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Jeongguk didn't think about what Taehyung would say or do, when he gets to know about Yugyeom. It's not the wolf's business anymore, so he doesn't care.

Yes he told the witch he'd fight for him, but Taehyung knows that he needs blood on a regular basis and it's not like the other is holding back, too. Jeongguk can always hear the moans and screaming coming out of Minho's room. He isn't an idiot, the vampire knows exactly what's going on in there.

As Jeongguk himself was with Jaesoo, he had thought of his mate, imagined him, instead of the human, but Taehyung? He's screaming Minho's name instead of his. It hurts, knowing that the Omega doesn't want him and finds pleasure in someone else's arms.

He has to move on, Jeongguk can't handle another heartbreak. Yugyeom seems funny, or at least he's handsome.

"Do you wanna play a game with me?" He asks the human, who startles as the vampire enters his room without a warning.

"Shit Jeongguk, knock before you open the damn door!" He has his hand over his chest, where the heart is beating way too fast. "What kind of game, will it hurt or am I going to die?"

Jeongguk makes a funny face, what the fuck does this boy think he was talking about? "Uh, I mean, you'll definitely die a few times, but that's not a problem. Do you know Overwatch by any chance?"

Yugyeom laughs, is relieved that Jeongguk's actually talking about an online game and not a real life surviving game, where he has to run and hide or else he'd get killed.

"No but you can show me how to play it, I'm a fast learner." The human smiles.

Jeongguk is impressed by how fast Yugyeom figures out how the game works. He's not as good as he himself, since it's his first day.

They play for hours every day and completely forget about everything. Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi haven't seen him for two weeks. Right after he had introduced Yugyeom to them, they disappeared in the vampire's room.

Taehyung is mad, how can he hurt Jeongguk if the latter doesn't even watch them fooling around? The wolf must admit, that he had started to like Minho and maybe it's time to stop playing around and take it serious.

When he asks, Minho agrees to date him. The vampire is happy, because Taehyung is handsome, nice and a dork sometimes, the perfect boyfriend. They don't talk about mating, it's not important for them, nevertheless, they have rules.

Even if they fool around, every time the Omega comes over, they never went the whole way. Sex with an Omega is risky, he could get pregnant and both don't want that.

Seokjin gave Taehyung special condoms, they don't rip easily and can withstand the pace a vampire is capable of, while thrusting into someone. 'They aren't one hundred percent safe, so use them with caution.' Jin had told him, so they didn't have sex at all, yet. Minho's mouth is a dream, the vampire's really skilled when it comes to blow jobs. If Taehyung can trust the other's moans and whines, then he's at least as good as him.

The months go by, Jeongguk is getting closer and closer to Yugyeom and Taehyung makes his relationship with Minho official.

Jeongguk finds is weird, it doesn't hurt as much as he had thought it would. Yes, he's disappointed, but shrugs it off while smiling at Yugyeom. All the talk about true mates was nothing, but empty words then?

They live their lives, avoid each other, when they are in the coven, unfortunately, it's not easy when suddenly Minho and Yugyeom become friends.

"Hey Yug, are you and Gguk finally a thing?" One day Minho asks the boy. It's been a year now, since the human has moved in.

Before Yugyeom could answer, the vampire enters the room and kisses the human's cheek. "Does this answer your question Min?" Jeongguk smirks, sees Taehyung moving from the corner of his eyes.

"No way! Since when? You owe me one hundred thousand won Tae." Minho laughs.

"Two days ago, it just happened while we were playing Overwatch, we won and then kissed, one thing led to another and yeah." Yugyeom's cheeks are flushed, he ducks his head and smiles.

Taehyung stands up, walks over to them. "Congratulations, took you both long enough."

"Lol Tae, what are you talking about, you said that Jeongguk would never ask him out." Minho reminds him and earns a glare.

"Well, Taehyung isn't wrong, I've never asked him out, it was just obvious that we like each other and now we are together." Jeongguk pecks Yugyeom's lips and leans slowly back, not breaking the gaze with his boyfriend. "Are you hungry babe?"

Minho coos, they're just too adorable. Taehyung on the other hand is rolling his eyes, thinks that Jeongguk is just doing it because he's here too.

"Yes, very. Since you've fed of me, I feel so exhausted and empty." The human chuckles, it was a wild night.

Before they leave the room, Minho stops them. "How about a double date?"

Taehyung wants to murder him, but stays silent for now, hopes that Jeongguk wouldn't agree.

"Sure! Tell me a day and a time and we'll be there." The vampire answers instead and pulls Yugyeom out of the room.

The door closes and Taehyung looks at Minho. "Are you out of your mind?" He grits his teeth.

"What? Do you still have feelings for him?" His boyfriend questions, crossing his arms over the chest, expecting an answer.

"If I have feelings?" Taehyung scoffs. "Pff never will I ever have legit feelings for him. He's annoying and stupid and so full of himself."

"But you had them in the past." The vampire says matter-of-factly, raising a brow.

"It was because of the mating, Min. Those weren't real feelings and you know that." Taehyung sighs loudly, sits down next to Minho and burrows his nose to the other's neck. "Mmmh, you smell so good baby."

Minho rolls his eyes playfully, loves it when Taehyung gets all touchy and cuddly. "I know, but you've told me that you both are true mates and if that's correct, you can't run away from it."

"I'm sure we aren't, let's not talk about it anymore.  I'm too horny to think about Jeongguk now." Taehyung nibbles on Minho's skin, licks the faint mark he had created and then pushes him back onto the bed. "Let's try the condoms, shall we?" He wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk plastered on his face.

Minho groans, Taehyung is even hotter when he's aroused. "You don't even have to ask."

The rest is history. Loud moans and whines, coming from Minho, echo through the whole coven, who would have thought that Taehyung would top and dominate the vampire.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now