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Taehyung went home after making out with Minho for a while. Had waited for Jeongguk to come back and see it, unfortunately, he never did.

The Omega had fun, not gonna lie. The vampire is a good kisser and also really nice and handsome, though, as much as he hates the thought- he isn't Jeongguk. The mating bond might be broken, yet there's still something he can't explain that pulls him to the Alpha.

Taehyung couldn't give in easily, is still determined to get his revenge, why does it still hurt him too in a way? It's not how he had planned it.

"It takes time to completely get over him." Taehyung mumbles to himself, while lying on his bed, turning on his side to look out of the window. The moon is full and shines brightly.

He's sure that tomorrow will be a better day, so he closes his eyes.

Jeongguk is resting in his room, after exhausting himself more than ever. His back and butt hurt so good and each movement reminds him of that. "I wish it would have been him who wracked me like that." He's not a moon person, that's what he thinks, yet every time he's looking at it, he feels a thousand times better.

While Taehyung falls asleep, Jeongguk only closes his eyes, they rest that night with one another on their mind.

"Wake up lazy bitch!" Hoseok throws the blanket off of Taehyung's body. The Omega curls himself into a ball and whines.

"No, I wanna sleep for another hour." But then it hits him "Hobi! Oh My God, you're back?" He jumps up, right into the smaller's strong arms.

"Yes pup, since we don't need the witch anymore we could come back." The Alpha chuckles as Taehyung scents him. Seokjin will go berserk again, especially now that he's pregnant.

"I'm sorry for causing problems and I'm also sorry that you had to miss your mate's first trial of his pregnancy." The younger's face is still pressed against his neck, so it was difficult to understand what he's saying, but Hoseok is used to it, so he does.

"It's not your fault Tae, we wanted you to use the blockers. Jeongguk isn't at fault either, he couldn't know and just followed his instincts."

Taehyung leans back with a pout. "You know, at first I was shocked, then I was happy. However, when he disappeared, I wished to be dead. I don't wanna experience it again, not the last part."

"I know pup." He puts a hair strain behind his ear. "Believe me, I know. It's gonna be alright, I promise."

Seokjin had told his mate everything that had happened, the Alpha was sad and still is. The moment they had found the small pup in front of their door, they fell in love with him. When nineteen years later he presented as an Omega, they were more than shocked because it was almost impossible. Taehyung had taught them that nothing is impossible and raised him as good as they could.

After hearing the story behind everything, he knew that Taehyung was destinated to be with them, it made him smile and really happy. They see him as their real son, he kind of is, just not by blood.

"Hyung, what are you thinking about?" Taehyung nudges the Alpha's chest gently.

"About you and how complete you make us. You're sent from heaven." He goes on his tiptoes and kisses Taehyung's forehead.

"More like from hell, witches aren't from heaven." The Omega chuckles.

Hoseok shakes his head. "You're wrong pup. If the legend of the witch you've met is true, then she's a good one."

Taehyung thinks for a moment, recalls his experience with her. He's right, she has never hurt him, she let him decide on his own, he could have said no to the unmating.

"Oh, now that you say it, she really was kind and nice. Hyung, she's literally an angel, so so beautiful!" His eyes are wide and he's holding both of Hoseok's shoulders, shaking him slightly.

The Alpha laughs. "Don't fall for her Tae, it's not possible to mate a witch, they're married to mother nature."

Taehyung frowns. "I'm gay Hyung, she doesn't have a dick."

"Did you know that all male Omega's are gay?" Hoseok asks him.

"I think I came to the realization that we are, because we have to bare pups and women can't impregnate us." Taehyung sits down sadly because the humans he had met where all homophobic, what if he'd have been a Beta or Alpha, would he be hetero?

Hoseok sighs. "You know, being gay isn't unnatural. We have seen it in primates, fishes, even worms. Many humans are just too ignorant to see it. I am gay too, Seokjin is and Jeongguk. I could name you so many more. Don't think that you're less worth just because you don't love women like you love men."

"Thank you Hyung, it's just that... What if I wouldn't have been an Omega, would I fall in  love with men too? To have an own will is something important, but she took that away from me." Don't get him wrong, he's not against the thought of being gay, still, the fact that his life was planed out by her how it is right now, is something that has bothered him ever since Ji had told him that. The possibility to fall in love with a woman was completely taken away from him.

"I'm sorry, I really am. Just try to think like that, 'it's how it is and it doesn't hurt me to love men only'. Make the best out of your situation and be happy. All the what ifs will only cause confusion and unhappiness, throw these thoughts away and live your given life." Hoseok can see the change in Taehyung's expression and sighs relieved.

The younger stands up and makes a fist. "You're right Hyung, it shouldn't matter as long as I'm happy. The person is important, not if they have a dick or vagina and if I only can fall for boys, I'll find myself the perfect mate." He looks at the Alpha. "Thanks, I love you dad."

It's the first time he's calling him that and Hoseok's eyes became glossy. When Taehyung runs to his bathroom he mumbles a silent "Dad" and repeats it several time in his head.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now