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It's d-d-day (double date day) and Taehyung whines to his boyfriend. "Oh come on Min. Can't we just go to a club, so that I can dance with you and don't have to talk to Jeongguk at all?"

Minho rolls his eyes, is sick of Taehyung's complaints about the other vampire. "No, I've already told them that we're going to an amusement park. Now get ready, we have to meet them in ten minutes." He throws pants to his boyfriend and leaves the room.

Minho feels sore, but there's no way he's gonna cancel this date. Yugyeom and he had texted until late at night about their partners. While Minho finally had sex with Taehyung, Yugyeom can't bring Jeongguk to do it, yet. Minho told him to wait, since they've only started dating recently, they have plenty of time to get to this part, he himself has waited for months.

Taehyung pulls the pants up and groans. "Why did I ever agree to this? We could have had a nice day, but no, my lovely boyfriend must have to invite them..." Talking to himself, he feels like an idiot, but what can he do? Minho wouldn't change his mind and would only roll his eyes if he'd say that to him.

The Omega takes his medication to suppress his scent and leaves the room, only to be met with two vampires and one human waiting for him.

"Finally." Jeongguk groans and stands up. "Follow me Yugi honey, we'll take my car."

Yugyeom does as told and smiles at Minho, who's smiling back. Taehyung is glad that they all don't have to drive in the same car. He grabs Minho's hand and pulls him out of the coven. "Were did you park?"

"Around the corner."

The drive is long, the city is far away from the forest and they arrive two hours later.

They meet the other couple in front of the amusement park and decide to buy a group ticket. "I'll pay for yours." Jeongguk sweetly whispers to Yugyeom, though, it's loud enough for the others to hear, then he pecks his lips.

Yugyeom gets shy, a small "Thank you" leaves his mouth.

Taehyung, who sees and hears everything, fake gags. Minho had paid for his ticket too, but didn't brag about it.

"Let's go to the fast rides first." Jeongguk suggests and as expected, Taehyung disagrees while the others nod to agree with Jeongguk.

"No, let's have breakfast first, I'm starving." The wolf rubs his belly with a pout.

"Of course you are, all you think about is eating." Jeongguk can't help it, had heard the couple having sex. Taehyung eating Minho's ass was the most disturbing thing he has ever heard. The vampire curses his hearing, he had never regretted it more, to be a vampire.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" Taehyung's eyes immediately change its color, he is really sensible when it comes to his belly or ass. So what if he has a little bit more on his hips, Minho loves it, right?

His boyfriend sees the change and hugs him, while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. "You're perfect Taebear, I love your butt and soft belly. Don't listen to others."

Taehyung sighs, shooting a glare to Jeongguk. He has to hold himself back, not to stick his tongue out, it would be too childish.

Jeongguk is already fed up, the day hasn't even started and Taehyung acts like a brat. He just hopes that they're going to part soon, so he doesn't have to deal with him anymore.

Why did he even love him in the first place? The Omega is annoying and not that handsome. Okay, the last part obviously is a lie, but he'd never admit it out loud. He has Yugyeom now and is happy, fuck this wolf and his stupid mood swings.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now