
9K 461 32

They get up, clean their clothes and it's weird. Taehyung feels like he never was sick at all and for the other, the weight that was pushing him down, is suddenly gone. Realisation hits them at the same time. Both stare at each other, thoughts becoming crazy. That's what they think their thoughts are, but little do Taehyung and Jeongguk know that it's all true.

The wolf became sick, because of the separation of his true mate and Jeongguk could feel it. The thing is, that they don't know about one another's struggles.

"Hey. Did I hurt you?" Jeongguk checks him by touching his chest and arms.

Taehyung chuckles lightly. "No Ggukie, I'm fine, better than fine, to be honest and you?"

"Well, I had a soft landing. I'm perfectly fine, too." It should be awkward between them now, but it isn't, they have missed each other so much and only now they realize it.

"What are you doing here? Haven't you moved back to your pack a while ago?" The vampire knew it from Yugyeom.

"Yeah, but things have changed, now I'm living here again for already three days." Taehyung smiles, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Three days you say?" Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows. "That's when it started." The last sentence is only a whisper, more to himself than to the other.

"What were you saying?" Taehyung moves closer, is still in a comfortable distance.

"Ah nothing, don't worry about it. Oh, you wanted to go to the kitchen, right? Mind if I join you?" He hopes the Omega will accept the request and gets happy when he sees him nod.

Both talk about the past month, what they have done and how Seokjin, Hoseok and their pup are doing. Taehyung never tells him about his plan to mate Minho, doesn't want to bring it up when they had just met again after such a long time.

They sit there for at least two hours, until Jeongguk sighs, putting the dishes away. "We should probably go back to our rooms, I'm sure they're back by now."

"You're right, let me help you, then we can leave." He's washing everything and Jeongguk dries it, to put it back in their place.

It's nice, the atmosphere is friendly and comfortable. Almost forgotten are the last three days of pain and uneasiness.

They part in front of Jeongguk's room, since it's closer to the kitchen then Minho's. "Bye Ggukie, let's met tomorrow again, but can we uh not tell our boyfriends about it? I have a feeling that they wouldn't want it."

"Oh, sure. But wouldn't it be a bad move towards them? Not that we're doing things to cheat on them." The vampire clears his throat. "It's just that... I don't know, it doesn't seem right."

"I know it's not the best idea, but there's something that tells me that Minho wants me away from you and if I'd tell him about meeting you, he'd want to come along." Taehyung looks behind him, to make sure they're still alone, both were whispering the whole time, because it's night and silent in the hallway. "I wanna have an us time, you know."

Jeongguk sighs. He'd lie if he'd say that he doesn't want that, too, so he nods. "Okay, meet me at the clearing tomorrow at ten. Do you still know the way?"

"Of course, I won't ever forget it." The Omega smiles wide.

They say goodnight to each other and enter their rooms.

Minho notices that Taehyung is feeling good again, the next day they wake up. He hadn't noticed that his boyfriend came to bed last night, but he's glad he did.

"Babe, do you know where my hoodie is and oh, my favorite pants are gone, too?" Taehyung looks through the wardrobe and the bags, ruffles his hair when he can't find them.

"Do you mean the beige hoodie and the brown pants?" Minho is still lying in bed and watches him.

Taehyung turns his head. "Yeah, where are they?"

"Uh, I threw them away, they looked so ugly and old." The vampire shrugs, thought he did something good.

The wolf jumps up into a standing position. "You did what now? They were my favorite clothes, Jin gifted me those when I got into my first heat." He whines, covers his face with his palms.

"Woa hold on honey, I'll gift you new clothes when we mate, how does that sound?" Minho gets up and hugs his boyfriend, tries to comfort him. He doesn't feel bad about throwing the things away, he really disliked them a lot.

Taehyung sighs nodding. It's not that he can bring his stuff back, right? "Fine but please, for your own sake." His eyes change its color to blue. "Never, and I mean when I say it, never touch my clothes again or I have to hurt you!"

At first Minho thinks he's joking, but the serious expression doesn't change to a smile, so he pouts. "Okay, I'm sorry." He really isn't, that's nothing the other has to know about.

"As you should." Taehyung pulls himself out of the hug, takes some random clothes and enters the bathroom. He locks the door, the Omega usually never locks the door, Minho notices.

The vampire is angry, tries to calm himself down. Just a week, he has to wait one more fucking week to make him finally his.

Yugyeom comes over and asks Minho to go out to play around in the forest. They have created a new game since the younger was turned into one of them. "Okay, who startles a human first wins this round."

"You're going to lose anyway." Minho grins shyly, it's not that Yugyeom isn't good, but he still has to learn how to be silent.

"We will see about that." The newborn wastes no time and runs away.

Minho shakes his head amused. "That's exactly what I mean." He follows him, changing directions.

At the end, as expected, the older vampire wins, making the younger pout. "Aaw, soon you will win too." He caresses his hair with a smile.

It's already pretty late and they're on their way back to the coven, when they see Jeongguk leaving it. Seems like he doesn't want to be caught, that's why Minho pulls the other behind a big tree to hide.

Yugyeom wants to ask him what's wrong, stops as he sees his boyfriend running into the forest.

The friends look at each other confused, but get interrupted by a wolf following the vampire. Of course they know it's Taehyung, it's obvious.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now