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Mercy awoke on the sofa next to Bucky the bowl of popcorn that was on her lap had been placed on the table and a blanket had been thrown over her and Bucky she assumed Sam had found them fallen asleep whilst watching some Crappy film mercy dialled tonys number "hey dad can you come get me" she asked "be there in 20" he responded she knew she could fly home but she figured she'd let him think she needed him plus it would give her time to figure out a suitable lie for her out burst last night she said good bye to Sam and Bucky running to tonys car "hey kiddo" he said she smiled "hey" she responded "what was last night about" he asked she shrugged "just wanted to hang with Bucky" she replied casually "and what about you leaving Steve's upset" he asked Steve had clearly not told Tony "he was just giving me one of his righteous speeches and I wasn't in the mood you know how I can get" she replied he nodded and seemed satisfied with her lie she breathed quietly in relief they pulled up at the house and mercy walked in saying hello to pepper "hello" Morgan smiled up at her "hey" mercy mumbled back walking away she never did like children "were heading on a walk coming" Tony asked "Er no I think I'm just going to shower" she replied quickly slipping away to the safety of her roomvWatching as the three walked away she sighed grabbing her guitar she never used strumming a few chords moving to sit crossed legged on her bed

"It's so quiet here and I feel so cold This house no longer Feels like home"  she sung softly mercy couldn't remember any of the other lyrics to that song but then again she didn't care about the other lyrics it was that one verse that made her heart ache she placed down the guitar laying back in her bed in her new room she looked up to the blank ceiling the more she stared at it the more depressing it became she reached for her paint standing on her bed blasting her music and began to paint singing loudly she didn't hear Tony Pepper and Morgan return home as she painted her flowers

She smiled at her handy work "looks good" Tony said from the door leaning against the frame she turned to face him "hope you dont mind" she mumbled she shook his head "it's fine" he said Morgan ran up beside Tony "wow" she mumbled "daddy I want to...

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She smiled at her handy work "looks good" Tony said from the door leaning against the frame she turned to face him "hope you dont mind" she mumbled she shook his head "it's fine" he said Morgan ran up beside Tony "wow" she mumbled "daddy I want to paint my room" she exclaimed "not happening, mercy's a lot older than you which is why she's aloud" he responded walking away with Morgan mercy continued painting until she was happy her ceiling was complete she walked through to the kitchen paint covered her, hair messily thrown up on her head "there's Picasso" Tony joked as it was the first time she had left her room all day she grabbed a glass of water ignoring him walking back towards her bedroom "want to play" Morgan asked she shook her head "im busy" was the response she faced shutting her bedroom door he sighed loudly following after her "would it hurt you to play with her for a little while" Tony asked mercy sat up looking at him "she's your daughter why don't you play with her" mercy snapped using magic to push him out the door and lock it shut dinner time came around but mercy insisted to Tony she wasn't hungry and stayed in her room she heard her phone ringing seeing Steve's name she declined quickly he continued to ring her repeatedly until she answered

"What" she asked he smiled at her through his phone admittedly proud of himself for figuring out FaceTime "Come round" he asked she sighed "be there in a sec" she mumbled opening a portal jumping through "what do you want Steve" she asked in frustration "I'm sorry" he said softly she nodded her arms folded "I didn't mean to upset you, and I still think Tony has a right to know but I should have said what I said" he added she smiled lightly "it's fine" she mumbled "how are they" he asked she chanted showing they were still very bad in fact they looked worst and were blackening "shit mercy" Steve mumbled she shrugged covering them again "your dad called me" he added she furrowed her brows "why" she asked "he's worried about you, he says you barley eat, leave your room or talk to him" Steve said she shrugged her shoulders

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