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Jeongguk searches everywhere, knows a lot of silent places, but Taehyung is nowhere to be found. He pulls his hair frustrated, it has already been two hours since he had left Seokjin.

"Please Tae, give me a sign." He looks up to the sky, seeing the moon and the stars. "Oh my god why didn't I think of it first?" The vampire makes his way to the clearing, where he and the Omega went to, over a month ago.

He arrives not long after, eyes searching for a body or even a wolf, unfortunately there's nothing, maybe he's hiding? Jeongguk goes behind trees, looks into bushes, still nothing. He can feel his aura, can smell his scent faintly but Taehyung isn't there anymore.

Jeongguk drops to his knees, hugging his own body, though he doesn't cry. His mate was here, he's too late, but he was right here.

The vampire can't go back, not yet. He promised Seokjin he'd come back with Taehyung.

Fourty minutes earlier

"Wake up beautiful wolf." A soft voice says, kneeling down next to the lifeless looking animal. His belly is still moving, so the person knows that he's alive.

"Wake up." They shake him gently until Taehyung opens his eyes.

'Am I dead?' He can't speak as a wolf so he asks himself in his thoughts.

"No, you're not, but I'm sure you will be soon if you're not coming with me. I can help you little wolf."

Taehyung turns his head as far as possible and sees a woman leaning carefully over him. She has long dark hair and the most beautiful face he has ever seen - don't tell Seokjin that.

'You can hear me?' The Omega is confused, is he dreaming all of this, is he already dying and now fantasizes about someone who's helping him?

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'You can hear me?' The Omega is confused, is he dreaming all of this, is he already dying and now fantasizes about someone who's helping him?

The woman laughs, it sounds more like giggles. "Isn't it obvious that I can? Stupid, stupid, little wolf." She caresses over his furr and smiles. "You're really beautiful Taehyung."

'You know my name?' His wolf eyes getting bigger.

"Of course I know your name, I've created you." Her orbs literally glow white now, he tries to move away from her.

"Don't be scared, I'd never harm you." She stops her hand and places it on his head. "Shift."

Without having control over it, he shifts back to a human. Taehyung covers his crotch with one hand and his chest with the other, still lying on the side, back facing the woman. "H-how- Why? What are you?"

"You still don't know? Okay I'll tell you a secret." She lays a finger above her mouth and makes a 'shhh' sound. "I'm a-" makes a dramatic pause. "-witch!" To make it more dramatic, she lets wind blowing up around them.

Taehyung sighs. "Okay, it's confirmed. I'm dead." He closes his eyes and drops his head to the ground.

"Gosh, I gave my everything to scare the shit out of you and you're acting like that? I waited for a scream or something."

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now