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Taehyung and Jeongguk are meeting each other regularly now, even after Yugyeom has woken up. Their boyfriends know about it and can't say that they like the thought, though, they don't voice it out to them, instead both work on a plan to separate the friends again.

"We need to think of a way that won't make us separate too, like, we still can meet." Yugyeom sighs, it's really difficult to come up with something.

"Yeah, maybe we can make them have a guilty conscience?" Minho suggests with a pout, not liking it much, but it seems like the only way.

They sigh at the same time, looking at each other, making them laugh. "We are hopeless." The new turned vampire says.

"No, we just love our men too much and wanna keep our relationship alive." Minho smiles sadly at the other, knows that he should trust Taehyung. It's just that the thought of Jeongguk and him might being true mates sits not too well with him.

"True, nonetheless, I wanna be honest with you. If we have to force them, it doesn't feel right anymore." Yugyeom had weird dreams as he was in the process of being a vampire. Minho was the main character in these and since then he sees the other in a different light.

The problem is, that he can't just tell him that, sees how much he wants his Omega and him to work out. It hurts, but what can he do? Confessing isn't an option, the possibility of losing him is too big.

"I know." Minho whines, hiding his face behind his palms, rubbing them over the skin a few times. "It's frustrating."

They talk more and finally find a way to make them meet less without making them fight again.

Taehyung is currently arguing with Jeongguk about stupid things. "You don't understand! Lisa is gay for Jisoo, I don't make the rules."

Jeongguk groans. "Listen, have you seen how she looks at Jennie? You can't tell me that there isn't anything going on between them."

It doesn't end here until a grumpy Seokjin enters Taehyung's den. "Guys! I'm trying to take a nap, for fucks sake." Glares at the two boys. "Everyone knows that Lisa is in love with Rose, case closed." He scoffs and leaves.

Taehyung and Jeongguk share a confused look. "Hyung knows BLACKPINK?" They say at the same time, starting to laugh.

"Jinx." Jeongguk yells, making Taehyung raise up from the bed and hiding in the bedroom. He's sure that Jeongguk's hits are going to hurt like a bitch.

When the vampire comes back to the coven alone - as always, because Taehyung still hasn't moved back in with Minho after their fight - he's met with a naked Yugyeom lying on his bed, stretching his tight hole with cute whimpers. "Babe." Jeongguk's voice is soft.

"Ngh, you're finally- aah, back." Yugyeom bites his lips. Not being used to his fangs yet, he draws blood.

"Shit I'm sorry, I know it's late. Gonna make it up to you." He walks over to him, drops clothes one by one to the ground on the way to his needy boyfriend.

It's different, the sex I mean. It's the first time they fuck since Yugyeom isn't a human anymore and Jeongguk loves how rough he can be now, without being afraid to break him. He's letting all of his frustrations - he didn't know he had - out on him, who enjoys it way too much. "Fuck baby, you're doing amazing." Jeongguk moans as he comes over Yugyeom's back.

"Thank you, but when will you ever fill me up, so I can feel even better?" The newborn whines, making Jeongguk frown.

"I don't think I can, don't ask me why, because I don't know the answer either. It just doesn't feel right." He leans back and stands up to go to the bathroom.

After fetching a wet towel, he cleans his boyfriend's skin and lies down next to him. "I'm sorry Yug, it has nothing to do with you, I promise."

At this the other scoffs. "Is it because of Taehyung? I know that you're close again and I feel like you're forgetting about me."

Jeongguk sits up, wonders if they're really close again. "No babe, oh god. I won't ever forget about you." A kiss is placed on Yugyeom's forehead.

"See, you haven't kissed me on my lips ever since I've turned. You're slowly drifting away from me." He can't hold back the tear that's escaping his left eye.

"No no no, don't be sad." He pecks his lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad." Jeongguk feels horrible, he's a bad boyfriend and he wants to make him happy. "I promise to spend more time with you, starting now. Taehyung is just a friend, nothing more. He'll understand if I can't meet him for a while."

Yugyeom smiles and nods. "Okay, I'm looking forward to seeing you more and get all the love I deserve." He's pushing Jeongguk back to the bed to lay his head on his chest and listens to the very slow heartbeat.

At the same time, Taehyung spends time with Minho, it's almost the same scenario only without the sex.

"You know, now that they're mated it's wrong to keep them away from one another." The vampire says.

Taehyung stops walking, they're in the forest for a walk. "They mated?" It's news for him, why didn't Jeongguk tell him that?

"You didn't know?" Minho wonders the same.

"No but you're right, if they're mated, he should spend his time with him. Especially now that he has turned Yugi." There's sadness in his voice, he clears his throat and continues. "We both haven't seen each other much too and I wanted to change that anyway."

Minho smiles, jumps into Taehyung's arms and wraps his legs around the waist, catching him off guard. "I love you."

The Omega doesn't say it back, kisses him instead. "Do you think you can endure the smell when you come over to my den?"

The vampire ruffles his nose. "I can try, but why are you asking, you can always come over to the coven."

"You see, I don't wanna disturb them. It's better to leave the lovebirds alone for a while."

Minho chuckles, he finally did it. Taehyung and Jeongguk won't meet again in private, at least for a while.

When the wolf enters his den after saying goodbye to his boyfriend, he lets himself fall onto the bed. "Maybe I should mate Minho, too. Jeongguk has completely moved on so there's no need to think about the what ifs anymore."

He always was unsure, Ji's words still were in the back of his mind. 'Give yourself time to heal, you both are meant to be together.' Well, maybe they aren't after all. Fate changes with decisions, right?

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now