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"Mr stark there are missiles incoming and the defence systems have been taken out" Jarvis spoke mercy jumped out from the sofa running to the window "crap" she shouted closing her eyes chanting furiously a barrier forming "mercy it's not worth it get in one of my suits and go" he shouted she shook her head not interrupting her chant the missiles hit the barrier exploding the house remained untouched Mercy closed her eyes as the bright lights erupted from the explosions and when she opened them there were around two hundred hydra agents stood outside the house with many guns and even a rocket launcher "go" Tony shouted to her she shook her head "I don't run" she shouted back closing her eyes and he swords appeared beside her she ran out of the house turning back to the door

"I'm sorry, I love you" she said softly chanting once again as a barrier surrounded the house preventing him leaving "no, hope" he screamed after her as she walked towards the army of hydra agents "mercy, it's good to see you" professor Lincoln shouted towards her "what do you want" she shouted back as she walked fearlessly towards them a smile on her face

"We want you mercy, hydras princess our greatest achievement you child are our best asset" he said back "you can't have me I'd rather die than be your slave"she shouted grabbing the guy beside her slicing her sword through his chest reaching for another "it's nice to see you haven't gone completely soft you still have the Same anger you did when you were loyal to me, it's good that anger made you strong" he said back she chanted and a bunch of soliders slammed to the floor one ran beside her slamming his fist into her cheek she reacted by slicing across his neck

Tony pounded on the barrier but it wouldn't budge "call captain" Tony shouted watching as his daughter brutally killed but he knew there was too many "I'll kill you" mercy spat walking towards Lincoln he shook his head "no you won't" he replied watching as a needle was stabbed into her neck she fell instantly to the floor "when you awake you'll be completely loyal to me" he smiled pushing the hair from her face the moment she fell unconscious her barrier fell and Tony flew in his suit over to his daughter "hope" he shouted running over to her she sat up looking at him his helmet not on "who the hell is Hope" she asked eyebrows furrowed "do you know who I am" Tony asked she shook her head looking to Lincoln "come sweetheart" he said softly holding out his hand she placed her hand in his as the avengers arrived "kill them, don't hold back" he said to her she nodded holstering her swords making a fire ball in her hands "mercy" Steve shouted confused as she held the flame in her hands "she doesn't remember us" Tony shouted "then we restrain her" steve shouted back throwing the shield at her which she quickly dodged slamming the fire ball at him she ran at clint slamming her fist into his cheek before kicking him back she walked towards Tony slamming him back with air before turning to Thor slamming him several times with a purple energy he lifted his hammer "Thor no" Steve shouted but it was to late the lightening boost slammed into her chest she went flying back hitting one of the vans the agents had come in "is she ok" Nat asked running towards her when she floated up off the ground her eyes glowing she screamed out and fire was released from every inch of her body

Tony pounded on the barrier but it wouldn't budge "call captain" Tony shouted watching as his daughter brutally killed but he knew there was too many "I'll kill you" mercy spat walking towards Lincoln he shook his head "no you won't" he replied wa...

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"She's  to powerful I mean look at her she's practically a god" Thor shouted Steve ran towards her and she slammed him to the floor cracking his ribs before turning to Nat punching her blood splattering from her nose clint shot an arrow towards her it pierced through her shoulder she cursed and threw it back at him twisting her wrist an his leg snapped "mercy" Tony shouted she turned to face him as he abandoned his suit "stark what are you doing" banner shouted

"This isn't you Mercy it's them I know your better than this you just have to remember me remember who I am" he added she paused staring at him "who are you" she asked "your father, your my daughter. my angel" he responded she stumbled back as memories filled her head gasping "tony" she mumbled she began to fall to the floor but Tony ran catching her in his arms "hope" he asked "it's me" she whispered before passing out in his arms

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