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Peter arrived and Tony let him in calling mercy through to the kitchen "hello again peter Parker" mercy fake smiled being nice like Tony had told her to be she glared in his direction for a second he laughed lightly and sat down "hi" peter mumbled slightly intimidated by the girls beauty she was easily the most beautiful girl he had seen in his life "don't annoy her" Tony warned peter who nodded his head "got it mr stark" he mumbled "so mercy how was your day" peter asked trying to make conversation she did what she had done with Tony and pepper in the beginning and shut down the conversation quickly "fine" she mumbled walking away getting a drink

"Mercy" she heard Tony groan from the other side of the kitchen she rolled her eyes put on a fake smile and turned round to face the boy "How was your day peter" she asked a level of sarcasm noticeable in her voice "good yeah" he answered "I'm going to feed Eli" mercy said grabbing a couple of carrots "why don't you take peter he loves horses, right peter" Tony said increasing his glare at peter so he would get the idea and go along with it "yeah absolutely love them" peter lied mercy rolled her eyes grabbing an apple

"Hey kid what did I say about taking food out of the fridge for the horse" Tony said mercy rolled her eyes for the 100th time today "it's not like you can't afford to replace it tony" she sassed walking away peter following behind her "want me to carry anything" peter offered holding out his hands she glared at him and he quickly retraced his hands "that's a no then" he mumbled placing his hands in his pocket he watched carefully as she softened around the horse feeding him apple and carrots she also quickly cleared out the stables and laid down fresh hay whilst peter stood watching from afar trying to think of a way to strike up a conversation "can I stroke him" peter finally asked "He's shy, he doesn't like people too much" mercy told him whilst stroking the horses mane peter sighed this was hopeless the girl clearly hated him mercy noticed how the boy seemed to become frustrated "but you can give it a try" she added peter smiled very slightly and slowly walked over now standing beside mercy and next to the horse mercy shifted slightly so she was directly in front of the horse she nodded at peter who gently placed his hand on the horse

Eli bucked slightly and began to neigh loudly mercy stroked his mane comfortingly "it's okay boy, he's a friend" she said softly the horse settled slightly peter stroked again smiling the horse turned its head to look at him and peter decided to be brave and placed his hand on Eli's nose Eli stayed perfectly still and calm "good boy" mercy said chucking peter an apple which he caught skilfully she nodded at him he held it out to the horse who gently took it from him "let's go inside" mercy said walking away her structure hardening and she went back to her cold self they walked in the house

"Just in time" Tony said placing down dinner peter sat down earning him a weird look from mercy "wash your hands" she said "oh right" he mumbled following behind her realising he probably had horse sliver on his hands from feeding the horse once they had both washed there hands they began eating "did you guys have fun" tony asked mercy of course rolled her eyes again "bundles were practically bestfriends" she teased Tony sighed but also let a smile spread on his face as he tried not to laugh at his sarcastic daughter

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