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Jeongguk is running until he's sure that Namjoon or Hoseok won't be able to find them through his scent. He comes to a halt at a clearing, so beautiful that he has to inhale deeply, the clean and fresh air filling his lungs. "Wow."

Taehyung turns his head, still clinging to Jeongguk's body, his face was hidden in the fluffy pullover. The speed of the vampire was too fast, he had tried to look at the scenery once, but tears immediately shoot up, caused by the wind hitting his face.

"Woa that's so beautiful!" Taehyung loosens his leg around Jeongguk's hips and jumps down. He's glad to have a steady ground underneath the feet again.

They look at the sunset until it's dark, their fingers touch, but none of them dare to intertwine them.

It's silent, too silent for Taehyung, who's still confused of why the other took him away from Hoseok. "Why are we here?" It's a simple question, his voice calm and deep as usual.

Jeongguk looks up to the stars, they're clearly visible here without all the trees. He sighs "I don't know. It was a feeling that I can't describe."

"Maybe it's a chance for us to talk about everything?" Taehyung mirrors Jeongguk and looks up to the starry sky.

"Yeah, we probably should." The vampire stretches his neck, then bends his head to the side. A crack echoes through the silence, making Taehyung chuckle.

Jeongguk glances over to him, sees the cute smile on the other's lips and wants to touch them so badly, preferably with his own, but he couldn't just do that. "I'm sorry." He starts. "If I had known what you are, I wouldn't have bitten you. Namjoon told me what's going to happen and I'm shitting my pants to be honest." Jeongguk nibbles his lower lip, gaze still on the werewolf in human form.

"That's- interesting I must say. The bad, rough vampire is shitting his pants because of an innocent, well raised mate." Taehyung can see him out of the corner of his eyes, he looks ethereal, notices that the other's eyes are on him. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"

Jeongguk clears his throat. "Uh yes. Listen, I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but it would be better if we don't see each other until the pain gets too strong. Let's say that we can meet once in a month to satisfy the bond between us."

Taehyung scoffs. "You think it's that easy? Mating means reproduction, our bodies will yearn for each other. Sooner or later we'll have sex and- yeah." He closes his eyes for a moment. "I'll most likely get pregnant and die."

"Okay that's creepy but let's say it will happen, we will have sex, contraception exists for a reason and it's not like I have to top you." Jeongguk is not picky when it comes to sex, does it only for satisfaction, not for fun, okay maybe for fun too. He often enjoys being the one who gets the dick, it's less work, you know.

Taehyung gasps at this. He had sex before, of course, but never was he on top. "Well, I know what to do, but I've never topped."

"You've never fucked someone? How old are you, fourteen?" Jeongguk couldn't believe it.

"What? Of course I had sex, but-" He groans frustrated. "I've just never been on top." It's a whisper through gritted teeth. Jeongguk's shocked face shows him that he has heard it. "What? Why are you looking like that, huh?" He pushes him slightly.

Jeongguk starts to laugh, finding it hilarious, because he can't imagine to live for hundreds of years without having ever tried something new. "You're so boring, what the fuck. What about role play, choking, bdsm?" Now he's exaggerating, he himself never role played before and his partners always did all the work when it came to kinky sex. If it had always been as he wished, he would have had only boring vanilla sex too. Of course he can't admit that, he's officially cool and the experienced one.

Taehyung's eyes widen, had always wanted to try more things, but was too shy to ask. What if his partners would have freaked out and leave him, while he's in the midst of his heat? No, he wouldn't have want to risk that ever. "Uh, I've never done it, although, I'd definitely try new things. Tell me what to do and I'm in." He smiles widely, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Oh wow, I've gotten a dirty one, but sure, let's try it out." Jeongguk is about to pull his pants down, making Taehyung squeak.

"Now? Are you serious?" He slaps the vampire's hand away from the clothes he's holding.

"Of course now. We're alone, we've both agreed to try it and talking about fucking or getting fucked makes me horny." Jeongguk is whining the last part, pouting cutely. Taehyung giggles but shakes his head, he has to stay strong. "No Jeongguk, just no. I'm not prepared for this."

"You don't have to, if you do me. I don't have a condom with me anyway." The Alpha says matter-of-factly and pulls the Omega closer. "Imagine how it would feel like pushing your hard, needy cock into my tight hole."

Sweat starts to form on Taehyung's neck, Jeongguk is a hot guy and his words make him feel things, but they can't! It's wrong right now and he wants to be more than just a good fuck.

"I have to admit that it sounds really good, but I have to decline. I'm uh, I'm on my period, yeah." The werewolf lies. Even if he can get pregnant, it doesn't work in the same way as for a woman.

"I'd smell if there would be blood, you stupid little Omega. Just say you're afraid and go." He rolls his eyes, crosses his arms. Jeongguk looks like a kid now, his lower lip sticking out, his brows furrowed. Taehyung has to hold back a laugh.

"You're so cute." He pinches the vampire's cheek with a squeal and the latter's eyes widen. "I'm a what now? Excuse you, I'm not cute, I'm manly, sexy, hot but - I repeat - I'm definitely not cute!"

Taehyung coos, wants to bite his chubby cheeks and cuddle the hell out of the vampire, who's standing taller now, chest puffing out and arms behind his back.

Jeongguk sees the fond look in the other's eyes and looks away." We should go back. Do you wanna hang on me again or transform to that wolf you have inside you?"

"As tempted as I am to hang on you again, I think I'll go as wolf. Wait for me though, I don't know the entirely way back." When Jeongguk nods, he disappears behind a tree, which is a bit far away, to undress and shift. He takes his clothes into his muzzle and walks back to him. Taehyung is glad that Jeongguk can hear his thoughts so he can still talk to him. 'I'm done, let's go'.

Jeongguk turns around and his jaw drops. "Beautiful." As soon as he realizes what he has said he shakes his head. "I mean, your wolf doesn't look that bad either."

If Taehyung could blush, he'd probably do it right now, instead he growls lowly.

"What? It's a compliment okay? Take it or leave." Jeongguk would lie if he'd say the growl didn't turn him on even more. In the past - not even two days ago - he hated this sound, but now, he wants to hear it again and again.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now