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The avengers all stood talking Mercy however wasn't there "is she going to be trouble" Fury asked Tony shook his head "we all saw her stab that sword through his chest like his life meant nothing like it was natural" Steve said Natasha stepped forward the young girl reminded her of herself when she first met Clint

"Because it is natural for her, she was raised by hydra programmed to kill you heard what he said she had people begging for mercy but people change I did and it was because I had all of you by my side fighting for me.. we don't give up on people" she said everyone nodded in agreement "he said it himself she's already changing" nat added tony smiled at her in appreciation

"We should offer her a spot on the avengers" Thor said cheerily "her powers definitely would be helpful" Steve said Clint nodded "I don't think she'll join" Natasha said "why" Bruce asked scratching his head Clint answered "she's looking for someone, and by the look of it she won't rest until she does" he explained  "let's just hope she can change" Steve said leaving the room

Tony walked out in search of his daughter he couldn't find her he walked into a room with Steve and Clint "have you seen Hope" he asked they shook there heads "I'll help you search" Steve said kindly he walked through the building he finally found her admiring his motor cycle in the garage he messaged Tony

"She's a beauty isn't she" Steve said "is she yours" Mercy asked "yes can you ride" Steve responded "When I was at hydra they allowed me to have one present I chose  a 1973 Harley Davidson custom bike" she told him "wow that's a nice bike" he said he noticed the girl frown "Tony said he'd try and get it back it kind of had emotional value" she said looking down at the floor she started to walk away

"Wanna ride" Steve called out she stopped and looked at him he threw her the keys she smiled at him jumping on and driving off into the distance as Steve waved her off

Tony walked through "where is she" Tony asked Steve smiled "she'll be back in a second" Steve said and sure enough she drive back into the garage doing a donut spin she climbed off "very responsible Steve... where's your helmet" Tony scolded his fatherly instincts kicking in "have you found my bike yet" Mercy asked wanting her bike more than ever

"I can just buy you a new one" Tony said "no I want that one it's custom and important to me" Mercy said sternly Tony sighed "I'll have Jarvis scan the city" he said walking out

"So who are you looking for" Steve asked the girl she froze "it's okay you can trust me hope" Steve said "mercy is fine" she corrected him Hope wasn't her name yet "I don't know his name only the Alis he goes by" Mercy said sitting down on a bench the words 'ask them' playing on her mind "which is" Steve asked

"The winter solider" she said quietly Steve eyes widened "Bucky" he whispered "we have him here.. I knew him years ago he was my best friend but now he different you speak to him and he does respond other than the odd hail hydra" Steve said Mercy jumped up "I'll get through to him" she said quickly "I'll have to pass it through with fury" Steve told her she rolled her eyes "fuck fury, where is he" she asked Steve sighed giving in

"Follow me" he said

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