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It's three weeks later and a rainy night, when Taehyung tells Minho about his decision. They're sitting in the Omega's room on the bed. "Babe, I thought about what you've said and I'm ready now." His gaze is on the floor, can't look into the other's eyes yet.

Minho stops playing the game on his phone and slips closer to his boyfriend. "Ready for what?" He has a hunch, still, he needs his confirmation.

Taehyung sighs, it's now or never, the vampire is good to him, loves and worships him. It's not fair to make his boyfriend wait any longer. "Mating you, you mating me, there's no reason not doing it." He thinks of Jeongguk again, tells himself that he's doing the right thing.

Minho turns his body completely to the other, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. It's really happening, fuck!

Taehyung sees his reaction and chuckles. "Are you this excited?"

"Hell yes, you have no idea. I love you so much honey." They kiss, it's soft at first, slowly, but before it can turn into more Taehyung stops.

"Not today though, I need to talk to Hoseok and Seokjin first. Let's say in two days?"

Minho nods smiling. "I can wait, I've waited for so long, two days more is nothing."

They talk about the day when they'll do it, decide to go on a run first because the wolf feels so much better afterwards, then take a shower together. The last part will be making love that includes the biting. It's perfect, they both like the idea.

Minho leaves afterwards, can't wait to tell Yugyeom about it. The newborn will be shocked and he laughs at the image of the faces he's going to make.

Both could keep Taehyung and Jeongguk away from each other. It wasn't hard to begin with, because the Omega never had showed up at the coven again.

Minho doesn't like the smell of the other wolves much, but he'll endure it, if it means that he can get Taehyung as his mate. They'll move in together anyway, Taehyung will come right after they did it.

"Hyung?" The Omega enters their den after knocking. "Are you here Jin Hyung?"

A groan comes from the kitchen and Taehyung smiles. "Of course you're there."

"Taehyungie!" Seokjin groans again. "Please, please help me, I'm going nuts if this fricking bowl doesn't come down anytime soon."

"Oh Hyung. Wait, let me-" The younger takes the bowl from the top of all things Seokjin is holding and put it down on the sideboard. "-now you can place the other thing inside.

Seokjin sighs, has tried for ten minutes already and it wasn't possible to set everything down, only to take that bowl away. "Thank you so much, you're my life saver."

Taehyung knows that he's exaggerating right now, but takes it with a hand kiss. "Anything for you Hyung."

"Sit down Taehyungie. What do you need?" They go to the couch to rest.

"You see, I told Minho that I'm ready. I'll let him mate me in two days. The thing is, I don't feel so well and I don't wanna get sick." Seokjin knew about his plans, wanted so badly to stop him, though, it's not his business. That's why he has decided that he'll support his pup wherever he can.

"Are you close to your heat?" It could be the reason, plus the nervousness.

Taehyung shakes his head. "No, won't get it for at least six weeks."

"Hmm, okay. I don't know about a virus going around in the pack and you haven't left our property for a while. How about you rest for today and I'll bring you a cup of herbal tea. Tomorrow you're going to feel better." Seokjin gently pats his back, having a soft smile on his face.

Taehyung nods, lips pressed to a thin line. "I am so lucky to have you as my dad."

"Yes you are, now hush hush. I'll prepare the tea now and I want to see you lying in your bed when I come over to bring it to you." A rather rough push makes Taehyung getting up with a moan, but he knows better than not to listen to his Hyung.

The hours go by, but even after three cups of herbal tea, a full meal and cuddles from the couple's pup, it's not getting better. If he's completely honest, it's getting worse. His stomach hurts, his head feels like it's exploding soon and the rest of the body feels too hot.

You could mistake it as heat, but he's definitely not needy.

Taehyung can't sleep the whole night, every time he closes his eyes, weird pictures show up in his mind, unfortunately, he can't recognize anything in them.

Seokjin and Hoseok are helpless, have never heard about such a sickness or their symptoms. They wish the witch could help them, but only Taehyung and Jeongguk have ever met her.

Minho comes over to check on his boyfriend, clueless about what's going on. "Hey honey." He enters after a knock and gasps. "What's wrong with you?" The vampire runs over and kneels on the ground.

Taehyung groans in pain, is holding his stomach while being curled up into a ball. "Don't know." He takes a deep breath. "Suddenly started-" another groan "-to hurt."

Minho climbs into the bed and lies down next to him, rocks the Omega back and forth in his arms and hums. "Everything will be okay soon, I promise."

Taehyung can only nod, too exhausted to speak again.

After an hour of trying to make him feel better, Minho has enough, can't see his soon to be mate in so much pain, especially if he isn't here. "You'll come with me, so that I can take care of you."

There's no room for discussion, Taehyung knows that, so he agrees. "Okay, but I can't walk."

"Silly, I'm a vampire, I can carry you." Minho chuckles and looks at the Omega with so much adoration.

Seokjin gives his permission as the vampire asks him. They don't waste any more time and leave the pack.

After bringing Taehyung to bed, he uses his ability to run back to the other's den to fetch all the things needed to move in again. They'd need it anyway after mating.

Minho hasn't told Yugyeom about Taehyung being here again. Only Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi and Kihyun - Yoongi's Delta mate - know.

Jeongguk feels that something has changed, the air feels lighter, but at the same time it's weighing him down. It's been three days since he feels it and it's not getting better.

Taehyung on the other side feels less pain now, the three days have done him good. Can stand up to go to the toilet again, but can't stand for too long. They've delayed the mating of course.

It's night, Minho and Yugyeom are out to feed. The Omega is too thirsty and his glass is already empty. There's only one thing he can do, go to the kitchen and fetch the bottle of coke by himself. Weirdly, the black liquid makes his stomachache a little better, he's not complaining about it, Taehyung really loves coke.

When he gets up from the bed, the world is spinning, but he's used to it by now. Three deep breaths and he can walk.

The kitchen isn't far away, the hall down and then the fourth door to the right. It still takes him almost ten minutes to reach it, has to steady himself on the wall every few steps.

A smile makes its way to his lips when he sees the door in front of him. "Finally."

Taehyung's about to open it, though, someone is faster, a body collides with him and they fall.

A heavy weight on top of him makes him moan, but not from pain or discomfort. Taehyung feels light, doesn't want the body to get off. He's afraid to open his eyes to see who it is. The smell, the smell tells him the answer. "Jeongguk."


✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now