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Taehyung arrives his pack, where Seokjin is already waiting in his den. He opens the door and startles when seeing him lying on his bed. "Hyung."

Seokjin slowly opens his swollen eyes, they're red from all the crying. "Tae." His voice is weak.

Taehyung runs over to him. "Hyung why were you crying?" Knows that the question is stupid, knows exactly why he did.

Seokjin sits up, wincing while holding his belly. "I thought you've died. Jeongguk promised me to bring you back to me, but he didn't come back, so I was imagining the worst."

The Omega hugs him tightly. "I'm sorry Hyung, I wasn't in my right mind. Everything is okay now, I'm back and free of everything."

Seokjin leans back confused. "What do you mean by 'free of everything'?" Barely spoken, he gasps. "Your mark, it's gone! How did you even do that?"

"I've met someone, she helped me." Taehyung smiles, touching his neck. He feels guilty, also glad that he did it, no more pain.

"Oh my god, don't tell me you've found the witch. Hoseok can come back now." Seokjin texts his mate without waiting another minute.

Taehyung can't help, but laugh at his Hyung's happy face. "She found me, but yes, it was the witch."

Only now Seokjin realizes what it means. "Wait, what about Jeongguk, where is he now?" The Beta looks behind Taehyung, can't find him waiting, he doesn't smell him, too.

"He's in his coven, I think. I don't know to be honest. After she took the mating mark away, I heard him. He was in front of her house and well, that's it. We are no longer bond to be together." Taehyung smiles sadly, but it immediately changes into a happy one.

"He agreed with that?" Seokjin knows something isn't right.

"He didn't know about it, it was my decision." And Taehyung explains everything to him, how the witch had saved him, the story about his parents and the cheating. Seokjin is a crying mess as soon as Taehyung is done, too much emotions are running through his system. Fucking hormones, the pregnancy makes him emotional and weak.

"Do you think Jeongguk still feels the bond?" The Beta is curious, it would be horrible if that's the case. Taehyung is searching for a new mate and the poor vampire would have to watch it.

"I don't think so, maybe it fades away after a while, but mine is completely gone." Taehyung hopes so at least, even if he hates the Alpha for what he did, he doesn't want him to be in pain for too long or forever.

"What if the witch is right and he's your true mate, can you both mate again?" The question Seokjin has just asked never came up in Taehyung's mind. He should have asked her that.

"Uh, about that. I don't know." He looks down, feels like a fool for not thinking that far.

Seokjin's eyes widen a little. "You can't be serious Tae. I know you were hurting and not in your right mind, but Jeongguk really likes you. Yes maybe it was because you were mated, but who knows, maybe it's real too."

"Nonsense. He let a guy suck him off an-"

"-But he thought of you and not him every time he let him do so." Seokjin interrupts him, wants to make sure that Taehyung considers the other's feelings, even though he had fucked up big time.

The Omega is silent, isn't sure how to reply.

The door bursts open and an exhausted Vampire enters the den.

"Jeongguk!" Seokjin stands up and runs to him. "Are you okay? Oh my god, sit down bub." He leads the boy, who's eyes never left Taehyung's, to a chair and sits him down.

The Omega scoffs, looking away. Seokjin gives him a glare before paying attention to the vampire again. "You look like shit, what happened?"

"Well, on my way I met a few vampires from an other coven and they didn't like that I was walking in their area." He raises a brow at Taehyung and continues. "If I wouldn't have been so angry, I wouldn't be here now."

Taehyung scoffs again and gets up. "You have no right to be angry, you're the one who made me do this. We already talked about it, go and let your boy toy suck your dick and heal your wounds. Why are you even here?"

A smirk makes its way to Jeongguk's lips. "I'm going to fight for you, I won't let any other vampire come close to you. I'll make you fall in love with me, even without that stupid mark on your neck!"

Seokjin is impressed, but Taehyung starts to laugh. "Good luck, you'll need it." Then he leaves, his destination is Jeongguk's coven.

Jeongguk's body relaxes, his shoulders fall and he drops his head into his palms. "I fucked up, I fucked up so badly. I can't even forgive myself, how can I expect it from him?"

"You really like him, huh?" The Beta pats his back, tries to calm down. A few minutes ago, he seemed so strong, but now, he looks like a wrack.

Jeongguk nods his head slowly, face still buried in his palms. "Very and I don't even know how it happened. We don't know each other well, though, it never felt like a mating bond, you know? It's as if we would have found each other, no matter what. That we are destinated to be together."

Seokjin hums, knows exactly what the vampire means, he has felt the same with Hoseok and now it's even stronger. "Give him time and don't give up. He's really stubborn, he'll try to hurt you, too, in the same way you have hurt him."

"I know, he already told me that and I deserve it, but it hurts so fucking much just thinking about it." Jeongguk admis, looking up to the ceiling.

"Now you know how he was feeling for a whole month. He didn't know you were cheating, instead he thought that you don't want him and left, so he'd finally die." Seokjin was with him the whole time, it isn't a lie what he's saying.

"Fuck. I hate myself now more than before. I just wanted to keep a distance from him or else we would have had sex and..." Jeongguk can't say it out loud, alone the thought of him gone forever makes him cry and he doesn't want to cry.

Seokjin strokes over his back again, to sooth him. "Shhh, I understand you. Don't rush things now or threaten him, it will only make him more angry than he already is."

"Okay, but I won't let anyone sleep with him. Gosh, I can't believe I'm saying this now, but he can suck them ugh." Jeongguk totally dislikes the thought, hates it so much, but he'd be a hypocrite if he'd hold him back. Taehyung maybe needs justice to feel better.

They sit there for a while in comfortable silence. Thinking about different things until Jeongguk decides to go. "Thank you Seokjin, you're a really good person and I'm so sorry that we've fought your pack in the past."

"Don't worry about it. It's not like we didn't fight your coven, too, but I'm glad it's over now." Seokjin remembers what Taehyung had told him, as a male Omega, he'd bring peace between vampires and werewolves.

The only problem that stays, is the smell. For vampires, the furry beings stink and it's the same for wolves with the blood suckers. Seokjin though, is already used to the smell. Even if his pregnancy makes him more sensitive. Taehyung doesn't seem to have any problems with it, since he's designed to be with one of them.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now