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Taehyung visits Minho almost every day, they talk about the Omega's heat. He doesn't want help from him.

Minho understands it, also knows now about Jeongguk and the mating incident. At first he felt uncomfortable, until Taehyung had told him, that there's really nothing between them anymore.

Jeongguk leaves the caven as soon as Taehyung enters, he can smell him and that's enough reason for him to escape the situation.

The vampire runs though the forest, in hope to find a human to feed from. The past days, he was unlucky, fortunately, today he finally hears someone screaming for help.

"Hello! Is There Someone, Anyone?" A male's voice echoes through the trees. Jeongguk follows the direction where it comes from and stops in front of a deep hole in the midst of a clearing.

"Oh fucking finally!" The human looks up, sighing relieved. "I thought I'd die here. Can you help me- ugh." The guy tries to climb up, failing immediately, he just wanted to show the other that he can't do it on his own. "Please?"

Jeongguk smirks, the boy looks young and maybe he can get something out of it. "Sure, make space and I'll come down."

The young man does as ordered and Jeongguk jumps down. "Hi there."

"Uh hi and thank you, are you okay? I mean it's really deep, you know." The boy is nervous, the vampire can feel and see it.

Jeongguk smiles, showing off his canines. The human knows, he knows what he is, but doesn't step back. "Wow, you're the first living vampire I've ever met. My name is Yugyeom by the way, what's yours?"

"Yugyeom huh, call me Jeongguk or Gguk and what do you mean by 'living vampire'?" He raises his head arrogantly and steps closer.

Yugyeom chuckles, not afraid of him. "Well, I also never saw a dead one either."

Jeongguk nods then, checking the other's body out. "What will I get, if I help you out of that rat hole?"

The human furrows his brows, he didn't think that the vampire would want to have something in return. He has heard of humans who give themselves completely to them, but that would be too much, right? "You can drink my blood I guess, uh that is, if it doesn't hurt."

Jeongguk laughs, startling the other. "What a coincidence that I am indeed in need of blood, that's the reason why I was wandering through the woods. We have a deal here Yugyeom, hug my waist and I'll bring you up."

The boy hooks his arms around Jeongguk's body, while the latter holds him too, in a tight grip. The vampire jumps up and they land graciously on the ground.

Yugyeom is about to loosen the hug, but Jeongguk really needs to feed now. His canines are piercing the boy's neck and a moan immediately sounds. "Aaah, shit! Does it always feel so- g-good?"

Jeongguk hums, can't suppress a smirk while feeding from him. He takes his time, wants the human to enjoy it longer, maybe he can make another deal. Jeongguk is sick of searching for them every now and then, having a personal human all to himself would be the perfect solution.

Yugyeom can't believe that he's about to cum, what's this sorcery? He can't hold the sound back that's coming out of his throat and mouth, he's embarrassed. At the same time too aroused to push the vampire off - as if this would be even possible.

Jeongguk finally leans back after closing the wound with his salvia, through a lick of his tongue. "You taste good Yugyeom, how about we make another deal?"

The human has a hunch of what it could be. "It depends."

"I see. What if I say that I'll protect you. You don't have to work anymore, because everything you need, I can give you and in return you give me your blood, at least once a month." He extends his hand for the other to shake.

Yugyeom thinks about it, doesn't have a family anymore and his friends? They aren't really close friends to begin with. Jeongguk doesn't interrupt him, lets him think about it, as long as he wants to.

After around ten minutes he takes Jeongguk's hand that was busy sharpening a stick and shakes it. "Deal, what do I have to do now?"

"If you wanna say goodbye to your family and friends, you can go and meet me here again, tomorrow." Jeongguk nods to the direction where his village lays, but Yugyeom shakes his head.

"No need for that, there's no one important enough waiting for me there."

Jeongguk shrugs. "Fine, then you can come with me. It's a long way so if you want, I can carry you."

"That would be great, I'm really exhausted and umm-" He looks down, covering his crotch. "-well, you know." A hand rubs his nape, being embarrassed.

Jeongguk rolls his eyes playfully. "You're not the first one who gets hard by that, it's normal to be honest." He crouches down so that Yugyeom can climb onto his back. "Hurry up, it's getting colder and I don't want you to get sick."

What sounds like a sweet comment, was in reality just a warning. Jeongguk can't feed from him when he's sick, the possibility of killing him would be too big.

Yugyeom chuckles, not knowing about it and gets on Jeongguk's back. He burrows his face into his nape and inhales the vampire's sweet shower gel.

It's already dark when they arrive and Taehyung isn't there anymore. Jeongguk is glad, really doesn't want to hear an annoying comment or receiving a glare from him.

"I'll show you around, I have to mark you so others will know that you're mine." It's just a bite on the collar bone, far away from the mating vein or where vampire have to bite to turn them.

"Okay, it's really cool here." Yugyeom is surprised how modern it looks like, from the outside it's a hole in a big mountain, but after one hundred meters, it changes. They have windows with the view of the ocean, they have a big living room with a lot of couches, tables and even more chairs. "How many people are living here?"

"Oh, about thirty if you count the humans too. Not everyone, who's part of our clan, lives here, only the ones of a higher rank." Jeongguk's gaze is fixed on the clavicle, he licks his lips and pulls Yugyeom close. "Let's get it over with." Without waiting for a response, he marks the boy, knows that it's painful.

Yugyeom groans loudly, thinks he's going to faint any second. Fortunately, before he could, Jeongguk is done.

"Now everyone knows that you're mine, they will get in trouble if they feed from you or hurt you in any way." The vampire looks satisfied, never had an own human all to himself, it excites him.

Yugyeom isn't sure if he has made the right decision. Now it's too late anyway, so he'll make the best out of it.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now