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"Are you sure? You can still-" Ji tries to give him time.

Taehyung shakes his head. "I'm sure, break the mating. I'm sick of getting hurt. He cheated and it's disgusting." Wants to erase his memory too, if the bond is broken, it's enough for him for now.

Ji starts to mix the ingredients while whispering foreign words, Taehyung waits patiently until she's done.

"You have to drink the whole cup. It will taste disgusting, but what do you expect from frog legs and chicken eyes." Ji watches Taehyung's reaction, starts to laugh.

He's to gagging and coughing before even drinking from it. "Are you- are you fucking serious?"

"No." She laughs louder, covering her whole face. "I was kidding, I swear. There are only herbs inside but they're bitter and really not tasty."

Taehyung sighs relieved. As a wolf, he eats meat regularly, though there are limits.

He takes the cup, bringing it up to his lips, takes a deep breath, inhales the scent and wrinkles his nose.

"Okay, here goes nothing." With one swift move, he's emptying the cup, holding his nose closed while swallowing the soup of herbs.

His face looks funny after breathing normally and Ji can't help laughing again.

Taehyung suddenly hears a loud cry, turns around and can swear that it came from outside. "What was that?"

Ji stands up, opens the door. There, laying on the ground, is Jeongguk, holding his chest tightly. "T-Tae, what have you done?"

The Omega gets up with an unreadable expression. "The right thing, now you can fuck whoever you want, without hurting me ever again." He walks past the vampire and looks at back Ji. "Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome son. Have a great life." She casts a spell, it makes her and the tiny house disappear.

Jeongguk looks confused. "What just happened?"

"What do you mean? The fact that I just broke the bond or that she is gone, as well as her house?" Taehyung tries to stay calm, is also really shaken by the latter fact. A whole fucking house just disappeared in front of them.

"You did what? How is this even possible?" Jeongguk can still feel the pain, it's difficult for him to stand up.

Taehyung shrugs. "We are no longer mates. As I've said, you can now fuck all the humans out there and I don't care about it anymore."

"Tae, I didn't fuck him!" The vampire tries to grab his arm, but Taehyung pulls away.

"He still sucked you off and you've let him. Ive seen everything you've done the whole month you were away. While I was in my den, hurting like a bitch, because I thought you'd never come back to me." Taehyung's more than angry, he's furious.

Jeongguk looks at the werewolf's neck and the mark is gone. "No Tae, please! The bond isn't broken yet, I can still feel it, it fucking hurts."

"Call your little boy toy and let him make you feel better, I'm gonna go now. Oh wait, we'll see each other soon, I'll search for a new mate in your coven."

The vampire's face changes, his canines grow bigger and his eyes become red. "You're not searching for a new mate as long as I'm still alive." His voice is deep and threatening.

"Well, that's a you problem now, isn't it?" Taehyung smirks, satisfied with the pain Jeongguk is experiencing. Maybe he should let one of the vampires fuck him in front of his eyes. Wouldn't that be funny to let him taste his own medicine?

Taehyung shifts into a wolf, running away, not caring about the other. He had done the same to him a month ago, too.

Jeongguk needs time to recover from the broken heart, each step causes intense pain. "Maybe I should rest here tonight." He feels lonely, hearing his own voice calms him down a bit.

Now that he has enough time to recall everything, he wonders how Taehyung has found out about Jaesoo?

The vampire regrets what he has done so, so much, but was so fucking afraid, afraid of what would happen to both of them. It was his way to try and safe them, but now he's the only one hurting. Taehyung found a way to destroy him.

Jeongguk didn't lie as he had said that he still can feel the bond, it's there and deeper than before.

That woman must have done something, who the fuck even was she? Jeongguk looks over his shoulder and sees her watching him. "Who are you, why did you do it?"

Ji smiles. "I did what had to be done. You mated him without his consent. Now fight for him, before he finds someone else. If you like him as much as I think you do, then I'm sure you'll be successful."

She walks closer. "But it will come with a lot of pain. He'll try to hurt you as bad as you hurt him. It's a test for you if you're worth being with him."

"He'll do the things I did with Jaesoo, am I right?" Jeongguk asks sadly, he can't blame him, he'd do the same.

"You already know the answer. You should go now, it's not safe here." She turns around, disappearing again.

Jeongguk gets up, it's a little better now, but he can't use his sprint ability yet. The steps are slow. He believes her, feels that he needs immediately to leave the place or else- yeah, that's something Jeongguk doesn't want to find out.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now