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The meeting goes well. Namjoon announces to be away for a while and Yoongi is going to take over, together with his mate and Jimin.

Jeongguk knows why he himself isn't the first choice after Yoongi, the mating thing will get stronger and his mind more confused. The events earlier makes him think about everything, he couldn't let Taehyung come too close. Knows that he had said he'll come over to satisfy their craving but now he has other plans.

His things are packed and Jeongguk had asked Jaesoo if he wanted to come with him. The vampire would be in need of blood and maybe some action. The human had agreed immediately and promised to keep his mouth shut.

While everyone is busy talking and bidding their goodbye to the leader, he goes to his room to fetch his things. Jaesoo is already waiting outside when Jeongguk hurries out of the house. "Let's go and don't make any noises."

The boy nods, his voice would be too loud and they'd get caught. Both are already walking through the forest for a while when the human groans. "I need a break, my legs feel like dying."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes and goes down so he can climb on his back. "Hurry up, we're not far enough yet, to be safe."

The boy smiles, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's neck from behind. When the vampire stands up, his legs are immediately around the waist. He giggles.

"Don't like it too much, when we arrive I probably have to drink from you."

"Oh don't worry, I'll gladly let you drink every day." Jaesoo smirks, knowing well, that there is going to happen more than just that. He can't wait to suck his dick or get fucked by him.

It takes two more hours with high speed, when they finally arrive the destination. Jeongguk's breath is steady, he doesn't seem too exhausted.

"You're so strong sir." Jaesoo kneads the vampire's arm and kisses his nape. "So, so strong." Alone the thought of being chosen to accompany the vampire makes him hard, he presses his lower body to Jeongguk's back, making sure that the older feels it.

Jeongguk drops him roughly. "Stop this shit, I'm not in the mood."

A pout shows up on the humans lips, but disappears as soon as he sees where they're going to stay. It's a small, cozy looking house with a tiny garden in the front. "Wow, is this yours?"

"It used to be mine, yes." The vampire enters and drops his backpack on the couch. "We have to clean first, but it should be done within an hour."

"Is there a village, because I can't live without food and water." Jaesoo looks around, admiring the little details.

"Yes, twenty minutes down the street. You can go now while I clean up." He gives the boy some money and then leaves him alone to start in the kitchen.

Jaesoo sighs, he had thought that Jeongguk would drink from him and could do something about his hard-on, unfortunately he was wrong. The boy walks down the mentioned street in silence.

Jeongguk rubs his face, he regrets taking Jaesoo with him. There are so many humans in their coven who wouldn't be as horny as him, so why did he choose him?

Others are also willing to help him out with his needs of blood and sexual satisfaction, but they aren't as eager as him.

The vampire makes sure that he's alone when he locks himself in the bathroom. When Jaesoo was grinding on him, his mind was occupied by Taehyung. Jeongguk is frustrated, hopes that the obsession will lessen soon, the longer he's away from the Omega.

The days go by and Taehyung knows that today is the day where he's going to see Jeongguk again. Hoseok has left the pack, together with two more wolves, a month ago, to search for the witch.

Taehyung is happily humming a song as he showers. He was in heat and is now back to his senses. It's the first time Taehyung didn't let anyone help him. It hurt a lot, but with Jeongguk as his mate, he just couldn't betray him.

There was a time when he wanted to call for him, decided against it though. Too much could have been happening, bad things, he didn't want to jeopardize it.

Taehyung is drying his hair as Seokjin enters his den. "Tae, I'm so sorry." The Beta looks upset.

"What's wrong Hyung, where's Jeongguk?" He looks past the older, but couldn't see him.

"I went to their coven, just like you told me, unfortunately he's missing, Tae. I've talked to Jimin and he said that after the meeting, he just disappeared together with a human." Seokjin can see the hurt and betrayal in Taehyung's eyes. Everyone knows why Vampires need humans.

"But Hyung, he can feed on me, why does he need someone else?" He sits down on the bed.

Seokjin sighs. "There was a letter. He told them that he has to go away or else he'd lose himself. He's afraid that you both would kill each other sooner or later."

Taehyung shakes his head. "No, tell me that this is a joke. Please." A sob echoes through the room. "We agreed on meeting at least once a month, he can't do that to me!" Ugly tears are streaming down the Omega's face, he can't help it. His wolf needs his mate, needs affection, love, him.

"Pup, I wish I could help you or tell you that he'll be back soon, but I'm sorry, I can't lie to you." He sits down next to Taehyung and pulls him into a hug, stroking slowly over his back. "Ssssh, everything will be alright. You have me and the others. We love you and will take care of our precious Omega." Seokjin places a kiss on the younger's temble. He also is missing his mate, but since they've lived together for a long time already, they can be apart for at least three months without any problems. Of course they miss each other badly, but they will survive.

Taehyung feels so bad. Because of him, Seokjin can't see his mate and is alone too. "You should hate me Hyung, I'm the reason why Hoseok is away from you. I know that you both are working on pups."

It makes the older smile. "I'm gonna tell you a secret." He leans in to whisper into his ear. "We were successful."

It makes Taehyung looking up and cleaning his face with the back of his right hand. "What? You're pregnant?"

Seokjin nods happily. "And you, my little sunshine, are the first to know it, besides me. Even Hoseok doesn't know yet."

"Oh my god, Hyung! I- congratulation!" Taehyung's gaze wanders down to the other's belly. "How long?"

"Ten weeks, found out about it five days after he had to leave." Seokjin chuckles when Taehyung pouts with new tears building up. "Don't cry pup. I'm happy and you should be happy too."

"I am buhuu." He cries like a baby, this time because he's truly happy for his friends or dads - they're both to him.

Hormones are a bitch. Seokjin can feel the change his body is going through and Taehyung makes everything more difficult. The Omega suffers from the distance he has to his mate. First signs are showing up, he can't eat properly, his body hurts and he's crying every night. Taehyung doesn't leave his den anymore, suffers alone and even sends Seokjin away. His pregnancy reminds him of what he never will have, with or without Jeongguk. Being pregnant would mean saying goodbye to everyone he loves.

It has to stop, he needs his mate before something could happen.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now