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They meet every day, Taehyung even insists to go human hunting with Jeongguk for his blood needs.

You wonder why the Omega is trusting him so fast? Remember the heat he suddenly went through, as he was searching for Ji? Jeongguk never went too far, helped him out without taking advantage of the situation. It had showed him that he can trust the vampire.

It's not the only reason, though. On their dates, Jeongguk also had more than one opportunity to hold hands or kiss him without his consent, still, he never did. Taehyung noticed that the other wanted to, but at the end it was the Omega who initiated holding hands and asked him to be his boyfriend. The kiss was from Jeongguk, yes, but Taehyung wouldn't have wanted it in any other way as an answer to his question.

It's been almost two months now, that they had met Ji and one month and a half since they're together now. There have been a few arguments here and there. Nothing too tragically, nothing an apology and cuddles could make up for it.

Both don't want to jump into having a deeper relationship that includes sex, so they wait. Maybe until Taehyung's next real heat comes.

However, there's something wrong with the Omega. It had started five days ago and Jeongguk wonders if his first thought is correct. The problem with his hunch is, that they didn't have sex yet. Of Taehyung is really pregnant, then it's probably Minho's.

Jeongguk knows that a good relationship is based on honesty, that's why he doesn't waste time and tells him what he suspects could be 'wrong' with him.

"Tae bear, can we talk for a moment- alone." He looks apologetic to Seokjin and Hoseok, but they just smile at him and nod.

"Uh, sure." They leave the couple's den and go to Taehyung's.

After closing the door, Jeongguk sits down on the couch, pulling his boyfriend on his lap. "Please listen till the end and don't be mad at me, okay?"

"Gguk, what? Why should I be mad." Taehyung chuckles, but frowns as the other's serious expression doesn't change. "Okay, I'll listen till the end."

"Thank you." The vampire swallows nervously, searching for the right words to start the conversation. "So, your nausea in the morning and the tiredness you recently have makes me think that you might be pregnant." Way to go Jeongguk, straight to the point. "I mean, I know we didn't do it yet, however-" He hesitates to say it, fears that Taehyung is going to hate him for the thought.

"Gguk, I was thinking the same, you can say it. You're sure it's Minho's, am I right?" Taehyung gets up, walks to a small closet and opens the first drawer. With something hidden in his hand, he returns to his boyfriend. "I've made a pregnancy test before you've arrived and it's positive. It's not Minho's though, trust me please."

Jeongguk hums, looks at the stick with the word 'pregnant' clearly visible.

Taehyung cups the vampire's cheeks and places a kiss to his lips. "Hoseok told me a week ago that I smell different. At first we thought that it's because we hang out every day. He said that it's your scent mixed with mine and believe me when I say that Hoseok has a really sensitive nose."

Jeongguk pouts, doesn't know what to response to him. It's not possible, right?

"Babe, do you remember what Ji told us before she disappeared?" Taehyung smiles.

"Yes, I shouldn't question you and trust you. I do Tae, but you know what it needs to get pregnant." It's difficult for Jeongguk. He's not mad, just a little disappointed, scratch that, he's mega disappointed!

Taehyung sees the battle Jeongguk fights in his mind and laughs. The truth is, that Ji had already contacted him and he just wanted to see how Jeongguk would react. He pulls a letter out of his pocket and gives it to him. "Here, read this."

Jeongguk takes the paper with curious eyes, unfolding it slowly then reads it out loud.

"My dear pup, by now you must know. Congratulations on the pregnancy to the both of you. I really felt bad when I took the mating away without telling you about the side effects.
You became infertile through the spell, but I know how you think about own pups. The reason why I touched your belly when we've met is, that I wanted to give you a chance to have one with your true mate, Jeongguk. The little one is going to have both of your genes. It will be an Omega just like you, but don't worry, your parents were humans, that's why they didn't survive. Your body however is strong.
It was the only way, please live a happy life and don't forget that I'm always close. With much love, Ji".

Jeongguk has tears in his eyes, the memory clear when she had done it. The witch was holding him and Taehyung and he could swear that he heard her whisper foreign words. Everything makes sense now. "Tae I-"

The Omega pulls him into gentle tight hug, has to hold back happy tears as well. "If you don't want it, tell me."

Jeongguk leans back, looks into Taehyung's eyes with a painted look. "Why would you think that I don't want it? It's our only chance, right? Do you even know how unbelievable this is?"

"My choice to undo the mating ruined everything, it doesn't mean that I regret it. I just feel so guilty and happy at the same time. Guilty because it's going to be our only pup and happy, because she gave us this gift." He can't hold the tears back any longer and lets them fall freely.

"Don't feel guilty babe, she didn't tell you. Would you have still done it if you knew?" Jeongguk uses his thumbs to gently brush the tears away.

Taehyung sobs. "I don't know, probably not. I was really angry at you back then, so I can't really tell."

"Oh honey, don't be sad. It's in the past now and we soon will have a playmate for Il-sung."

They chuckle softly, share a kiss and cuddle for the rest of the evening. Both are sure they can manage it.

The pregnancy doesn't feel real yet, maybe as soon as Taehyung's belly grows, it will.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now