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she walked through the halls with Steve and they walked straight into Tony "where are you going" he asked them "too see Bucky" Steve told him Mercy glared at Steve who shrugged "I'm a bad liar" he mumbled "wait for me to answer I'm a great liar" She said proudly "I don't think that's something to be proud of" he muttered "shut up old man" She teased watching a smile tug at his lips Tony interrupted there moment

"No your not" he said sternly "try and stop me I dare you" mercy challenged Tony sighed in frustration "it's dangerous" he said softly She rolled her eyes "well I am touched by your concern" She said sarcastically "Steve lead the way" she half ordered they continued through the halls and down the elevator there were cells they walked through to the end one when She finally saw him sat there looking at the wall "winter" I said softly he turned his head to look at her "mercy" he responded in confusion

"Let me in" She said to Tony who shook his head She held out her hand and passed an electricity surge through the electric lock the door buzzed open She walked in "winter" She said softly he walked over to her "Your dead" he shouted "they told me you were dead" he shouted again bashing his head against his hand "get out of my head" he screamed She raised her hand to rest on his cheek "what have they done to you" She said softly examining the broken look on his face he slammed her against the wall

"Your not here, your not here" he repeated he wrapped his hands around mercys throat Tony and Steve went to come pull him off her but she slammed the door shut locking it with magic She was going slightly faint her skin slightly blue She started speaking in Romanian "kill or be killed" She said there motto when on missions together

He dropped her and She fell to the floor mercy stood back up now crying "open this door" Tony shouted She could faintly hear him trying to get Jarvis to open the door "get out" bucky shouted at her "please winter it's me I'm not dead you have to believe me I need you" She said "your dead, I saw your body" he cried "stop haunting me" he shouted She finally gave up walking out not saying a word "you alright kid" Tony asked quickly feeling concern for his daughter as he saw bruises on her neck she didn't say anything but just stood frozen before walking away

Steve ran over "I couldn't get through to him" She said sadly wiping her tears "but you did that was the first emotion he's shown" Steve said "he's thinks I'm dead" She said angrily "I need Loki" She said going off in search of Thor

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