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They finally stop when it gets dark, Jeongguk was able to keep his hands to himself, didn't touch the Omega at places only a boyfriend should do.

They're exhausted and don't notice the presence of another person coming closer to them. Luckily, ten minutes earlier, Taehyung went to clean himself and of course changed clothes too. Jeongguk isn't as lucky, had only brought fresh underwear, at least he could change those.

Ji smiles at them, is patient. Doesn't want to disturb them until they'll notice her.

Taehyung does it first, gasps when the witch comes in his line of sight. "Ji!" Still not completely recovered from the session with Jeongguk, he stands up and runs over to her.

"Wow, slow down tiger." She chuckles as Taehyung almost trips.

They hug quickly, it's like they're friends and maybe they truly are.

"I've searched for you, I'm so glad I finally found you." The smile on Taehyung's face is so wide, Jeongguk can see it from where he's standing.

"Oh you silly wolf, I've been close the whole time." She laughs when the Omega pouts. "You wanna ask me about something, right?" Time isn't here to waste, that's why Ji comes straight to the point.

Taehyung nods, sighing deeply. "Do you already know what this is about?"

"Kind of, but tell me nonetheless, just to make sure, you know."

"Jeongguk and I can still feel the bond, if I'm away from him for too long I get sick. The question is, are my feelings for him real or is it just the true mate thing that makes us vulnerable and sick?" He looks down to the ground, had whispered the last part, but Jeongguk had heard him.

"My previous little pup, fate isn't something that fakes feelings. It leads you and even if you get sick, it's actually your body telling you what or in this case, who it needs. So it's real, not forced or anything." She mentions for Jeongguk to join them and the vampire comes over. "You feel the same way, yes?"

"I do." Jeongguk looks at Taehyung with a small smile. "I can't think of anyone else to be with. I tried, but I'm sure you already know how it ended."

"Of course, I saw everything." She pulls Taehyung into a hug and grabs Jeongguk's hand at the same time, bringing him close to touch the wolf as well.

The Omega feels her loosening the hug when Ji's hand wanders down between them, stopping on his stomach. A brief electrifying feeling is flowing through his body, still, he doesn't think anything about it. She's a witch and has magical hands afterall.

"It was nice seeing you both again. Don't forget that I'll always be close, alright?" She lets go of both men and takes a few steps back. "Live a nice and long life. Jeongguk, don't question him if something is going to happen soon, trust your Omega."

Jeongguk furrows his brows, not knowing what she's talking about, but then nods. "I won't, gonna trust him with my life."

"Good, and you Taehyung, you'll know." It's cryptic, nevertheless, he knows that she's always right.

Ji disappears the same way she did the last time, fast and instantly. Taehyung and Jeongguk aren't surprised, but it still sends shivers down their spine. "Creepy." The vampire shudders.

"Yeah, fortunately we can now go back and talk. I think it's long overdue." Taehyung walks to the tree where his bag lies and goes behind it to shift.

Jeongguk waits, takes the bag from the wolf's snout to carry it instead.

The way home is silent, Taehyung can't talk to Jeongguk, so it's only logical.

It takes them a whole day until they arrive, the vampire stays the night at the pack's place, sleeping in Taehyung's living room. They're too exhausted to talk, decide to do it on Friday while eating breakfast.

Seokjin and Hoseok had shared a knowing look as soon as they had seen them entering Taehyung's den together. Maybe everything is going to be fine in the end.

Taehyung groans when he gets up, is a fit person, but running or walking for four days, including the short heat he had experienced, got to his body.

He knows that he doesn't have to be silent, Jeongguk is just resting. After stepping out of his room, he sees the vampire bringing dishes to the table where pancakes and sirup is already placed onto. "Good morning Jeongguk. How was your night?"

"Relaxing, I could think about a lot of things and it was nice." Jeongguk is used to the smell of the other wolves by now, Taehyung's is stronger and alluring so he mostly notices his.

"That's great. Thanks for making breakfast, I'm starving." Taehyung sits down and they face each other. Both know that the next step is talking about their future, about what is right and what to do.

"So" Jeongguk begins after he has finished two of the round sweet cakes. "You already know that I want to try it. We don't have to mate yet, but I really wanna build a normal relationship with you first."

Swallowing the last piece down, Taehyung looks up. "Yes I know and I'm certain that I want that too. Give me time to get used to it, I can't immediately jump into romantic things such as cuddling or kissing."

Of course the vampire hasn't thought of doing these things right from the start, too much happened and they need to trust each other first. "Take your time, we have plenty of it, just, let me take you out on dates. Let me show you that I mean when I say that I want you only."

"Okay, I would love to go on dates. Minho and I never really-" Taehyung stops talking when he sees the change of expression on Jeongguk's face. "-Sorry, I didn't mean to mention him." He nibbles on his lower lip, but stops when Jeongguk gets up and walks around the table. Stops in front of him and uses his index finger to pull the lip out.

"It's okay. Yes, it feels weird still hearing his name coming out of your mouth, but it's your past and a part of you now. I had Yugyeom and he's my past and a part of me, too. They are also our friends and we are going to see them pretty often." There's tension in the air, both are very close to each other, so why does it still feel so far away. Jeongguk drops his hand and sits down again, realizing that what he just did must have looked dumb to the other.

"We will manage, right?" Taehyung's voice is calm and so, so small. The Omega is usually confident, loud, but right now, he doesn't want to make a mistake.

"I'm sure we will, it's fate and if we won't stand in the way and let things happen naturally, everything is going to be fine." Jeongguk really means it, doesn't dare to lie to Taehyung.


"Promise." The vampire smiles, knows it's stupid to promise something he's not one hundred percent sure of, still, he has a good feeling about it and believes in both of them to make it work.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now