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12 years ago

"Hope, where are you" Tony shouted checking under the bed for his 3year old daughter he heard her giggle he ran over to the closet "found you" he shouted she ran out and tackled him with a hug "you go hide" she said tony stood up and she counted he ran through the house behind the bathroom door he waited for her to come when he heard her scream "daddy" she shouted he ran through the house she was gone

"Jarvis scan the house for Hope" he said worriedly "hopeStark isn't in the house sir" Jarvis responded Tony's eyes watered "contact shield" he said sternly

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Today is the 12year anniversary since Hope went missing Tony was doing his usual drinking till it didn't hurt anymore. or at least subsided enough that he could bring himself to sleep through the pain in his chest The police and shield looked for hope but there were no traces the loss of his daughter turned tony into a mess he got drunk every night and turned cold sure meeting pepper had helped his emotional state slightly and peter who was somewhat like a son to him but his heart still aches for his little girl but he knew his heart would remain aching forever she was gone and Tony was sure she was dead by now and that broke him in so many ways

"Tony" pepper said walking over to him as he passed out at there bar "Jarvis" she called out "yes miss Potts" he responded "get a robot to carry him to bed" she said and a bot arrived lifting Tony to his bed pepper pulled the blankets over him she kissed his forehead "goodnight Tony" she mumbled walking out the room

Every year he got worse he gave up searching, lost all of hope of being reunited with his little girl finally giving in and decided searching for his dead child was pointless but pepper had never given up she knew how much this meant to him even though he would rarely let anyone see covering his pain with sarcasm but pepper could see straight through his facade and she was getting closer sources had led her to Romania suspicions that HYDRA had taken the child there but know one knew for certain and that was what hurt Tony the most. Not knowing. Was she dead or alive was a question he needed answered it was mainly the reason he had convinced himself she was dead as much as it was selfish he didn't have it in him anymore to hold on to hope

Pepper turned and grabbed her purse "Jarvis lock the doors behind me and tell Tony I've gone to work when he awakes.. and tell him I love him" pepper said walking out the door hearing it click shut behind her as the doors locked

His Angel (Tony Starks Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now