Thirty-five (Slightly M) (Final)

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Hyungsik is six months old when Taehyung starts to act differently. He's more clingy and tells Jeongguk that he loves him whenever he can.

The vampire isn't complaining, not at all. He baths in the affection he receives, wants to eat the other whole just to have him always by his side.

After the Omega had visited Hoseok and Seokjin while Jeongguk was staying with their little one, he comes back with a bright smile. "Tomorrow we have the day for us, they're gonna take Hyungsik over the night."

Jeongguk looks up from changing the diapers. "What? But he's going to miss us!"

Taehyung chuckles, walks closer until he can wrap his arms around the other from behind. "Hyungie will be fine without us for one night. Trust me, you won't regret it." A soft kiss on Jeongguk's nape makes the latter almost moan.

"Okay, I always trust you, but what have you planned for us?" He finishes putting the new diaper on, raises Hyungsik up to nuzzle his belly. A squeak leaves the pup's mouth and Jeongguk is satisfied.

There are times when Taehyung thinks that Jeongguk is obsessed with their baby, it's so adorable and he's glad it is like that.

The Alpha pouts as he hands the little one to Seokjin the next day after they wake up. It will be twenty-four hours until he can see his pup again. Taehyung really has to come up with something good to make up for this.

Little does Jeongguk know, that he'll regret thinking the other would do it without a good reason.

They're back in their shared den, sitting on the bed in silence, until Jeongguk sighs.

"What's wrong honey, are you bored?" Taehyung side eyes him.

"I miss the cries and the little squeals." The vampire lets himself fall back onto the mattress, stretching out as much as possible.

Taehyung smirks, knowing that soon other noises are going to fill the room. "I mean, we can always use this opportunity." The Omega plays with his boyfriend's belt.

Jeongguk raises his head, mouth slightly open and gaze fixed on Taehyung's hand. "Yeah, sounds-" He gulps as the other finally opens it. "-good."

Taehyung hums, pulls the pants down. "That's what I've thought." He starts to massage Jeongguk's thighs - loves them so much. "You know, the sentence you've said to me back then has never left my mind." He looks up to the ceiling acting as if he's thinking hard. "What was it?" He looks back down to his boyfriend and smirks again. "Imagine how it would feel like pushing your hard, needy cock into my tight, hot hole."

The Alpha gasps, eyes wide and hands fisting the sheets.

"Do I remember it correctly?" Taehyung's hands wander upwards toward his crotch, stopping before he can reach his balls.

"I- Yes! Yes you do. Fuck it's so tight and why feel I suddenly so hot?" Jeongguk swallows visibility, is sure now what the other wants to do with their free time.

Taehyung gets on top of him, leans down to be face to face with the love of his life. "You know, a bite mark would fit your pretty neck so beautifully." His index finger traces over the vein, nail scratching the skin. "Don't you think so, too?"

Jeongguk can only nod in agreement, inhales Taehyung's scent tthat is so, so alluring.

"I'm already incredibly hard for you, do you wanna touch me?" The Omega sits up, covers his arousal and groans. "Please honey, I need your hands on me."

It's all it needs for Jeongguk to come back to his senses. He sits up too and does as ordered. They get in the mood pretty fast, it doesn't take long until each piece of clothing lays on the floor.

Taehyung doesn't need to prepare Jeongguk, the vampire likes the pain when he enters him raw without being loose. Only a few drops of lube were covering the Omega's cock, so it won't hurt the latter too much.

The sex is fast from the start, powerful and hard. Jeongguk didn't lie when he had said that he's tight, Taehyung has difficulties not to come after two minutes of fucking into him. "Are you really okay with me biting you too?" He pants out, sweat already dripping from his forehead.

"Yes, fuck. Please mark me." Jeongguk is a moaning mess below him, begs for his dick to wreck him even more and Taehyung does. Screws him until Jeongguk whimpers, chanting his name while cumming over his muscular stomach after stroking a few times over his glans.

Taehyung bends down, eye color changing to purple and his fangs growing slowly. The vein on Jeongguk's neck looks very inviting and he doesn't hesitate a second to pierce the skin when he feels his own orgasm approaching. The difference to Jeongguk is, that he doesn't need to suck his blood, it's enough to bite him for a few seconds, lick over the wound to soothing the pain.

With a low growl, he leans back and looks at his work. "Perfect."

"Fuck, I can't believe you did it. I love you Tae, to the moon and further." Jeongguk isn't panting anymore, has calmed down a little. He touches the mark, smiling shyly.

"I wanted to do it way earlier, but Hyungsik wasn't ready yet to stay with them." Taehyung explains, receiving a nod from the other.

They kiss for minutes, Taehyung slips out of Jeongguk's hole and the vampire loves how his cum is dripping out of him. It's filthy, just as he likes it.

They part for air, looking at each other with so much love.

"It's my turn now, huh?" Jeongguk smirks, pushing his very soon-to-be mate up and then down to the bed, climbing on top of him.

"Yes, fuck me like you mean it. I'm already wet and needy." Taehyung's slick runs down to the sheets, Jeongguk wants to lick it off his ass cheeks, but the Omega whimpers, needs him inside now.

The vampire knows that they don't have to be careful, they can't get another pup. He sucks purple marks all over the other's chest while penetrating him slowly. Taehyung had said that he should fuck him like he means it and that's what he's planning to do. Making love it is, because he loves his baby so much.

Taehyung gets emotional when Jeongguk bites him, they can feel the change, the bond is getting stronger and their thoughts are audible again.

The Omega's blood tastes too good, Jeongguk has to stop himself from drinking too much. Taehyung won't turn into a vampire. From now on, he's going to feed from his mate only. It's satisfying and perfect. The wolf is finally his and no one can ever take him away again.

The vampire reaches his high shortly after Taehyung, fills him up to the brim and stays inside. He doesn't want to leave the warmth, they feel close and connected.

The mated pair share a lot of "I love you's" and kisses, before falling asleep cuddled up tightly.

It's just the beginning of an eternity full of love, arguments, happiness and sadness.

Ji is always there for them, but never shows up again, at least not in front of Jeongguk and Taehyung. Hyungsik on the other hand has met her when he turned eighteen, learned about his duties and the past of his parents.

He's sad that his dads can't get another pup, but at least they have him. Hyungsik meets the love of his life in a neighboring coven. His name is SeoJoon and Jeongguk, as well as Taehyung, immediately like him.

With their son and the vampire from an other clan, they soon will have three pups running around the pack.

Taehyung and Jeongguk couldn't be happier, if someone would have told them that it would end like this as they were still dating their other boyfriends, both would have scoffed and laughed it off.

Fate is strong but it's our decisions that makes it easier or harder for us.

The fated mates had learned it the hard way and that's why they try to teach their son everyday.

- The End -

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now