Seven (slightly M)

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They're sitting there, staring at each other until Taehyung finally speaks. "So Jeon Jeongguk, why are you here?"

The vampire smiles a little, then sighs. "I really don't know. After I woke up I had this idea in my head that I have to visit you."

"Oh, that's... Nice of you, I guess? Thank you." Taehyung rubs his neck shyly, he doesn't know why he always gets shy around the other, he usually isn't like that.

"Yeah haha. I should go now though. Namjoon is holding a meeting in two hours and he's going to kill me, if I miss it." Jeongguk stands up and walks to the door. "See you?"

"Definitely." The Omega follows him, embracing the vampire into a back hug. "Soon."

Jeongguk nods, gently lowering Taehyung's hands off of him. "I promise. Bye Tae."

"Bye Guk." It takes one more minute for Jeongguk to leave, too lost in his mate's beautiful eyes.

The coven is busy, all the important members of their clan are inside, preparing for a feast.

Jeongguk hurries to his room to change his clothes, he hears a knock and tells them to come in.

"Hi, I heard you're in need of blood." The man says, entering the bedroom.

"Uh, no. Who told you that?" Jeongguk is confused, he just came back but didn't talk to anyone yet.

The man shrugs. "Heard someone saying it in the hallway, so I thought I'd come by and offer myself to feed on."

"I see, thank you but I don't really need you today." The vampire smiles, turning around. He sees through the mirror how the human is coming closer.

"My name is Jaesoo." He lets his fingers glide over Jeongguk's bare arm, only stopping when he reaches his palm. The man, Jaesoo, intertwines their hands and pulls him back around so that the vampire will face him. He bends his head, exposing his neck. "Try me, I heard I taste delicious."

Jeongguk's eyes turn red, maybe he really is hungry, but he has Taehyung now. Sweet smelling, handsome Taehyung.

He shakes his head, since when is he so obsessed with the Omega? His eyes meet Jaesoo's and he smirks. "I think I just have to find out if that's true." Jeongguk leans forward, grabbing the males head, bending it further to the side. His canines appear, he doesn't waste time to make them sink into the soft flesh.

The human is right, he tastes good, albeit not as good as Taeh- Stop it! He tells himself and sucks harder. Jaesoo moans, getting harder and harder. It's the effect of being sucked by a vampire. The reason is simple, to prevent the victim of fleeing or fighting against it, they spread out pheromones. Those cause arousal and neediness. Sometimes a vampire even fucks the human, Jeongguk does it every time, he's using them. It's a giving and taking. He gives pleasure for taking their blood.

Jaesoo is undressing himself and Jeongguk doesn't stop him. He's still slowly sucking on his neck when his hand reach the human's crotch.

"Touch me." The man whines. Jeongguk does, he strokes him fast with a tight grip around the length. Jaesoo is writhing in pleasure. "F-fuck me. I came prepared." He turns around when Jeongguk lets go of his neck, closing the wound with a lick of his tongue.

Jaesoo bends down, spreading his cheeks. Jeongguk looks at the rim, cupping his own hard cock.

He pulls it out of his pants, places the tip to the entrance, but pictures of Taehyung in only a towel are shooting through his mind. "Shit." He takes a step back, putting his dick back. "Leave." He orders through gritted teeth.

"Leave!" Jeongguk repeats when Jaesoo doesn't move, but instead penetrates himself with two fingers.

"I'm so horny, please help me out!" The human whines pathetically, thrusting faster.

Jeongguk walks to his drawer, fetching a vibrator. "Here, take it and go to my bathroom." He throws it on his bed and leaves the room.

Jeongguk curses himself for not fucking Jaesoo. Why couldn't he just push his damn dick into the prepared hole? It was there, waiting for him, still he couldn't do it.

The vampire knows that Taehyung is the reason, but ignores it for now. He's frustrated and achingly hard. Jeongguk looks around to make sure no one is around and disappears inside his playroom, locking the door after him.

All the toys and devices smile at him, Jeongguk gets rid of his pants, crawls on top of a bench and looks back over his shoulder with a smirk.

The device has a big mechanic cock to the front. If turned on, it moves back and forth, first slow then faster.

Jeongguk positions his hole right at the tip, pushing back until a small part enters him, he moans at the stretch, satisfied.

A button to his right lets the device start to move. He's pushing a button, making his head fall back into his neck, as the big cock goes all in. He didn't prepare himself, loves the pain it brings.

The fake cock fucks him good, he doesn't notice the slip of Taehyung's name when he whines out of pleasure. His chest is resting on the bench while his ass is still up, getting filled and stretched out constantly.

Jeongguk's mind is a mess, he comes hard but doesn't stop the device, it's not enough yet. His prostate gets abused, craving the feeling of over sensitivity. He begs to no one in particular, when everything gets too much, but he still wants to continue.

His screams stay in the room, since the walls are soundproof. Jeongguk is breathing fast, chokes on his tears and whimpers when he accidentally moves and the mechanical cock brushes over his prostate again and again.

"Fuck, I- fuck!" A scream echoes through the room, so loud that birds would fly away within a ten miles radius, that is if the walls would have let it through.

It's already been an hour and Jeongguk turns it off. Too much cum is underneath him after coming three times. Doesn't even flinch when his whole body lays flat on the bench. He's out of breath, his hole abused to its maximum but he loves it, hopes that Taehyung would torture him better than a device could ever do.

He may be a little bit of a sadist but also a major masochist since not many things can kill him.

✔ Accidentally mated // BTS TaeKook 18+Where stories live. Discover now