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"Do you think there's something between them?" The vampire asks the human whose head is comfortable lying on his lap.

"Hmm, I don't know, but it's unlikely that there is. They've avoided each other the whole time." Yugyeom looks up to Minho and flicks his chin. "Don't worry, they won't cheat on us."

Minho leans back. Taehyung and Jeongguk are most likely true mates and if this is true, he'll lose the Omega in the end. He can't let it happen and the only way to keep him to himself, is to mate and impregnate him. "Call your boyfriend, let's disturb them and have a nice time with our men." He suggests the other.

Yugyeom chuckles, pulls his phone out with a groan because it's stuck inside his pants. The back of his head pushes down more to Minho's crotch, making the latter squirm a little.

The human dials Jeongguk's number and it rings.

Taehyung and the vampire are still close, arms wrapped around each other, the wolf's scent getting stronger. It looks like a mating ritual, intimate and private.

When Jeongguk's phone rings, the Omega growls.

He only comes back to his senses, when it starts a second time. Taehyung pulls back, eyes big, lips and chin wet from licking on the other's neck. "What have we done?" He checks his own neck and sighs in relief. There isn't a mark, he's safe.

Jeongguk frowns, he suddenly feels cold even though his body temperature is naturally like that. "Who the fuck is calling me now?" He looks at the display and is back to reality. The whole time he was smelling and sucking Taehyung's neck, his mind stuck in the past, where they were still mates.

He answers the call with guilty conscience. "Hi babe, is something wrong?"

Taehyung can hear the other speaking through the phone, Jeongguk is still standing somehow close to him.

"Where are you, are you busy?"

Jeongguk looks at Taehyung and bites his lower lip. It takes a few seconds until he answers. "No, I'm not. Do you need me right now?"

"Yes, I took a shower and I thought of you. Want you baby." Yugyeom's voice sounds seducing and both, Taehyung and Jeongguk, know what he means.

The vampire gulps nervously. "Wait in my room, I'll be there in five minutes top."

"Hurry up baby." He whimpers into the speaker, squelching sounds clearly audible.

"Fuck! Yes, I will. Don't start without me." Jeongguk ends the call and takes a last glance at Taehyung, unsure if he should say anything, but decides that it's better to just go.

Minho laughs at what Yugyeom did. "Damn you're such a bad boy. Didn't know that squeezing this bottle would sound like fingering your ass."

Yugyeom rolls his eyes playfully. "You still have a lot to learn Choi Minho." A cute grin forms on his lips, shortly before he leaves his friend's room to go to Jeongguk's.

The human shuts the door behind him as silently as possible and undresses. Of course he can't let the other know that he was faking it, so he starts to prepare himself on the bed.

Right in time, because Jeongguk pulls the door open with hooded eyes. "Oh honey, you look so pretty with your fingers up your ass, all ready for me."

It's not long before sinful moans and words are coming through the closed door. Taehyung is standing in the hallway, leaning against a wall and plays a game on his phone.

The reason he's listening to them is easy, he wants to prove himself that he doesn't have feelings for the other anymore. After what had happened a few minutes prior, he had doubts, now, they're gone. It doesn't affect him at all, he even smirks, knowing that Yugyeom wants to top Jeongguk, but the vampire won't let him. He still remembers Jeongguk's words from back then, where they still were together.

"You can fuck me. Imagine how it would feel like pushing your hard, needy cock into my tight, hot hole."

He feels how his head is getting hotter. Taehyung pats his cheeks to calm himself down, then he fans his face with his fingers.

The door next to him opens and he sees Minho peeking out. "Oh babe, you're here? Why didn't you come in?"

"I was about to knock." The Omega lies and Minho knows it. He could sense his presence for a while now, but wanted to wait, too curious if Taehyung would come in on his own or not.

Now more than ever, he needs to mate him, make him pregnant or he'll lose him for sure. "I have a surprise for you." He wiggles his eyebrows.

Taehyung isn't really in the mood, but maybe it will be a good distraction from whatever is bothering him. It's definitely not Jeongguk and Yugyeom who are fucking their brains out. He doesn't care. Maybe it's what happened before that, yes that must be it.

"Can't wait to see the surprise ." He smirks at his vampire boyfriend and follows him into his room. There are candles and a sweet scent is in the air. "Strawberry hmm." He takes a deep breath and smiles. It's his favorite.

"I knew you would like it." Minho whispers, leaning in to give the wolf a kiss, while letting the robe drop to the ground. He's wearing nothing beneath it and hopes that Taehyung would get the hint. Who wouldn't, right?

They part slowly when the Omega's hands touch bare skin. "Oh, another surprise huh? Is my needy little vampire this desperate for my dick?"

Minho nibbles on his bottom lip nervously. "I thought that maybe I could top you tonight?" He asks in a low voice, afraid to ruin the mood with this question.

Taehyung sighs, knows that sex with a vampire, even with a condom, is dangerous. He doesn't want to risk it. "Min, I've already told you that it's not possible as long as we aren't mated. I could get pregnant and I-"

"Then let's mate Tae, I really love you and you love me too, right?" Minho interrupts him.

Taehyung takes a step back, his hands drop down from Minho's waist. "No, it's too early. I'm sorry, I think I should go now." He doesn't wait for an answer and runs out of the bedroom, leaving his boyfriend behind.

Minho shuts the door close in anger, he can't believe that Taehyung is so fucking stubborn. He should have known that all the 'I like you's' instead of 'I love you's' were hints, but he always had hoped to hear the three words soon. At least when he'd finally mate him.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now