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Seokjin is by Taehyung's side whenever the younger needs him. Jeongguk can't always be there, but he tries.

The Omega's belly grows visible in the middle of the fifth month and that's when Namjoon doesn't see his fellow vampire anymore.

Jeongguk has basically moved in with his boyfriend and annoyingly attends lovingly to his every want. Taehyung doesn't hate it, but he's not sick and sometimes wants to do more himself to stay fit.

"Ggukie, can't you let me do it on my own?" Taehyung groans as the Alpha takes the dishcloth out of his hand and begins to dry the dishes instead. "You know that I really like doing the dishes, it relaxes me."

"But you could cut your hand and then the pup feels the pain, too. Can't do, sit down and drink a herbal tea." Jeongguk gently shoves him to the couch and then continues his chores in the kitchen.

Taehyung has to bite his bottom lip to prevent himself from freaking out. He really likes Jeongguk, even loves him, however, this is too much. It has reached a point where he wants to throw him out of his den, until he's  in the ninth month. The wolf takes three deep breaths and lies down for a nap, maybe he can sleep it off.

When Jeongguk is done, he wants to cuddle with his boyfriend, but the sight is too cute to ruin, so he's watching the other instead. The vampire could stand here for hours, just staring at the handsome man in front of him. Not believing that he's finally his, even though they aren't mated yet again.

Hoseok had explained him that it would be too risky to do, while Taehyung is pregnant, especially 'cause he's a vampire. Pregnant people produce more blood than others, it could be that Jeongguk would drink too much and Taehyung wouldn't be able to recover in time.

Not only had they decided to mate after the pup is born, also their first time with each other is going to then. It's hard sometimes for both of them, especially when Taehyung is incredibly needy. Jeongguk thinks that his pregnant Omega is hot as fuck, not that he thinks he is not when he isn't pregnant, it's just different. Taehyung glows and moves differently, shows himself so confident and majestic. Add the Omega's arousing scent and the blue or purple eyes and you have a deadly combination. Deadly go his cock, because he has never jerked off so much in his whole life than lately.

To distract themselves from jumping each other and rip their clothes off, they go on cute dates. The favorite place for both is the clearing, but Taehyung can't shift anymore. Fortunately, Jeongguk is strong, so he can carry his love even though he's already a few pounds heavier - would never tell him that, the vampire likes his own life too much to die.

The day when Taehyung has to call the obstetrician, Jeongguk freaks out. The Omega is calmly breathing through the contractions, but the Alpha sits next to him panting as if he ran a marathon.

"Jeongguk, what the hell are you doing?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"I'm just giving you a rhythm so that you know how to breath correctly, why?" The vampire pants again, squeezing the other's hand a little too much. It's as if he's the one in labor and not his boyfriend.

"Why, you ask? You sound like a fucking dog, Jeongguk. Stop it, because I really want to laugh and I shouldn't. You look so stupid." Taehyung chuckles, pointing to Jeongguk's outstretched tongue. "I'm a werewolf, currently in human form. Not a dog, baby."

The Alpha pouts then, he doesn't dare to correct him. He thought it would help, but seems like it doesn't, that's why he gets up and walks out of the room.

Taehyung suddenly feels bad, didn't want to hurt his feelings and follows him slowly. "Gguk, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way, I really appreciate your effort and love you so much b-"

"Wait!" Jeongguk stops in his tracks. "You love me?"

Taehyung sighs, wanted to say the words after their pup is born, but his dump loose mouth betrayed him. "Yes Jeongguk, I love you."

The vampire turns around to finally face him and runs over to give him a gentle hug, carefully to not hurt his belly. "And I love you Tae Bear, so so much, you can't even imagine. I hate when we argue, let's go back to your room, shall we?"

Taehyung nuzzles his neck, inhales Jeongguk's scent deeply. A calm feeling overcomes his whole body and he smiles against the skin. Suddenly he feels a contraction coming, squeezing the other's biceps.

Back in the bedroom, Jeongguk's not panting anymore, he's whispering sweet nothings to Taehyung and after long, exhausting four hours Kim Hyungsik makes his first appearance into this world.

Both parents cry happy tears, even if Taehyung wants to sleep, he wants to hold his pup even more. The pack nurse gives him the little bundle and nods to Jeongguk before leaving the room to give them privacy.

"Look at this beautiful boy. I can't believe that he's our son." The Omega sobs, kissing the pup's forehead ever so softly.

"Me too, it's like a dream I don't want to wake up from. Look at his tiny fingers and oh my God, his nose is so small. Tae, he has your pout." Jeongguk coos the whole time, wants to hold his son too, but knows that Taehyung deserves to be the first.

When Taehyung finally places Hyungsik into his arms, he stops breathing for a moment. What if he accidentally drops him? Oh no, no no no. Jeongguk looks at Taehyung, searching for help, making him chuckle.

"You're doing so well Ggukie. Look at him, he likes you." Hyungsik's tiny fingers are around one of Jeongguk's, as if his life is depending on it. The Alpha can't help the tears that are running down his cheeks. It's real, so fucking real. Throughout the pregnancy it was like a dream for both, as if they're going to wake up soon and Taehyung isn't pregnant or they aren't even back together. Now with their pup right in front of them, it finally kicks in.

It takes a while until the couple gets used to everything. With Hoseok and Seokjin's help, they can handle the everyday life with a baby almost perfectly. Of course little accidents here and there happen, like Hyungsik pees as soon as Jeongguk opens the diaper or pukes out the milk when he burps.

If a grown up person would do all these things, they'd probably kill him (not literally), however,  sweet little sunshine Hyungsik can do anything he wants and it will always make his parents proud and coo at him.

Hoseok and Seokjin share a knowing look. It's endearing, really, but they will have to learn that soon he's gonna need boundaries or else they're going to have a real hard life in the near future.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now