
10K 482 31

The first date is simple, they meet in Taehyung's den to watch a movie. The idea behind it is to get used to each other again, to feel comfortable and get to know about one another's interests.

They notice that neither of them know what the other likes. In the past, both didn't really care much, but it's funny how similar they actually are. The only thing that Jeongguk is more interested in than Taehyung, is working out.

The Omega on the other hand likes art a lot, while the vampire mainly likes to take pictures, still, he wouldn't say no to an art gallery date.

It's nice, the evening is full of stories of when they were at least hundred years younger and it kind of makes them sad that they have met only now.

Later this night, they bid goodbye with a short hug, nothing more. Tomorrow they're gonna meet again anyway.

The next date is planned by Taehyung, the wolf likes the clearing way too much, so it's out of question that they are now there, looking at the sky full of stars.

"It's beautiful and very peaceful." Jeongguk mumbles, forgetting about time when he's with the other and even normal things seem so much more interesting.

"Yeah, I could lie here with you until the sun rises and I wouldn't mind it one bit." He turns his head, smiling at Jeongguk.

"Then let's just do that. I haven't watched a good sunrise in a long time." It's true, not even when he had followed and protected Taehyung, because his eyes were always fixated on the wolf.

They do as said, watching the stars disappearing and the moon greeting the sun. For a while both - the moon and the star called sun - are visible at the same time and it's domestic.

Vampires, as well as Werewolves, have a special connection to the moon. Feelings and more are related to the planet.

Again, nothing more has happened on this date, they talked a little more about them and their past lives and that's it.

Jeongguk has planned a romantic day for the next date. He wakes up nervous, not so sure anymore if it's a good idea, making Yugyeom laugh. "Come on Gguk, it's not too romantic. He's going to like it, trust me."

"Okay." Jeongguk sighs, leaves to finally fetch Taehyung. The Omega is already waiting and dressed chic, just as Jeongguk had recommended.

"You're late." Taehyung tries to sound serious and mad, unfortunately, the twitch of his lips betrays him.

Jeongguk chuckles. "I wanted to look nice for you, too."


The vampire only winks, opening the car door. Yoongi has lend him his precious vehicle, since it's suitable for a tour through the forest. They could run, but both don't want to ruin their clothes with slobber and/or dirt.

The drive is rather long. Taehyung is too excited, that's why he's humming to each song playing in the radio, even if he doesn't know most of them.

"Relax Tae, you gonna love it." Jeongguk wants to place his hand on top of Taehyung's, but decides against it. Too early? Maybe. He wants the other to do the first step.

A big building comes into view and Taehyung gasps. "Ggukie, woa!" He's about to leave the car, even though it's still moving.

"Wait stupid, let me search a parking spot first." Jeongguk knew that the other would like it, but he's literally freaking out right now.

As they finally stand in front of the entrance, Taehyung takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Tae, it's just an art gallery. You're not meeting your favorite idol, whoever it may be." Jeongguk laughs, immediately stops when Taehyung's fingers slightly brush his own.

"I know, it's just that I've always wanted to go to one. How even could you convince the village to let us enter?"

"Well, the wolf who's protecting them has owed me a favor so I exchanged it." The vampire says shyly, hopes that Taehyung won't be mad.

The Omega turns his head a little to look at the Alpha next to him, after staring at the impressive building the whole time. "You did this for me?"

Jeongguk nods, bottom lip sucked in cutely.

Taehyung coos, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thanks Ggukie, that's the best date I've ever had."

Jeongguk is sure that Taehyung means it, but he also remembers that he went on a date only with him and on the double date a long time ago. "I'm glad." His hands are fisting the back of Taehyung's coat, doesn't want to end the hug, sadly has to let go a few seconds later.

Jeongguk has to run back to the car, because he had forgotten the camera. They enter the art gallery and take a lot of pictures.

The vampire captures Taehyung in front of way too expensive painting, but also just strolling around when the pieces weren't to the Omega's taste.

The highlight of the evening is, when Taehyung takes Jeongguk's hand in his own and intertwines their fingers. The Alpha can feel how his heart begins to beat a little faster. It's still very slow, but who cares, the effect is noticeable and that's what counts.

"Ggukie?" Taehyung suddenly says as soon as they're sitting in the car again, on their way home.

Jeongguk hums as an answer, has to pay attention to the road.

"I'm ready to try it. I mean, I'd love to call you my boyfriend, do you still want to be my boyfriend?"

Jeongguk applies the brakes a little too hard, causes Taehyung to hit his head on the dashboard.

"Of fuck, I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Fortunately no one was behind them as he did it. He parks on the sidewalk, gets out of the car and runs to the other side to check on him. "Let me see. I hurt you, didn't I?" He had expected an angry Taehyung looking at him when he raises his head, but instead, he's suppressing a smile or even a laugh, Jeongguk doesn't know which one it is.

"You-" A laugh escapes Taehyung. "You're so fucking cute. Was my proposal too much of a shock? I have to admit that I wanted to surprise you, but your face was really funny." He couldn't stop laughing. Jeongguk's standing next to him, eyes wide and jaw dropped open. "You still haven't answered my question though."

This brings Jeongguk back to reality and instead of answering him, he's pressing his lips to Taehyung's for a gentle kiss, it's more like a peck than anything.

"I'll take this as a yes." The Omega chuckles and pulls him down. Jeongguk has difficulties to climb on Taehyung's lap, but somehow managed it.

The kiss they share isn't heated, their lips move slow and it desires for more, nevertheless, they don't give in, keeping it gentle. It's their first kiss to share, have never done that before, not even when they were mated. Of course they had kissed others, but that's not important right now and will be ever again.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now