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Taehyung enters the coven, meeting Jimin and Yoongi for the first time.

"You must be the Omega who's mated to our Jeongguk." Yoongi smiles at him.

"Oh, about that. We aren't anymore and that's why I'm here. I am supposed to find another mate who's a vampire and since Jeongguk has thought that it's a good idea to play around with someone else, I had to break the mating." Taehyung looks around and sees a few vampires walking around. His eyes fall on a man who's really handsome, standing out between the others.

The two men in front of him are confused. Since when is it possible for a werewolf to break a mating bond? "Wait, are you serious?" Yoongi frowns.

"Yes, why shouldn't I be serious?" The Omega laughs amused, he likes their surprised expressions.

"You're a wolf, you can't unmate. It's a well known fact." Jimin says matter-of-factly.

"Not when you meet a nice witch, then everything is possible, I guess. Now if you excuse me, I have to talk to that cutie over there." Taehyung nods in the direction of a tall guy.

"Minho?" Jimin asks irritated.

"That's his name? Thank you and see you later." The werewolf walks over to Minho who's already smirking at him. Well this is going to be fun, Taehyung thinks and smirks, too.

"Hello pretty wolf, do you need anything?" The vampire checks him out while biting his lower lip.

Taehyung knows that his scent will attract him, other than a normal werewolf, his odor is appealing to all creatures, the witch had told him that. It helps them to find a mate easier.

The Omega has never met a vampire before he had met Jeongguk, he wasn't allowed to. At first he had thought that Jeongguk wasn't smelling because they were mated, but now, being surrounded by them, he can't smell any bad scents.

"Like what you see?" Taehyung asks confident.

Minho nods. "Very. Are you up for a little bit fun?"

"Always, can I have fun with you or are you as boring as others?" He definitely wasn't referring to Jeongguk, definitely not.

"I'd say you should find that out on your own." The smirk on Minho's face is back and he turns around to walk away, but Taehyung stops him, recognizing a familiar scent.

"Why wasting time when we can start right here or are you shy?" He pulls him close, smashes their lips together, the vampires around them start to whisper.

Minho turns them around, pushing Taehyung to the wall, without breaking the kiss. Taehyung who has his eyes open, locks them with Jeongguk. The ex mate's are wide open in shock and anger. He knows that Taehyung is already playing his game and tries to hurt him, successfully so, but it doesn't mean that he has to watch them. "I'll be in my room." He tells Yoongi and Jimin, who are watching the scene in horror.

As soon as Jeongguk is gone, Jimin pulls Yoongi to the side. "What does this wolf think he's doing? Could you smell Jeongguk's distress?"

"Of course I could. It wasn't even subtil." Yoongi's eyes turn red and his mate, who has joined them, has to calm him down. "I'm okay babe, Jimin and I will talk to him."

Both enter Jeongguk's room, but couldn't find him. "Oh, is he working out?" Directly connected to the bedroom is a fitness room, the vampire is kind of obsessed with working out when he's stressed.

"Probably." Yoongi opens the door and they hear his groans. "Yah, Jeongguk. Take a break, we need to talk to you."

"I just started, I don't need a break, just talk and I will listen." He lifts the weight up and down, not even looking at them.

"As you wish." Yoongi clears his throat, crossing his hands behind his back and walks in small steps back and forth in the spacious room. "What happened between you and Taehyung? Why did he break the bond and why the fuck is he kissing Minho?"

The weights Jeongguk was lifting, suddenly land on the ground around ten meters away from where he's laying down. "What happened, you ask? He found out that I was with Jaesoo and what we have done, because a witch was telling him everything. At least I think it was her, how else would he be able to find out. This and the fact that I've left him for a month are the reasons why he asked her to break it and now he made it to his main task to hurt me as badly as I've hurt him." He stands up to fetch the thrown weights.

"So you gave up on him?" Jimin asks with a small voice.

"You should know me better by now. I won't ever give up, but I'll let him have his revenge. He deserves it, and I deserve to be in pain." Jeongguk puts more weight on the bar and lies down again.

Yoongi suddenly begins to laugh and Jeongguk looks at him. "What's so funny?"

"Are you maybe in love with him? I thought the bond is broken." Yoongi can't believe it, Jeongguk has never been in love before.

"I think it's only broken for him, but what I feel is not entirely the mating thing." He admits.

The Alpha leader nods. "I see." He walks to the door, places a hand on the handle. Turns around to look at Jeongguk before opening the door. "I wish you good luck and don't kill Minho, he doesn't know about the whole mating thing, no one does except us."

It's true, before Namjoon had left to search for the witch, they've told their members that he's on a mission, what isn't a lie, they just hid the fact that it was because of Jeongguk and a wolf he had bitten.

"I can't promise you that. If I do it though, I'll do it fast, without much pain." Jeongguk winks.

Jimin chuckles and earns a glare from Yoongi. "Don't encourage him."

"Yes boss." The younger salutes, trying to sound serious, but fails miserable.

Jeongguk likes his Hyungs, he wouldn't exchange them for anything in the world.

As they finally leave him alone, Jeongguk had lost the interest in working out for today. The only thing he wants to do, is to storm out of the room, pull Minho away from Taehyung and kiss the Omega silly, unfortunately he can't do that.

That's why he finds himself in the pleasure room again after four long weeks and lets the device fuck him roughly. It's painful, but feels so so good, exactly what he needed right now.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now