She'd have to find someone. And quick. She could be at a disadvantage if she bumps into a team or a group of enemies. Greater yet, Hoaqin himself. She'd actually want end him before he could speak shit. But her strength for the unnamed skill hasn't fully return yet and it would do more harm to her than good.

Her loud groan echoed through the long passage. She's sure it'll alert any enemy or teammate, if she's lucky enough.

But it looks like the gods have left her side.

"you..." he steps forward. The mad dog guy. "I'd kill you if it wasn't illegal. But the spotlight goes to Bam. I'll break an ankle or two." she gave him a side grin.
Even though she is nervous.

The mad dog.

He has that title for a reason.

"you're arrogant." he steps a bit further. "wow, such a new insult." (y/n) braced herself.

But it looks like no one is making the first move.
And due to this specific fact, they parted ways. Unless he wanted to waste his time, he has no use fighting against her. His target was Bam and Bam alone.


Wasting around five minutes of her life staring at a man that might pounce on her wasn't exactly fun.

It's not her type of amusement.

On the other hand, she has a boyfriend to catch. She can't waste another minute eyeing another man that's not hers, whether with the intent to kill or not. Wasting time is still wasting time.
Although, she's not used to being alone like this. There is usually the annoying arrogant bastard by her side. It wouldn't be so quite with him.
It takes time to adjust to the loneliness, but it won't be for long until they meet each other. Or at least she hoped.

And (y/n) wonder how Khun is doing.

~~~Khun 3rd pers. pov~~~

When he appeared inside the pipes, the first thought put into his head is that (y/n) would be beside him, like always. But that wasn't the case.
He continued on forward, unwavering. Looking as confident and arrogant as always.
But not inside.

He's worried for his girlfriend and if she would be able to survive on her own without him. Is she even alone? Who is she with?

He swallowed a lump that formed in his throat when he thinks about (y/n) hanging out, being all close to another guy.
Not that he wants to put Bam in a tight spot, but she's too comfortable with Bam, even when Khun's around.

"she's fine." His teammate, Hwaryun comforts. Putting a hand on his shoulder. Mockingly, he supposed, with a hint of reassurance. He gives her a single nod. A swift, cutting move.

He shouldn't worry about her to much. He knows what she's capable of. How many she has killed when he tells her to. Only when he orders her would she put a blade inside someone's heart. She wouldn't do it on her own judgments.

But he has other, much more trivial things to worry about other than his overpowered, too nice girlfriend. Like the strutting blond bitch behind him.

~~~back to (y/n)~~~

Knowing Khun, he's probably worrying about her - Though he doesn't show it.

(y/n)'s throat burned with each gulp of air she consumes and with every step her legs take make her feel scorching pain. Never was and never will be good at running far, or fast. No matter how fit she is. Though she runs faster than Khun.

Or is it because of the long endless pipe did she feel like she doesn't seem to reach to where her destination is. Good thing most of the passage has been blocked, leading me to only one path.

But finally, after a long run, she saw the usual blue hair she grew accustomed to.
Wanting to call him, but seeing That bitch Rachel challenging him, the power in her quaked.

"blue turtle!!!"

OH gods damn it - she cursed.

Khun was being the arrogant ass he is towards Rachel when he spots his girlfriend lurking in the background. His posture became more loose and relaxed.

(y/n) ran up to him and jump into his arms. As if to say, 'fuck you Rachel, you lonely homo sapian bitch. You will never get a boyfriend.'

"as I was saying, let's have a match to see who will win the last remaining Dallars." Khun continued. Again with his tricks and arrogance. "one on one, just you and me."

Rak voices out his complaint, ignored by Khun's.

"alright, let's hear it."


"toss it already." Rachel demanded. (y/n) holds herself back as she felt like snapping her neck in half. "(y/n), please toss it."

She looked at the coin that laid in her palm nervously.

"how do I make it head?" she spared Khun a glance. He looked at her agitated, "I don't know, just do it already!"

(y/n) tossed the coin on the blue colored lighthouse.
It finally rolled over showing the number ten.

Khun let out a relieved sigh, and so did (y/n). "thank God." she let out a breathless chuckle.

After tossing one dallar at them, Khun's team made their way towards the exit. "I thought you'd kill her damn it. I was going to choke her dead." (y/n) said as they left the pipes and reappeared in another room. "Bam! You made it." Bam's head snapped at Khun's party, relieved to see everyone else alive and thriving. At least Khun's team had better luck.

After catching up the important stuff with Bam, like how Hoaqin was now 'one' and That Moontari died. And about Hoaqin's identity. The true one.

When the last match was about to begin, a white haired girl, pretty beautiful and all, appeared behind him. The last clone to Hoaqin and is incredibly powerful.

"are you the one fighting Hoaqin?" she appeared beside Bam, startling the rest of his teammates. They all got defensive and rowdy when the mysterious entity looked to closely at Bam's face.

"the name of the last match is go to hell!"

No u, (y/n) wanted to reply.

A game where Bam finally faces Hoaqin one on one. With the help of Khun and Rachel by pressing a single button.

A game where the rest of their lives are at stake.

Seeing Rachel being the one who presses buttons, Khun decided for himself to go. No one opposed to him. Who would?


it strikes her wonders how Khun kept on pressing the open button for Bam. She's sure they'll win, at this point. After all, Bam received help from White's last clone. But still, Khun? Helping others that doesn't benefit him? Wow.

After defeating white with the sword made from shinsu, Bam retrieved Miseng and went back to his teammates. (y/n) pushed him down by the shoulders with no effort, forcing him to sit on the floor and take a rest.

The white haired girl floats over to us. "you're remarkable." she said, "I thought you would collapse at the sudden power like that."

Than she obviously knew the cost! - (y/n) irritatedly thought.

"thank you, jue viole grace. It felt great when you sent Hoaqin flying off like that."

"Khun we're breaking up!" I shouted towards him.
"I like this girl."


I love Doja cat. She's my new bae now.

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