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Taehyung can't sleep, he's thinking of Jeongguk and tries to remember his features. There are the big eyes, beautiful in their shape, the small upper lip and fuller lower one. Thinks he saw a mole, isn't sure though if it was below or above those kissable lips.

He hates that he's missing him, even though he doesn't know a thing about the vampire. It's frustrating, really. Not in a thousand years would he have thought that something like this could happen to him. But here he is, lying in bed, feeling the distance between them. His heart squeezes painfully in his chest.

Taehyung eventually falls asleep some time later. It doesn't take long and the name of his mate leaves his parted lips, between moans.

The moans aren't sexual in nature, but stressful ones. The Omega is longing for the other's attention, but the handsome man always disappears into thin air whenever he would be able to finally reach him.

Hoseok hears his struggles, they let him stay the night in their den. He enters the room with a damp towel and cleans the Omega's sweat covered forehead. "Tae." The Alpha whispers softly. "Hey pup, you're home and safe." He hopes that his voice will reach him in his dream.

Taehyung indeed can hear him, but he's trapped in his own mind. It feels so real, the pain, the words Jeongguk is saying over and over again. "I don't want you, you're just a filthy wolf." Then he laughs devilish, his canines growing larger and eyes turning to a dark and deathly red. Even then, Taehyung thinks he's the most handsome creature, walking on mother earth.

A loud bang brings him back to reality. He's startled and sits up straight. No one else is in the room but why does it feel like there is or was? He looks around and sees a piece of a black cloak on the windowsill that disappears seconds later.

Taehyung jumps out of the bed, feeling dizzy but he doesn't care. The smell, it's familiar. He looks through the open window, but it's gone. What or whoever it was is already gone.

The scent lingers in his nose, it's without a doubt Jeongguk's. What was he doing in his room? Why was he here, does he care about him?

Jeongguk is hiding in a shadow along the wall, around the corner. Hopes that Taehyung won't be able to see him. There are suddenly foot steps and he turns his head.

"Jeon Jeongguk. What are you doing here? You know that I could rip you in half and no one can do anything about it, because you're in our territory." It's Jung Hoseok, the pack leader.

Jeongguk smirks. "Oh really? Then how will you explain it to Taehyung that you've murdered his mate?"

It takes everything in Hoseok to not turn into his wolf and charge at him. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "He'll understand, you'll cause more pain being alive, than being dead."

Jeongguk raises an eyebrow at that, doesn't know much about wolves, so what pain is he talking about? The Alpha can sense his confusion. "Let Namjoon explain how the mating with a werewolf works. I'll try and search for the witch who can remove the mark, if she actually exists."

"Witch?" Jeongguk snorts, this stinky wolf is so delusional. "Good luck with that." He turns around to leave when he feels a hand grabbing his arm. He doesn't turn back but waits.

"Tell Namjoon to meet me at the neutral ground tomorrow at 9pm, alone." Hoseok lets go of him and takes a step back. Jeongguk nods once, then leaves in a fast speed.

The vampire had seen Taehyung dreaming, he had waited until Hoseok was gone and jumped up into his room through the open window. Has to admit that the wolf is really handsome but it doesn't matter, he's a wolf! He would be banished for even trying it.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now