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Taehyung and Jeongguk are meeting regularly since then, always secretly, but their boyfriends know. The best friends pay attention to them and through that, they become even closer, too.

Yugyeom's feelings for Minho are unequivocal. He likes him more than he likes Jeongguk. It hurts him when the other is jealous, wanting to mate Taehyung as soon as possible.

"Min, they're fated. You shouldn't interfere in fate." The newborn hopes to open his eyes.

Minho shakes his head. "It won't matter, because when Taehyung's mine, the feelings for me will overpower the ones for Jeongguk. Have you forgotten that a wolf mating is very strong and forever, that is, if a witch isn't undoing it." He smiles almost evilly.

Yugyeom doesn't know what to say anymore, it's useless, so he just shakes his head. Of course he hasn't forgotten about it.

Jeongguk and Taehyung are in the forest at the clearing, laying beside each other, looking up to the sky.

"Do you think there's an afterlife?" Taehyung suddenly asks after a long time of comfortable silence.

Jeongguk turns his head to look at the other. "We are immortal, I think there isn't."

"But even we can die, so it's just over if it happens?"

The vampire hums, not believing in a second chance.

They're silent again, taking in the beautiful night.

Two hours later, it's time to go back. They get up, but Taehyung stops Jeongguk. "Wait, I have to tell you something."

"What's it? You sound serious." Jeongguk chuckles.

"I think it is, at least for me." Taehyung looks to the ground. "I've decided to let Minho bite me tomorrow night. I mean, it's been a while since we are together."

Jeongguk's eyes widen for a moment, though, they go back to normal without Taehyung noticing it. "Well, if he's the person you want to have by your side until the end, nothing is wrong with it."

"I'm glad you think so, too. After what Ji has said, I hesitated, but when I heard that you've mated Yugyeom, I was sure that it's the right thing to do." Taehyung smiles at him, it's sweet and honest.

"Tae, you do know that it's not comparable to a wolf mating, right?" The vampire places his hands on Taehyung's shoulder. "You need to be one hundred percent sure."

"I've thought about it a lot and I'm sure, I mean who else is there? Minho is nice and he cares about me, he loves me and says it often." Their gazes never leave one another.

"If you say so, then it should be okay. Congratulations, if you're happy then, I'm happy too." Jeongguk drops his hands and takes a step back. "You deserve it after everything."

"Thank you Gguk, it means a lot to me. You and Yugyeom seem happy too so in l-"

"Let's go back hmm?" Jeongguk interrupts him, doesn't want to talk longer about this topic and hear the rest of his sentence.

Taehyung agrees and disappears behind a tree, shifts into a wolf and takes the clothes in his mouth.

Jeongguk can't get enough of the sight in front of him, Taehyung's wolf is as beautiful as his human form. "You ready?"

Taehyung nods with his fluffy head and they run back. Their lovers are already resting in bed when they arrive the coven.

Jeongguk's thoughts are a mess, he can't help but feel uneasy. He meant it when he had said that he's happy for the other, it's just that it's so final.

Is he ready to give him up yet? Is Yugyeom the one for himself? IsTaehyung really going to be happy or will he regret it later on. Minho and Yugyeom are close, Jeongguk would lie if he'd say that he doesn't see that they're way too close for being just friends. He never cared, because there was nothing wrong with that. They could always break up and the both of them can be together, but now, it's different.

The vampire can't rest the whole night, feels exhausted when he gets up the next day.

"Hey babe, when did you come back?" Yugyeom's voice startles him, even though he knew that he's right here.

"Oh, around midnight, why? Missed me?" He smirks.

Yugyeom would blush if he could. "I uh. Yes a bit. Lately you run a lot, is there a reason?" The young man presses his lips together, doesn't want to make his mate angry with his questions.

Jeongguk sighs, he knew it would come up sooner or later. "You don't have to be sad anymore, it will change soon. You can come along with me from now on if you want."

Yugyeom didn't expect that, so he isn't sure what to say. He likes the time he can spend with Minho, doesn't want to change it.

Jeongguk can see the struggle and smiles. "You don't have to answer me now, it's just a suggestion." He enters the bathroom to do his morning routine.

Minho is up first, the perks of not having to sleep. He admires Taehyung, can't wait until it's night to make him finally his. It seems so unreal, as if he's dreaming, but after pinching his arm, he knows he's not.

There's nothing that will stop them, Taehyung is healthy and Jeongguk has Yugyeom. It's really happening! The vampire has to leave the room because he wants to squeal and scream. After brushing his teeth and taking a short but needed shower, he runs out of the coven.

Taehyung wakes up to lout screaming, which rather sound cheerful. "Someone must be really happy." He giggles and expects a reaction from his boyfriend, but when he turns around, the other side of the bed is empty. "Oh. Where did he go?"

When he gets up, the door opens. "Honey!" Minho pulls him into a tight hug. "I can't wait till it's night, I'm so excited." He pecks him multiple times, making Taehyung laugh loudly.

"You're a sap, babe."

"Your sap but wait, are we going to celebrate before doing it?" Minho suddenly is busy thinking of locations where vampires and wolves are welcomed.

"Min?" Taehyung tries to get his attention. "Hey Min, it's okay we don't have to. We can always celebrate afterwards."

"Ah you're right, let's do just that." Minho wants to hug him again, when the door opens and Yugyeom enters.

"Shit did I disturb you both?" He thought that Minho is alone, but of course he isn't. How dumb of him to assume that his friend wants to hang out when tonight is the night.

"No Yug, don't worry. I wanted to wash up then eat something, please take Min out so he'll calm down." Taehyung shoves his boyfriend into the other's arms and leaves for the bathroom.

Minho groans. "He's so-"

"-Cute, perfect, bossy?" Yugyeom finishes for him, but the older shakes his head.

"No, stubborn was what I wanted to say, fortunately, he's everything you've said too." Minho raises an eyebrow. "What do you wanna do?"

Yugyeom smiles widely, letting his hands drop from Minho's shoulders to his butt and pulls him closer. They look like a loving couple, shy but also intimate. "How about we feed from humans and then scare a few."

"Sounds like a perfect plan, still, I think I'll pass with the feeding thing, since I'm gonna do it with Taehyung later." He winks.

Of course he is, Yugyeom thinks. How could he forget, that it's a part of mating.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now