Six (slightly M)

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Both reach their homes faster than they had thought, so they bid each other goodbye.

Taehyung is lying on his bed, being confused after talking to Jeongguk. The story about the vampire who has impregnated an Omega seems so wrong, how can someone who's literally dead get someone pregnant? Something doesn't seem right.

He texts Seokjin, Taehyung won't be able to fall asleep without getting the answer.

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Taehyung hugs his big pillow tightly, has hoped that Jeongguk wouldn't be able to impregnate him, it would have been so much easier for them

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Taehyung hugs his big pillow tightly, has hoped that Jeongguk wouldn't be able to impregnate him, it would have been so much easier for them.

He closes his eyes and eventually falls asleep.

The next day comes too fast, a loud knock on his door makes him groan. "What?" He yells sleepily with a low growl.

"Open the door Tae." Hoseok knocks again when the Omega doesn't reply. "For fucks sake, open the damn door or I'll have to break it down!"

Taehyung rolls off the bed, the pillow still pressed to his body. "'M coming" Throws it onto the bed.

It takes a while until he finally faces Hoseok, he scratches his butt and yawns. "Why are you so loud, it's too early to get up."

"Open your eyes idiot." Hoseok can't believe that the younger was still sleeping at 3 pm.

Taehyung does as told and groans again. "Too bringt, I'm going back to my bed and sleep for three more hours." He's about to turn around when Jeongguk's chuckle stops him. His eyes immediately open widely and he gasps.

"Good morning sleepy head, rise and shine." The vampire smiles at him.

"Fuck, let me just-" Taehyung slams the door shut, but doesn't lock it. He searches for clothes and looks down on his body only to curse out loud. "Fuck!"

Taehyung enters the bathroom to undress.

'Did he see my morning wood?' He thinks while taking a shower.

'Yes I did, you're quite big.'

It makes Taehyung drop the soap. 'Get out of my head!'

'Why, are you embarrassed? Don't be, I have it too almost every morning, it's normal.'

The Omega whines, hates getting rid of his problem with Jeongguk hearing his thoughts.

'Come on baby, don't be shy. We can sext through our minds isn't that great? Are you touching yourself right now?''

'Jeon fucking Jeongguk, stop it already and no I'm not touching myself.' A big fat lie, the vampire's voice is too hot to ignore and before he knows it, he's already stroking his length.

'Oh really? You're a bad liar baby. I can ask Hoseok to leave so I can join you. Don't you think my hand would feel better around your dick?'

Taehyung pinches himself for even considering it, there's no way he'll let the other touch him yet. 'Go, I don't need your help, I survived a long time without you jerking me off.' He doesn't admit, that he hopes the other is going to say something again. His voice, it's just too sexy.

'I've sent him away, can I come in?'

'You never listen to me, huh?' He's stroking faster now, silent moans leaving his mouth.

'Not when you say one thing, but the next second you say the complete opposite. I can hear you, it seems like I can not only hear the thoughts you want me to hear.'

Taehyung is too aroused to be mad, doesn't give a fuck anymore. 'You can come in but not into the bathroom. Stay in my bedroom and talk to me. That's enough to keep me going.'

'Okay. Your house is really nice, not gonna lie.'

'Jeongguk.' He whines. 'Are you seriously talking about my house now while I try to cum?' Shameless, that's what he is right now.

Taehyung hears Jeongguk chuckle. 'Sorry babe. I'd rather join and help you, instead of sitting on your bed, touching myself.'

'You're touching yourself?'

Jeongguk hears the moan coming from the room in front of him. 'Yeah, you made me all hot. You know, you should take care of it.'

'Fuck. Please let me take care of it, I'll be so good to you.' The Omega submits so easily.

'Tae baby, what are you doing to me huh, making me all wet only through your words. I'm sure you're really good with your mouth, aren't you?'

'Yes, the best.'

'Come and show me then.'

The bathroom door opens and Taehyung steps out with a towel wrapped around his lower body. "Oh my god, you're really touching yourself."

Jeongguk laughs. "Of course I am, did you think I was just playing with you? You made me so hard with your dirty thoughts."

Taehyung suddenly gets shy, covers his eyes and turns around.

"Babe, how will you suck my dick if you're not looking at me, come over." Jeongguk pats the bed to his left.

"I'm uh, you still want me to do it?"

"You don't?" Jeongguk is confused, he takes a closer look at the Omega's crotch when the latter faces him again and can't see a bulge. "Oh, you're done?"

Taehyung nods with a pout. "I'm sorry, I still can help you, it's not a problem, really."

Jeongguk chuckles, he's so cute. "No baby, I'll just use the toilet for a few minutes." He points to the door next to the bathroom and Taehyung nods.

After the door closed, he can clearly hear Jeongguk's thoughts, is sure that he's doing it on purpose. 'Tae, aaah. You feel so good around me.'

He wants to cover his ears, unfortunately it won't help since it's in his head. 'Jeongguk please.'

'Please what baby?'

'Oh. Should I or should I not?' Taehyung mindlessly thinks.

'Do it, I need you.' Of course Jeongguk hears him.

'Please fuck me harder, let me forget my own name.' Taehyung cringes a bit, he has never done this before, not through chat nor through mind link.

'Shit baby, I'll fuck you so good. Oh that's it, say my name.'

'Jeongguk, Guk. My Alpha.' Taehyung plays along, has to admit that he loves it. The deep voice of Jeongguk, the moans and the faint slaping sounds while he jerks off, are definitely a turn on.

The words are bringing the vampire over the edge, he groans out Taehyung's name while coming over his hand and into the toilet. 'Shit, I wish it was your ass instead of my hand.'

Taehyung is sure he's blushing but doesn't care. The situation is weird and he has every right to blush and be embarrassed.

There's one thing he regrets. He hasn't seen his dick, because Jeongguk was still covered by his pants.

'Don't be sad baby, you're going to see me naked very soon.'

"Gosh, I start to hate that mind link thing." Taehyung rubs his face frustrated. He hears Jeongguk coming out of the toilet room and looks at him between his spread fingers.

"I'm starting to love it." The vampire smirks, adjusting his pants.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now