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Jeongguk comes back to his senses when he smells the stinky air, they're close to a lot of wolves. "Wait!" He pulls his wrist out of Taehyung's grip. "I can't. I'm sorry but I have to go."

Taehyung is taken aback, notices too late that Jeongguk is already running in a fast speed to the opposite direction of where he has to go. His heart aches, but he can't follow him, it's too dangerous alone and with scent blockers.

Taehyung takes his phone out to check the time and sees a message from Seokjin.

Taehyung takes his phone out to check the time and sees a message from Seokjin

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Taehyung locks his phone, the border to his pack is right in front of him, that's how close he had Jeongguk

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Taehyung locks his phone, the border to his pack is right in front of him, that's how close he had Jeongguk.

He takes a deep breath, shifts to his wolf-form and takes his clothes into his muzzle. The wind brushes through his furr, he enjoys it, taking the longer way.

Taehyung reaches Seokjin and Hoseok's den, a modern construction based on natural materials.

Ten years ago he created his own to give them more privacy, he couldn't cockblock them forever.

The closer Taehyung gets, the more nervous he becomes. Shifting back when entering their home is a rule, then they're going to see the mating mark. Taehyung suddenly feels sick, wants to run away and never come back, but he loves them too much to do that.

He drops his clothes, turns back to a human and gets dressed. Taehyung takes a deep breath and knocks before entering the den, seeing Seokjin standing there. "Hyung. I'm so sorry." His head hangs low, doesn't know how to explain it to them.

"Taehyung you- you smell." Seokjin walks closer and sniffs. "You stink." He covers his nose in disgust.

Hoseok enters the living room, seems to smell it too. Since he's an Alpha, he immediately knows what it is, fighting against vampires often made him sensible to their odor.

"What happened? Did you go against one of them? How could you survive?" Hoseok's now standing next to Seokjin, he sees the mark on Taehyung's neck. His eyes grow big while pulling his shirt down, where he had tried to hide the bite. "What have you done? Please tell me it's a prank., Tae."

Only now, Seokjin notices what's going on and gasps. "No way. Oh my god Tae! Are you out of your mind?"

The Omega is close to tears, rarely cries, but based on their reactions, knows too well that he's in deep shit. "I didn't do anything. I blacked out and when I woke up, it had already happened. Jeongguk couldn't know because I'm using the blockers."

"Jeongguk? As in Jeon Jeongguk, the vampire of Kim Namjoon's coven?" Hoseok's grip on the shirt tightens, that he's shocked is an understatement, knows the brat from many encounters.

The coven and their pack are fighting regularly, trying to increase the borders. It's going on for decades and they don't plan to stop anytime soon.

The pack has lost a part of their area ten years ago, as well as two of their pack members. It meant war, even though Kim Namjoon had assured them that it wasn't one of his members who had killed them. The dying wolf on the other hand swore, before he had closed his eyes forever, that he saw Jeongguk attacking them.

Taehyung gulps, has a bad feeling that the vampire is someone he should avoid, but how can he now? They're mated and it would slowly kill him if he'd be away from the other for too long. "Yes, even though I don't know the full name, I'm sure it's him."

Hoseok rubs his face after letting go of Taehyung's shirt. "Fuck. Do you think he knows?" The Alpha asks his mate.

Taehyung looks at them questioningly. "Knows what?"

Seokjin sighs exaggerated. "That you're an Omega."

The youngest shakes his head. "I'm sure he doesn't, he didn't even believe me when I've told him that I'm a wolf. My eyes must have changed their color."

"Oh, blue right?" Seokjin asks and Taehyung nods. "And maybe something else? I'm not sure but could it be purple? They've never changed to purple, I'm not sure if I've heard it correctly in his thoughts."

The mates look at each other. Taehyung is sure they're talking in their minds so he waits.

Based on their expressions it must be something important and maybe concerning. Seokjin really is obvious when it comes to facial expressions and Taehyung tries to read them.

"Okay, stop!" The Omega waves his hands when after ten minutes they're still discussing through the link. "Tell me what's going on, for fucks sake."

Seokjin rolls his eyes. "No cursing pup, not in my house!"

Hoseok chuckles, knows that his mate is worse when it comes to cursing. "If your eyes were purple-." He stops, looking at Seokjin who nods slowly. "-then that vampire is your true mate."

He raises his hand to stop Taehyung from talking, because he was already opening his mouth to ask something. "But, it's not the same for him, Vampires are different, they don't have true mates. I'm sure he doesn't even care about you. It won't hurt him being away from you, he can continue living his life without thinking about you for a second."

"He's an asshole." Seokjin throws in. "Hates werewolves and if he gets to know about your situation, he'll do everything to make you suffer. Namjoon will tell him, he studies people like us and will figure out what you are within minutes after Jeongguk tells him about your eye color."

The tears Taehyung was trying to hold back are falling now. He sobs, covers his face with his palms. "I don't wanna die, I want pups, a love life, him!" His heart aches at the thought. The mark is pulsing painfully.

Hoseok sees it, the gland is bigger, stands out. He pulls Taehyung into a tight hug and Seokjin joins them. "Baby, we'll think about something. I'll talk to Namjoon tomorrow or the day after, maybe we can solve this problem, even if it means that we lose a bit of our area, you're worth it."

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now