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Jeongguk is bored and he needs to find a new human to feed from. He had promised Yugyeom that he'll find a girl or woman because that way nothing is gonna happen. Yugyeom knows that Jeongguk is gay, without a doubt.

It's not allowed to search for them in their village or town, they have to come out into the forest or directly to them. Humans living in the coven already belong to someone and vampires don't share what's theirs.

The ones who didn't have an assigned vampire are gone, now searching in other areas for someone who's willing to turn them. They're really desperate when it comes to immortality.

Jeongguk couldn't care less about them, he'll eventually find a girl soon. Still has enough time, because he just fed from his boyfriend while mating him. It's more blood than he drinks usually when he feeds from someone, it will last for months.

The vampire is curious how Yugyeom will look like as one of them. Paler, redder lips, clear eyes, will his hair grow longer too just like his own did?

With more time left to spend, Jeongguk meets up with Seokjin. After the incident, the Beta wolf and Alpha Vampire became close friends. Every time he goes, he also meets Taehyung and maybe he looks forward to this.

"Hey Guk, are you looking for Jin Hyung?" The Omega grins knowingly.

"Yes, is he here?" And maybe his small pup also has found a place in his slow beating heart.

"Il-sung and he are out, but Hobi is in his den. They should be back very soon though." Taehyung sighs, knows that it's not good to face the vampire, he can't help feeling excited whenever his ex comes over.

Jeongguk nods slowly, wants to talk to Taehyung more. "Umm how about we go for a walk in then?" It's risky, but he doesn't care.

It makes the Omega looking up a little, glancing through his lashes. "What? Just you and me?" Wants to take the question back as soon as it's spoken, unfortunately, it's too late now.

Jeongguk chuckles, can see the inner debate. "Yes-" He chuckles again. "Just the two of us. Don't worry I won't bite you again." Should have been a joke, so why does it still feel wrong saying it to him?

Taehyung opens his mouth to reply, but decides to keep it to himself, he has Minho now and Jeongguk is just trying to be friends again. Maybe it's finally time to forget about the past. Okay, maybe not forgetting about it, just putting it behind them as an experience they have learned from. "Fine, let's go." He says instead.

The vampire smiles, can't hear Taehyung's thoughts anymore, still, something tells him that the future will contain more happiness and less days where he thinks about his wrongdoings.

They don't hold hands or walk too close to each other. They don't speak about the past, instead about what they wanna do in the future. About traveling and making new, better experiences. It's nice, really. They've missed talking to someone who aren't their boyfriends, not that talking to them isn't nice, it's just different. If someone would have told them that it would be like this between both again someday, they would have laughed it off.

"What do you think about turning into your wolf and we run for a while?" Jeongguk suggests, sees the wide smile on Taehyung's face before the latter nods enthusiastically. 

Disappears then behind a tree, marks it with his scent - he's not using blockers right now - and hides his clothes below leaves, walks out in his beautiful wolf form and stretches.

Jeongguk laughs, wants to pet his fur, but holds back, too early to do such a thing. "Ready?" Asks him as an alternative.

Taehyung's front moves down, almost touching the ground while his behind is still up. He wiggles his butt, hind legs getting in position for a quick start, growling lowly, is visibly excited.

"Oh my, so playful." Jeongguk's amused. As Taehyung snorts, he gets in position too. One leg a step ahead of the other, his body bend more forward. "Ready, GO!" He yells and they start running as fast as they could, howling and screaming in joy while doing so.

They haven't noticed the vampire watching them before they ran away, too focused on each other.

"I have to make sure they don't get too close again." Minho mumbles to himself, turns around to walk back to the coven. Enters Jeongguk's room where Yugyeom is still resting.

"Hey Yugi, I think you're a fool, you shouldn't have agreed to this." Minho was shocked when he had heard the news. He knows about the rules, but giving up a human life to live as a vampire is just plain stupid. He himself wished he would have had a choice, unfortunately getting turned by a rogue, the decision never was his. At least he had found Namjoon who was willing to give him a chance. He'll forever be grateful to him.

The vampire lays down next to his friend, hugging him from behind. "You won't believe what our men are doing right now. I'm afraid of losing my Omega to your boyfriend." He buries his nose in the other's nape, inhaling deeply. He can't smell the sweet scent of blood anymore but can still imagine it. Yugyeom always smelled so good, it was a struggle to hold back not to bite him here and then.

Don't get him wrong, Taehyung smells good too, but it's different because he's a wolf.

"We need to separate them again." He whispers before closing his eyes to rest for a while as well.

Jeongguk knows that Minho and Yugyeom are close friends so he doesn't mind seeing them all cuddled up in his bed, when he comes back from the relaxing and funny run. Minho has Taehyung and he would be a fool cheating on him. Thoughts of what he did with Jaesoo while being with the Omega come up, he shakes them off without a second thought. He himself was that fool, knows what he's talking about.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now