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The drive home was silent Tony seemed quieter and mercy was really trying to read his emotions but she wasn't good at reading people and understanding how people felt "are you angry at me" she finally asked unable to bear the tension any longer "no" Tony mumbled keeping his eyes fixated on the road "because if you are you have to tell me I can't always read and understand you" she added he nodded "you don't read any body mercy" he said under his breath

"So your angry" she asked again slightly confused he let out a loud sigh "I'm not angry I just forget that your not my little girl your a trained assassin who was raised by hydra not my daughter" he said she frowned slightly at his words "not your daughter" she repeated "wait I didn't mean it like that" he said quickly the car pulled to a stop outside the house "say how you really feel huh tony" she snapped slamming he car door storming to her room in anger

She emerged again an hour later walking silently through the house grabbing a carrot and heading outside to Eli feeding him the carrot when she saw peter walking down the long pointless drive way "hey" he smiled she nodded at him and he stood beside her "you look either mad or sad I haven't figured it out yet"  Peter pointed out she furrowed her brows "mad" she mumbled turning and sitting against the fence post facing away from the house "want to talk about it" Peter asked she shrugged "I just don't fit in around here, and I'm trying I really am to be more like you guys paying attention to how people might be feeling making conversation and she over all trying so hard to fit in but it's still not enough I'm still not perfect" she found her self telling him "no one wants you to be perfect" Peter tried to comfort "Tony does he want me to be this sweet little angel but I'm not that person I'm trying to be but I'm lying to myself Im trying to be Hope stark for Tony I really am" she responded fiddling with her thumbs

"I can see how much you've changed I really can I mean first day I met you, you barley said I word to me and now we're having a conversation and I know mr stark sees it too and it must have been hard loosing you" peter responded she nodded not saying anything else clearly not talking anymore "come on come inside with me" peter said standing up she frowned he held out his hand she sighed and let him pull her up "your not so bad Parker" she half smiled "so you don't want to kill me" he joked "not as much as I did" she joked back "hey kids" Tony smiled looking to his daughter to see if she was still mad about his comment "im going to the gym" mercy mumbled walking away clearly still very mad "bye peter" she added smiling softly he waved awkwardly at her

She had to admit peter was growing on her she didn't like talking not really and peter would do all the talking for the both of them and she would just sit and listen to his random little stories. Tony on the other hand had so many questions and mercy could understand he had been away from her for so long and wanted to know who she was underneath the cold exterior but mercy herself didn't know but today when Bucky unlocked the memory. She had forced her self to forget she felt something she didn't know she could. Regret . She had done so many awful and terrible things she didn't deserve Tony or friends the only person who could understand her was Bucky Barnes

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