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Taehyung follows Hoseok, carefully to not getting caught. The Alpha doesn't know that he's here too, he's using more blockers than usual. Even though the younger isn't sure if it's working at all, he can try, right?

The Omega almost exposes himself when the leader suddenly stops. With a sharp inhale and slow exhale, he scolds himself for being so careless.

"Namjoon." Hoseok says after clearing his throat. "I'd say long time no see, but we fought last week."

A third person enters the scene. Taehyung doesn't have to look to know who it is, he could already smell him from miles away.

"Hoseok." Namjoon greets back. "Jeongguk wanted to come too, since it's about him as well. He told me what happened and even if I don't want to say it, I'm truly sorry for his mistake."

The wolf shakes his head. "No, let's be honest, it's not only his fault. Taehyung knows that he shouldn't go alone out there, but he never listens. It was only a matter of time before something like this would happen. I'm just glad he didn't kill him." Hoseok looks at Jeongguk, who has an unreadable expression, something is clearly distracting him.

Namjoon notices it too, nudges him rather rudely. "What's wrong?" He asks through gritted teeth and a lower voice.

The younger vampire nods to Taehyung's direction. "I'll just go to the tree over there, so that you both can talk freely." He figures that he's the only one who can feel his presence so he doesn't tell them.

Namjoon's brows furrow in confusion. Jeongguk had begged to let him join the meeting and now he's waiting not far away until they're done? Suspicious, very suspicious. Unfortunately, he can't think further about this, because Hoseok is talking again. "So, did he tell you about the witch?"

"Is Taehyung an Omega? Are the rumors true?" The vampire leader ignores Hoseok's question, this topic is bothering him more, he doesn't want to lose Jeongguk.

"Oh, well. I didn't know that there are rumors." Hoseok's scratching his neck nervously. "Normally I'd lie and say no, but it's your business now too and even if I don't trust you in general, I'm sure you won't tell anyone." He sighs. "Yes Taehyung indeed is an Omega, now mated to Alpha vampire Jeon Jeongguk."


"Yeah, fuck."

They look at each other for a few seconds before Namjoon breaks the silence by answering the first question. "Jeongguk told me about your plan. It wasn't much though, do you really think she exists?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. The truth is, that I've always stopped my pack when they were talking about her, but now I need to believe she's somewhere out there, maybe even knowing what's going on." Hoseok looks into the forest behind Namjoon and sighs again. "Our Taehyung important to me, to our pack and since that mating, to Jeongguk too, even if he may not accept it yet."

The tall vampire agrees. "Yeah, he thinks he can avoid him and live on as usual. I don't know what to do. I'm sure you won't let Taehyung live with us, will you?" He chuckles because it's an unnecessary question.

"Of course not, who knows who'll feed from him, he's not a walking blood bank." Hoseok scoffs.

"Jeongguk wouldn't let anyone drink from him. He won't admit it though, he's stubborn, but the bond is stronger and he gets easily jealous and possessive." He looks to the direction where the younger should be, but can't find him. "Shit! Where is this brat?"

Hoseok turns his head and stands more straight. Is he on his way to the pack to meet Taehyung?


When Jeongguk has left the men, he had sniffed the air. Taehyung was close, he could smell him. His eyes turned red, his senses sharpened.

The vampire found him, the Omega had his back to him, making him smirk. It was too easy, he inwardly chuckles.

Jeongguk is standing hidden behind a tree, it's easy to get closer without making a noise, but he forgot or didn't know, that Taehyung can smell him too.

So when he's jumping to the Omega, Taehyung takes a step aside and the vampire is landing rudely on the ground. "Argh. Why did you fucking move?" He rubs his forehead that hit the ground seconds ago.

"Why wouldn't I, when a fucking vampire is jumping at me?" Taehyung shrugs, thinking of helping him up, but decides against it.

"Fucking Va- What the hell?" Jeongguk stands up, only to push Taehyung against the tree, capturing him in between his arms. "I dare you to say that again." His voice is deep and the red eyes are darker now.

"You.Are.A.Fucking.Vampire." Taehyung says it slow and shows no fear, knows better than to be afraid of him. Jeongguk wouldn't dare to hurt him.

A growl leaves the Alpha's throat, it could be mistaken for a werewolf if it wasn't for his pale skin and visible sharp canines. "You're a brat."

Taehyung hates that word, Seokjin calls him that too, more often than not. He pushes the way stronger man away and runs. Taehyung knows that Jeongguk is faster, especially when he himself is in human form, but he doesn't care.

Jeongguk smirks, then shakes his head amused. "The little wolf wants to play huh?"

He goes after him in a normal walking pace. "Come out, come out, wherever you are." He sings and then uses his speed to fetch him. As soon as he's reaching his mate, he throws the other to the ground and pins him down.

Taehyung is out of breath from running, they look at each other for a while. Jeongguk studies his features, the Omega is even more handsome up to close. Why does he have to be a stupid werewolf? If things would have been different, he would be really happy to have him.

Shaking the thought off, he could maybe play a bit with him, they're mates after all. Jeongguk leans in while Taehyung's eyes grow bigger and bigger the closer he comes.

The Omega's hands raise up, pressing slightly against Jeongguk's chest, not enough to push him back or stop him though.

Taehyung's breath hitches, he knows what Jeongguk wants to do and his wolf is willing to give in to him. His long, thin fingers are grabbing the thin fabric of Jeongguk's white t-shirt, making fists to pull him closer.

As their lips are about to touch, a voice sounds through the forest. "Jeongguk, where the hell are you!?"

It's Namjoon's, the vampire immediately leans back, gets up and pulls Taehyung with him. "Shift." He whisper-yells to the Omega.

"What? No, I'll fucking rip my clothes." Taehyung is wearing his favorite shirt, he's not gonna ruin it.

Jeongguk groans annoyed, lifting him up. "Wrap your legs around me. Hold on tightly." Barely spoken, he starts to run, holding Taehyung tight to his body. To where and why? He doesn't know himself, it's a gut feeling.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now