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The first week goes well, yes Taehyung misses his friends, including Jeongguk, but he has to be strong for his own sake.

Seokjin, Hoseok and the pup are a good distraction from running over to the coven.

The more time goes by, the more he wants to meet Ji again, ask her if he's doing the right thing. When the urge is becoming too much, Taehyung talks to Seokjin about it. "Hyung, can you make me some food that won't get bad after a day?"

"Why? What do you need it for." He's feeding his baby boy while Taehyung plays with the pup's fingers.

"I wanna go and search for Ji, really need her opinion on something." There's hope that his father is going to agree, that is, if he's not freaking out immediately.

A sigh leaves the older's mouth. "Tae, sweetheart. You sure you wanna go? Who's coming with you?"

"I'm sure, gonna go alone. I'm a big boy, Hyung." Taehyung doesn't like it when Seokjin thinks he's weak, just because he's an Omega. He had proven him wrong so many times already.

"I know Tae, I know. It's just-" The older takes a deep breath "-there are rogues out there and they are never alone. You won't be able to defend yourself against them."

"Hyung please, I'll be careful, I have suppressants and a weapon." He pulls the sharp item out of the belt where it was properly secured.

It takes one hand movement from the Beta for him to lose it. "Yeah, really useful." He raises a brow and turns his attention back to his little one.

"That's not fair, you're not the enemy, so I wasn't prepared and in alert." Taehyung says matter-of-factly with an annoyed groan.

"You know, I can't exactly hold you back, but if you want my permission, it's a no from me." The taller man stands up, puts the food far enough away from his son, so he can't reach it and make a mess, then walks to the kitchen. "How many days will you be away?"

Taehyung jumps up from his seat and is about to follow the other, unfortunately the pup would be alone, so he sits down again. "I don't know, maybe a week?"

He really doesn't know, it's not like Taehyung knows where Ji is right now. Maybe the witch isn't even in Korea, still, he's never going to find out, if he doesn't try.

A low growl comes from the direction where Seokjin is and the Omega surpresses a whimper. It's obvious that his father doesn't like the idea, but he's grateful that he's not stopping, instead helping him.

It's after an hour that Seokjin comes back with a big bag. "Here, I made different things. There are seven containers with the weekdays written on them. You should stick to it, because Monday spoils faster than Tuesday and so on."

Seokjin avoids Taehyung's eyes as he gives him the bag. The pout is cute, Taehyung thinks, but doesn't comment on it. "You know that I love you, right?"

"Tae, please don't. It sounds like you're saying goodbye forever." The older has tears in his eyes. Hates how easily he becomes so emotional after giving birth almost two years ago. Will it ever change back to normal? Probably not...

"Hyung, don't cry." Taehyung whines. "I'm gonna cry too." His bottom lip already wobbles and they look so ugly (not really) with tears running down their cheeks, while muttering incomprehensible words to each other.

Only when the little one joins them in his own loud and piercing voice, they stop and try to make him happy.

Hoseok was waiting outside the whole time, saw and has heard everything. He's not a person who gets emotional fast, nonetheless, he couldn't help the sob leaving his mouth. Taehyung is his son too and if anything would happen to him, he would be devastated.

As soon as everyone has calmed down, he enters the den with his hands full of gifts and if Taehyung and Seokjin have noticed that he was crying too, they didn't mention it.

Seokjin explains his mate what Taehyung is going to do and he's not holding him back. Instead he hugs the Omega tightly and wishes him all the best. A few thousands won wander into his pocket, so he can buy things on his way.

Even though humans have trusted wolves in their villages or cities, they won't be able to smell Taehyung as one of them, because of the suppressants.

Taehyung thanks both of them, cuddles and kisses the pup too many times, before he leaves. Tomorrow his journey is starting and he's so ready.

The next day when Seokjin wakes up, the Omega is already gone. There's no way he'll let him go just like that, the Beta has to do something. Fortunately, he still has Jeongguk's number so he calls him.

"Seokjin? Did something happen to Tae?" Are the vampire's first words after answering the call. He knows that Taehyung would call him himself if he'd need him.

Seokjin smiles, finds the vampire's concern endearing. "No, not really. Don't worry, but I need your help."

Jeongguk doesn't even have to think twice to agree with what Seokjin had asked him to do, after explaining everything. He packs a few things and runs out of the coven. Of course he informed Namjoon about the plan.

"Stupid little wolf." He gritts his teeth, but there's a side in him that can't wait to see his - hopefully - future mate again.

Jeongguk can locate him pretty fast. Even though Taehyung is wearing the suppressants, he can smell his scent when he's close enough. Maybe it's just luck that the Omega isn't far yet, but he likes the thought of it being fate more. He sees him sitting in front of a tree, rummaging through his bag.

Jeongguk has to be careful, knows that as soon as Taehyung will notice him or smell his scent he's screwed, unfortunately not literal.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now