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Jeongguk's hungry, so he runs through the woods, needing at least an animal to survive the day. He sniffles the air for any living creature when a sweet scent hits his nostrils. "Human." He bluntly says and continues walking in the direction where he knows the person will be.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is lying on the dirty ground, groaning while holding his belly. "These fucking berries!" He couldn't resist them, the werewolf loves the incredible good tasting fruit but he also knows that he'll blackout for a while, very soon.

Only twenty seconds later the world turns black for him. His eyes are closed, a steady breath is coming out from his mouth. He lays there looking like he's sleeping peacefully.

Jeongguk finally reaches the indescribable sweet scent and hovers over the human, or so he thinks. He couldn't know that the man below him is a werewolf, because Taehyung is using scent blockers, which not only prevent others to smell him being an Omega, but also that he's a wolf.

The vampire smirks, it's now or never, can see the thicker than usual vein pulsing and drops to his knees. He sniffles on the exposed neck and groans. "I love an easy meal, I hope I can stop though."

With one last glance to the boy's handsome face, he opens his mouth, letting his canines grow larger and leans down. Oh how he wished the other would be awake, be able to feel the pleasure it brings with being bitten by a vampire, moaning uncontrollably and maybe even cum from it, without being touched other than on his neck.

Jeongguk himself groans at the thought, gracing the sharp teeth over the soft looking skin. He's hesitant, something doesn't feel right, but his hunger overpowers his instincts. His canines are piercing the skin where the vein is the thickest and an incredible feeling instantly flows through Jeongguk's body. He has never felt something like that before, it makes him suck stronger. Moans out after swallowing the best blood he has ever tasted in his whole vampire life.

It's difficult to withdraw, but he knows he has to, if he doesn't want to kill the boy. With a grunt, Jeongguk pulls his teeth out and licks the wound until it closes completely. The two tiny dots won't disappear, the proof of being bitten stays forever.

Humans know about vampires and werewolves, some even decide to live with the former as a living blood-bank in hope to get turned one day.

Vampires aren't allowed to turn them without a good reason and being sure the person doesn't have ill intentions. They don't tell the humans who are staying, to keep them until they decide to leave after figuring it out on their own.

Jeongguk is deep in thoughts when Taehyung slowly opens his eyes. His hand is immediately flying up to his neck in pure horror.

"What the fuck did you do?" His voice is hoarse and low, Jeongguk looks down with wide open eyes, in shock. He falls on his butt when the boy sits up, still holding his neck.

"Uh huh? I didn't do anything." The vampire knows he's fucked when Taehyung's eye color changes. "Holy shit, what are you?"

He definitely knows that the other isn't a vampire, his eyes would have been red and not blue. He also knows that he can't be a werewolf, they stink and humans smell a bit like iron because of the blood, so what the fuck is he? Jeongguk doesn't believe in witches or other creatures but after seeing Taehyung, he isn't so sure anymore.

Taehyung groans frustrated, doesn't know if he should cry or scream or even both. He can feel the bond to the vampire next to him and it's so scary and definitely wrong. "What I am? Oh you fucking idiot, I'm your mate now!"

The vampire gasps, no he almost chokes on his spit or is it the blood that wants to come up again? "You- you're a wolf? Please tell me this is a joke and you use color changing lenses to scare big, bad vampires like me away because congrats, that's exactly what it does." Jeongguk crawls back, further away from the other.

Taehyung chuckles dryly. "The big, bad Vampire is afraid of Werewolves, how cute." Then his gaze hardens. "It's true, I'm a Werewolf and you, Mister, I bite everything that lays around, are now mated to me. I don't know if you're smart enough to know what it means, but you'll have to come with me and explain it to my parents. Good luck with that by the way. You're lucky if they won't rip you in half, because it would mean pain for me for the rest of my life and they love me too much to do that." Taehyung is blabbering but who can blame him, he's scared, angry and maybe a little bit excited too, all of that at the same time.

Jeongguk is in thoughts again, Vampires also have mates, he knows it's different from Werewolves. While they can undo the bond, wolves can't. While vampires can have more than one, wolves only have one. Something in his body feels like dying, is it his heart?

Yes, he does have a heart, it's just not beating as fast, hence why he needs constantly blood. Jeongguk feels guilty, knows that he can't be with the handsome stranger whose name he still doesn't know. "Jeongguk." He randomly says and the other raises a brow until realization hits him.

"Oh, name's Taehyung. I'd say it's nice to meet you but you're a fucking dumbass and I'm too angry at you right now."

'Taehyung' Jeongguk says it in his mind. 'Suits his handsome face.'

"So you think I'm handsome huh?" Taehyung smirks, catching Jeongguk off guard.

The vampire immediately stands up, takes a step backwards, farther away from the wolf. "How- I mean what are you talking about?"

"Oh wow, you really don't know anything about us, do you?" Taehyung laughs unimpressed. "We're mates, I can hear your thoughts now. I have to admit that I'm unfamiliar with Vampire mating, can you hear my thoughts too?"

He thinks of something the other couldn't guess. 'I have to tell Seokjin Hyung to stay away from these berries.'

Jeongguk looks to the bush behind Taehyung and then back to him. "Why, what's with them?"

The vampire is confused when Taehyung starts breathing heavily, chanting the word "No" repeatedly. "This can't be true, fuck."

"What?" Jeongguk doesn't get it.

"You can also hear me! That's what it is." Taehyung finally stands up, cleaning his clothes with his palms.

"But I can't, what are you talking about?" The wolf figures out that Jeongguk thinks he had said it out loud so he looks straight into the other's eyes and speaks in his mind again. 'I really had to get the dumbest Vampire out there as my mate, huh?'

Jeongguk's eyes widen and he points to Taehyung's face. "Your lips, they didn't move!"

Taehyung groans, hates that he thinks Jeongguk is kind of cute the way he is, but maybe it's just the bond speaking.

"Congratulations, you finally got it. Now let's go, I'm sure my parents are sick with worry about me." He takes Jeongguk's wrist, feeling the connection. There are light electrical impulses flowing through his fingers, up to his wrist and it ends when it reaches his heart. Taehyung takes a deep breath, as if he gets possessed. His eyes change to purple and Jeongguk tries to get his hand out of the tight grip. "Taehyung, what's wrong with you?"

The older doesn't react immediately, it takes at least a minute until his gaze is focused again.

"Mine." It's only a whisper, so deep and greedy that it sends shivers down Jeongguk's spine, he gulps nervously and doesn't know how to react. He may can feel something too, but right now he's afraid of what will happen to him.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now