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Taehyung can prevent Minho from asking about a second double date, but the vampire still likes to meet the human and Jeongguk. The wolf doesn't come over as much anymore. He gets too bored when his boyfriend leaves him for them, with the choice of joining or staying back alone.

Of course the Omega knows why he's doing it, he just wants them all to be friends, but it isn't easy for him.

It's not that he didn't join them before, because two days ago, they were in Yugyeom's room, lying on the big king sized bed and watched a movie. After Minho went to the toilet, Jeongguk was next to him. Do you think his mother fucking boyfriend would come back to him afterwards? No! He dead ass laid down next to Yugyeom and they pushed Jeongguk very close to him. He's sure that it was all planned. Taehyung ignored the fact that he got goosebumps when their fingers or thighs came in contact.

Jeongguk on the other side was sitting there, stiff, as if he had swallowed a stick. What was wrong with the vampire, Taehyung wasn't sure.

Right now he's eating together with Hoseok and Seokjin, it's been a while since they did this, he was always busy with his - probably - future mate.

"Tell us Tae, how is it going with Minho? Is he good to you?" Of course it's Seokjin who's asking.

"It's great, honestly. He's a good guy and really patient with me." The Omega smiles, meaning it, but Hoseok doesn't believe him.

"You are here with us because he's with that human, how is this being good to you?"

Taehyung sighs, knew that this question would come. "Look, I don't own him, he still has an own life and Yugyeom is his best friend now. It's just a dumb coincidence that he's Jeongguk's boyfriend."

"You should stop being so childish and just join them. Jeongguk is such a nice vampire, I'm still sad that it has turned out like that." Barely spoken, Hoseok kicks Seokjin below the table for saying it.

"Jin, you know why I am like this, I've explained it several times. At first I wanted revenge and now I just can't stand him. His face is annoying and when he speaks, I wanna punch him." Taehyung growls lowly.

"Okay wait, I'm gonna translate that bullshit. What you mean is that his face is annoyingly cute and you wanna punch him with your lips, am I right?" Seokjin loves teasing Taehyung, but it wasn't like he doesn't mean it. There's something between him and the vampire that can't be ignored. They definitely belong together and he'll help them figure it out.

"Jin I swear to Loona, if you won't stop talking nonsense, I'll kick your ass!" The youngest threatens him and gets up from the chair. "I'm suddenly not hungry anymore, I'll go to Minho. Good night."

After Taehyung has left their den, Hoseok glares at his mate. "Was that really necessary, babe?"

Before Seokjin could answer, they hear their pup crying. "I'll go to him, I'm sure he's hungry." He has already prepared the milk before they had started eating, he just has to warm it up now.

With a deep sigh, Hoseok continues to eat. He too wants Jeongguk and Taehyung to get back together but on their own pace.

The Omega arrives the coven, shifts back to a human and starts to get dressed. A whistle from behind takes him by surprise and he misses the leg of his pants, falling on his butt. "What the fuck! Who-"

"Nice ass Taehyung, I'm sure it's perfect to hold on while fucking you hard from behind." It's Jeongguk, though, something is wrong.

"Are you fucking drunk?" Taehyung had always thought that alcohol and drugs won't affect vampires, but it seems to be an incorrect information.

Jeongguk scoffs. "Am not, I only had one bottle of wine. Anyway, can I squeeze your ass now?" He comes closer after Taehyung stands again, struggling to get his pants on.

"Don't you dare to lay your filthy hands on my precious butt! I'll cut them off." The Omega growls, it's a sound coming up from deep down his throat.

"Woa that was so hot, do it again." Jeongguk sounds really excited, takes another step towards the wolf.

"Stop! This is my last warning." Taehyung stretches his arm out, to keep the other in a safe distance.

"Growl again for me, my big bad wolf." The vampire is too drunk to think about his words, he sees Taehyung and his senses go crazy. "You smell so damn good, I can't let you go to Minho. I know you're the one fucking him, but if he smells you, he'll take you and I can't allow that." There was a mumble afterwards and Taehyung could swear he heard a "You're mine only." But he wasn't one hundred percent sure.

"It's not your business Jeon, you have Yugyeom and what I do with my boyfriend should not be your problem." He had enough, hurries to get dressed completely until a hand stops him from doing so.

"I love your belly, it's so soft." Jeongguk's breath hits the Omega's nape. "I wanna leave marks all over your body and then make you mine again."

Was that a purr at the end of his sentence? Why is Jeongguk saying that? He loves Yugyeom now, there's no way he still has feelings for him. Maybe it's the alcohol speaking. Is he going to remember it later? Taehyung is inwardly freaking out. He should push him away, but why can't he do it, what's stopping him? Questions over questions are filling his mind, he doesn't notice the small pecks that had started on his nape and are now placed on his jaw. Only when a whimper leaves his own mouth, he comes back to his senses. "Shit! Stop Jeongguk, what if our boyfriends smell it?" He turns around and can just barely prevent the other from kissing his lips.

"I don't care, I'm sure they're already fucking each other, while we are here, speaking." Jeongguk shrugs.

"What? What are you talking about? They don't like each other that way. You really should sleep so you'll get sober, it's annoying." Taehyung looks over his shoulder to see the entrance to the coven. His boyfriend would never do that, right?

Jeongguk chuckles. "You doubt him. You can see it too, don't you? It's too obvious how they're so close and always meet in Yugi's room, when I'm working out or take a rest."

"Shut up Jeon, you don't know what you're saying! They're not cheating on us, we'd be able to smell it." Taehyung of course noticed the human's scent on Minho, but it's normal when they're together and it was never really strong. If they would have had sex, it would stink.

"You're a fool Tae, Yugyeom and Minho could use blockers and you of all should know how good they work." Jeongguk says matter-of-factly.

The Omega furrows his brows, he's using them right now, wait, didn't Jeongguk say that he smells so good, earlier? How can he smell him, when he has the suppressants on him. "Jeon, tell me the truth. You can't smell my scent, right?"

The vampire leans forward, pressing his nose to Taehyung's neck and inhales deeply. "Cinnamon and apples, it's winterly. I've noticed the same scent when I bit you back then." He doesn't lean back afterwards, he's still sniffing him.

"Okay, that's creepy. I don't get it." Taehyung closes his eyes, enjoys the warm breath and tight hug. He's not thinking straight, so he lets the vampire do what he pleases. The situation that shows them so intimately, must fill the two people watching them with jealousy. Yugyeom and Minho don't disturb them, they turn around and go back to Yugyeom's room.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now