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"Room for one more" mercy asked looking at Bucky "always" he replied holding her in his arms "what happened" he asked she sat down on the sofa "I told him how I felt" she replied "I'm starving, have you got any food" she added he walked to the cupboard chucking her a bag of crips and grabbing himself a pack sitting down a loud and fast knock was at the door mercy looked to Bucky who was walked to the door "hi Steve" he mumbled seeing his friend "she here" he asked barging past him stopping when he saw her

"Your dads pretty upset" he stated mercy shrugged her shoulders "god are you really that heartless" he yelled "hey, don't take that tone with her" Bucky warned "you told him you hated him with every bone in your body, and you wished you died in space" Steve shouted "because I do hate him" she screamed back standing up "and I'm aloud to hate him" she added Steve shook his head "he didn't come look for you fair enough your angry I've seen what happened to you I know it was hell but Tony doesn't not deserve the hate your giving him, this hate it's not you it's hydra, your being spiteful and nasty." He said her angry flared at the mention of hydra "it's not hydra, it's me, it's my pain my suffering the night mares, the agony that makes me hate Tony." She yelled shoving his chest with every word Bucky ran inbetween them "calm down" he said sternly she nodded taking a deep breath "he moved on, and so am I" she said calmly "he hasn't moved on your still his kid, he still loves you unconditionally" Steve argued mercy shook her head scoffing

"He's given you everything a home, he buys you whatever you want,, he saw the worst thing you did and forgave you, he loved you when you were cold dark and unlovable" he said sternly "unlovable huh" she repeated he nodded "we all thought the worst of you, you were trouble, murderous and evil and he still fought for you" he scoffed "please say how you really feel Steve" she sitting back down "what exactly do you want from this outburst" she asked "for you to go home and say sorry for saying you hate him and that you wished you died" he replied she laughed "I can't turn off what I feel Steve, and I wished I had died because I don't like hating him you know it breaks my heart but I can't stop it at least if I was dead I wouldn't have to face what happened to me" she said back trying to keep her voice calm "you'll heal, you'll get better but your dad will stay broken hearted" he said back softly she stood up chanting the cuts being revealed now black and purple "look at it Steve, it's not healing, it's killing me!" She screamed Bucky gasped as he finally saw "mercy" he whispered "how long have you got left" Steve asked she shrugged "a week or two" she replied "you weren't going to tell anyone were you" Bucky asked she shook her head "I wanted to die having spent one really good fun packed week with you" she said sadly covering them up again "every time I close my eyes I feel my lungs tighten and I'm drowning again and I'm screaming out for Tony, but he didn't even look for me, he got married had a new kid. Face it Steve I got replaced" she said softly "we're going to find a way to save you" Bucky said "I don't think I want to be saved" she whispered Bucky looked to Steve "let's go, find Thor" he said walking towards the door Steve nodded following after him mercy rolled her eyes she flew to the cabin the car was gone and she couldn't hear Morgan inside so she figured they were out she opened a portal into her room not wanting the alarm to go off once inside she packed a few clothes sitting on her bed looking up at her ceiling she sat up reaching for her guitar

She began softly strumming and singing too caught up to hear the door quietly creek open she opened her eyes to see Tony stood at the door his eyes were puffy and red where he had clearly been crying "I knew I heard your voice" he said quietly mercy quickly placed the guitar down "sorry I didn't think you were home I just came to get some stuff" she replied fiddling with her thumbs "that's okay" he said softly pulling the sleeves of his shirt over his hands mercy grabbed a bag quickly throwing clothes in there "Your really doing this huh" Tony asked she nodded "I guess so" she replied standing up "can I have a hug before you go" he asked she nodded stepping into his arms he held her tightly she could hear him quietly sobbing "I really do love you kid" he said softly "I have to tell you something" she whispered pulling back from the embrace he looked down at her "this is going to be the last time we see each other" she whispered he shook his head "don't say that I'm going to do what it takes to make this right" he replied placing his hand on her cheek she shook her head "I'm dying dad" she replied he cocked his head at her "I've got a week tops" she added his heart shattered into so many pieces "were you going to tell me" he asked she shook her head "no I wasn't, to be honest I figured you'd get over it after a few weeks" she replied he shook his head "I'm not sure at what point you think I stopped caring for you but I never did and loosing you or your sister is my biggest fear, I'd never get over it" he said back "I didn't know at what point either maybe it was when you left me in space for 5 years" she snapped before sighing falling back against the bed "merc" Tony said quickly running to catch her "there has to be a way to save you" he asked she shook her head "I've come to terms with dying im ready" she whispered "knowing we're not okay, knowing you hate me" he asked she nodded "Bridge building was the last thing on my mind I was just going to spend the week with Bucky loving every minute but Steve kinda fucked that up" she replied "Steve" he repeated "he came round to tell me what a horrible and spiteful daughter I was" she told him he frowned lightly "your not horrible or spiteful I understand why you hate me I really do now I've seen what happened to you, I don't blame you for not wanting to see me, but it's not easy knowing my little girl can't even look at me but I won't force you to stay if you want to go I'm not going to stop you" he said she stood up they heard Morgan run in the house "I guess that's my cue" mercy mumbled "look I said I wouldn't force you to stay but I'm asking you too, even for a little while" he asked she paused thinking "I guess, I want to say goodbye to Eli" she mumbled they walked through the house to the garden past pepper and Morgan to the fence shouting for Eli he galloped over she smiled widely "hey boy, you miss me" she asked stroking his mane Tony stood behind her watching her say goodbye "when was the last time he was ridden" she asked "he wouldn't let anyone else ride him" Tony answered she jumped over the fences mounting on to him running him around the yard before climbing off she wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you boy" she sniffled crying lightly she looked to Morgan who looked sad she crouched down "you look after him for me" she asked Morgan nodded "I will" she whispered

Bucky and Steve had gotten a hold of Thor who was meeting them "hello" he smiled unaware of what was happening Bucky slammed him against the wall "mercy's dying your little trap on what ever hellish planet you sent her to is killing her" he barked angrily Thor frowned "It's not the trap she took tonys pain, on top of the powerful magic she would have harnessed to break free" he said sadly "will she survive" Steve asked "she should already be dead, the only reason she isn't is because she so powerful" he replied placing his hands on buckys shoulder Bucky shook him off "why didn't she say anything" he asked his voice cracking "she's the kind of girl who would bite her tongue suffer in silence and swallow the blood and never let anyone else know she was in pain, even if the pain was killing her" Steve replied unsure of how to comfort his friend "I'm sorry Bucky" he added

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