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Taehyung is resting in his bed, thinking about what had happened. First up with Jeongguk, where he doesn't even know how the hell he could lose himself so badly. Then the second incident with his boyfriend, they did so well so far, why did he have to ask him that?

Mating? I mean it's a big deal, something he can't undo again. He's not ready to say that Minho is the love of his life, fuck he can't even say the three words to him, yet.

Taehyung admits that his heart beats a little faster when they kiss or cuddle, but compared to Jeongguk, when they had hugged, it is like it's not beating at all. He's frustrated and confused, because he doesn't have any feelings for his ex mate, not that he knows at least. Is it true that he's his true mate? But if that's the case, then why isn't he head over heals for him and why isn't he jealous when he hears them fucking?

It doesn't make any sense, so he'll just stay with Minho and learn how to love him the way he deserves it, though, he won't let his boyfriend bite or fuck him yet.

It's been a week now since Taehyung ran out of Minho's bedroom and the latter has tried to contact him several times. Seokjin was there to tell the vampire that he still needs time to think about everything, but the truth is, that he's in heat, trickered by something they don't know.

Yugyeom hates that Minho avoids him, misses his friend badly, especially when Jeongguk is out and he's home all alone. The human notices that since he had caught the Omega and his own boyfriend hugging, the vampire had changed. It's little things, almost not recognizable.

There's for example the daily hiding in his playroom, normally he'd go there twice a week, but now, he goes there every fucking day!

The other thing is, when they have sex, Jeongguk would call his name while coming and now? He's even suppressing moans sometimes or closes his eyes instead of looking into Yugyeom's and it bothers him very much.

The human wants to talk about it, unfortunately he can't tell him that he has seen them. Jeongguk would be wondering why he didn't tell him earlier and for that, he doesn't have an explanation.

Yugyeom tries to call Minho again and almost squeals when he finally answers him. "Hey Yug, what's up?" His voice is anything but excited, for now he ignores it and smiles.

"Everything that's not down." He jokes, but the hoped-for giggles didn't appear. He clears his throat, shrugging it off. "Are you busy right now?"

"No. Taehyung is avoiding me, so I'm free as a bird." Minho sighs, he's helpless.

"Oh! I didn't know, thought you're always with him since you didn't come over to my room these past few days.

"Is it okay if I'll come over now and I explain it to you?" His voice is so low, Yugyeom has difficulties understanding him.

"Sure, I'm here waiting for you."

They end the call. Yugyeom jumps up to run to the mirror. He ruffles his hair, straightens his brows and licks his lips. "Perfect."

When he looks himself into the eyes, he wonders why he even wants to look good. It's just Minho, his best friend and not Jeongguk, his lover. He shakes his head and walks back to the bed, only to startle slightly as the door opens and Minho enters. "Hey there." Yugyeom greets him with a small wave of his hand.

"Hi Yug, do you have something to drink for me? I really need alcohol right now." He lets himself fall onto the bed next to the other and waits.

"Uh oh, yeah." Yugyeom gets up, strolls over to the small refrigerator to fetch beer. He doesn't have stronger alcohol, Jeongguk won't allow it, because of his blood.

Minho sits up and takes the can from him. "Thanks." Without waiting, he opens it and swallows half of the content down. With a smack of his lips and an "Aaah"-sound, he nods satisfied "That's what I've needed."

Yugyeom laughs. "You're unbelievable, but it's cute. I don't have more though, so divide it up for later."

"Alright, will do." He places the can on the small nightstand and turns around to face his friend.

They talk about their problems and this time Minho tells him everything - about his doubts, the sex and mating wish. Yugyeom on the other side talks about Jeongguk and that he can't figure out what's wrong with him.

They're sitting here for a little more than an hour, laughing at some parts or groaning when they can relate to what the other had said. Minho had missed it, promises him that he won't avoid him again for this long, but also that he really needs to pay more attention to Taehyung.

Yugyeom understands and agrees, he himself has to make sure to get his old Jeongguk back.

They fall asleep late at night. Well, Minho rests his body and mind but doesn't really sleep. He hears Yugyeom mumbling and smiles, it's endearing, really.

It takes three months to have everything back to normal, Taehyung is having sex with Minho again, although as the top. Yugyeom finally can hear his name coming out of Jeongguk's mouth when the vampire comes on his back or belly. That's another thing they have to work on, he wants it inside, but for now he's happy with the first achievement.

"We need to talk." Jeongguk says after a rough round. His voice is steady, he doesn't appear to be exhausted in the least, must be the vampire strength.

Yugyeom gulps nervously, is he going to break up with him?

Jeongguk can see it and chuckles. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad." He pecks the human's cheek and continues. "I wanna turn you, I think you are ready and there's no reason for me to send you away."

The vampire had watched him and his actions, he knows that Yugyeom isn't greedy and would use his abilities to harm anyone.

"What?" Yugyeom is shocked, doesn't want it yet.

"Why? Is there anything wrong?" Jeongguk raises an eyebrow, clearly confused by his reaction.

The boy sighs, looks up to the ceiling, gaze fixed on a weird looking dot. "You won't drink from me anymore when I'm a vampire, right?"

Jeongguk takes a deep breath, so that's the reason. "Yeah, that's right. I can't drink from another vampire."

"Then I don't want it." Yugyeom announces, still not looking at his boyfriend. He can't imagine him drinking from someone else, making them horny and maybe even... No! He doesn't want to think about what else could happen.

"It's either that or I have to send you back to your village." They have rules about how long they can keep a human without turning them and Jeongguk is already two weeks overdue.

It makes Yugyeom immediately turn his head to face him. "What? I don't want to go back! I like it here with you and Min."

"Thats why I want to make you one of us. You'll be my first, so it's something special." Jeongguk gives him a sweet smile, hopes that he's going to say yes.

The boy thinks for a long moment, the what ifs are filling his mind, but at the end, he doesn't want to leave him. "Okay, I'll let you turn me." Yugyeom looks away again, sighing deeply. "Do it now, before I change my mind."

And Jeongguk does, they have sex again, the best they ever had with each other, it's intense as he bites the human's neck. It's also a mating, but as vampires, it's nothing deep. They can just bite someone else while having sex and they're mated to them instead. You could say that it's like an ornament which shows others that the person is taken.

It will take a few days until Yugyeom wakes up as a vampire so he lets him sleep in his bed peacefully.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now