Fifteen (slightly M)

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Ji's watching everything Taehyung does, since his birth she has a special bond to him. The witch gave a part of herself to the wolf and that's why she calls him her son.

The reason why Ji showed Taehyung what Jeongguk did when he was away is, that he could see the truth, before making a decision. This night was the only night she was able to undo the mating or they would have to wait for another 250 years. Ji didn't want to hurt him or Jeongguk, but a relationship based on hidden things isn't optimal, she can see parts of the future and it would have caused a major problem for them soon.

The witch isn't a bad one, she's just really focused on Taehyung and wants only the best for him. The other still alive Omega has the best life, so she doesn't have to look after him.

Ji is really sad that her third creation has died. The human he drank from hadn't planned it so she couldn't see it beforehand. The man is now living his life in hell, getting punished for what he has done, in the worst way possible.

Ji likes Jeongguk, even after what has happened, the vampire owns a good heart and just made the wrong decisions. The future is unclear, she can't see what is going to happen, so she stays close and well hidden to Taehyung.

Namjoon's back in his coven and Jimin the first to greet him. "Hyung! I've missed you so much." The way smaller boy wraps his hands around the leader's neck and his legs around the hips, after jumping into his arms.

"Uff Chim, I've missed you too." He chuckles. "Did something happen while I was gone?"

Jimin explains everything and Namjoon sighs. "So Taehyung is with Minho now?"

The younger nods with a pout. "Yes, but I don't like it. Jeongguk looks so hurt and jealous, he even uses the room."

"Oh, I see." The leader has Jimin still clinging to him, he doesn't mind, enjoys it even. Namjoon places his hands on the other's lower back to support his weight and walks to his room.

After closing the door behind them, he lays Jimin down on his bed and stays hovering over him. "How have you been?" Their faces are close, it makes Jimin swallow nervously.

"I felt so alone without you. Thought of you a lot." The younger bites his bottom lip and looks cutely at Namjoon.

"I thought a lot of you, too, Chim. Couldn't wait to come back, because it has opened my eyes."

Jimin hopes that it means what he thinks it means. When Namjoon comes closer, he shuts his eyes close and waits. Soft lips are now touching his own, wants to smile and squeal, unfortunately he can't. It would make the other stop and that's the last thing he wants to happen. Jimin kisses back, presses his lips more to Namjoon's.

It doesn't take long and they're making out on the leader's bed, clothes are getting thrown to the ground and naked bodies are rubbing each other. The room soon is filled with moans and filthy as well as praising words are leaving their lips.

Namjoon always liked Jimin, couldn't show it, for him to not be sure about the other's feelings. After being away for so long, he made a promise to himself. Decided to make him his, as soon as he can and now the moment is here. "Baby, can I bite you?"

Jimin is close to cumming, he isn't sure if he has heard him correctly or if it's only in his imagination, so he plays safe and just tells him to mate him. "Bite me please, I want to be yours."

Namjoon groans, sinks his canines into Jimin's neck. They reach their orgasms at the same time. Jimin whimpers, is immediately hard again, because even for vampires, the biting makes them feel really, really good.

When the older is done, it's Jimin's turn. Namjoon fucks him again until it's time to present his neck. "Bite me babe. I can't wait any longer." And Jimin does, takes his sweet time to make him his, too.

Exhausted and happy, still covered in cum, they lie next to each other, looking into one another's eyes. "I love you Chim." Namjoon says it first, followed by his mate. "I love you Joon."

They know that they have to fight for their love, it's not the same way that wolves mate, but they're willing to make it a forever and forever is a long time if you're immortal.

When it's time to announce Namjoon's arrival, they stand side by side. "Hello my friends. As you can see I'm finally back." He looks at his mate and smiles, showing his mark to them at the same time.

The crowd gasp at first, but immediately after the initial shock, they cheers for them. Jeongguk feels sad, thinking about mates. Though, he's happy for his brothers. Only because he had lost his own, doesn't mean others can't have love, too.

Jimin sees Jeongguk's expression and excuses himself for a moment. He walks over to him and pulls them out of the room. "Hey Guk, are you okay?"

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about me." Jeongguk fakes a smile, Jimin knows.

"You don't have to pretend, not in front of me. If there's anything you wanna talk about, I'll always be there for you." He hugs the taller and pats his back. "Everything will be alright soon, believe me."

"I hope you're right Chim. Congrats on the mating, you really deserve it." Jeongguk's the only one who knew about his love for Namjoon, he really means what he has said, Jimin truly deserves happiness.

"Thank you Gguk. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now, it's just... I'm afraid to wake up and everything was just a dream." The older sighs, uses his thumb to wipe a single tear away from Jeongguk's cheek.

The younger hasn't noticed that it was there so he steps back. "Oh?"

"It's okay, I'm sure it reminds you of Taehyung and I'm sorry, but you won't give up on him, right?"

Jeongguk shakes his head. "Never, I'll give him time to heal and maybe I need this time, too."

They talk about more non Taehyung related things before parting ways again. While Jimin goes back to his mate, Jeongguk walks to the pleasure room, as so often lately.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now